Chapter 45 Another Game

"Jingle Bell!"

Just when Xu Yang and Yang Xueqi fell silent, Yang Xueqi's cell phone rang.

Yang Xueqi picked up the phone, walked to the side, and only said a few words when she heard her screaming.




"Okay, I'll be right back."

Hearing Yang Xueqi's voice, Xu Yang felt that something bad happened.

Sure enough, after Yang Xueqi hung up the phone, she looked at Xu Yang with a gloomy and dignified expression, and said, "Lin Tao is dead."

Hearing this, Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

Lin Tao was also a student in the third and fourth class of the 15th year of high school. In the list that Yang Xueqi sent her earlier, it had been confirmed that he was still alive, but only a few hours later, he actually died.

"Your guess is correct, that guy is indeed looking for prey with the help of the police."

"This is just the beginning." Xu Yang said quietly.

Yang Xueqi nodded, and then said, "I'll go first. You should not interfere in this case. If you have any other findings, please contact me as soon as possible."

After speaking, Yang Xueqi took the notebook and photos and turned to leave.

However, when she walked to the door, Yang Xueqi stopped, turned her head, looked at Xu Yang and said, "Xiao Yang, don't play that kind of games in the bathroom if you have nothing to do in the future, there are some things you don't understand."



Hearing Yang Xueqi's words, Xu Yang looked confused, but before he could ask further questions, Yang Xueqi's cell phone rang again, and she walked away with it.

Standing in the living room, looking towards the door, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

Yang Xueqi's words made Xu Yang vigilant. He felt that Yang Xueqi had something to say, but Xu Yang had no way of knowing what Yang Xueqi meant.

Fang Qian was taken away by the police, and 4046 was also blocked. Xu Yang naturally couldn't get in. Remembering that he hadn't had lunch yet, Xu Yang decided to go out to eat something.


Although Liming Community is very old, there are many shops around.

Xu Yang walked out of the community and walked into a noodle restaurant.

"Boss, a bowl of beef noodles, a bottle of soda, no coriander, no chopped green onion."


While waiting for the noodles to arrive, Xu Yang took out his mobile phone, ready to read the news.


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At this moment, Nie Zi suddenly sent a message.

Niezi: Without chopped green onion and coriander, the noodles have no soul.


Seeing this news, Xu Yang's pupils shrank suddenly, he raised his head abruptly, and looked around.

It's already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's already past dinner time. There are no people in the noodle shop, only Xu Yang is one diners.

At this moment, the boss is under the kitchen, and the lady boss is sitting at the table and brushing a short video. The volume is not low, and Xu Yang can clearly hear the sound in the video.

Nothing unusual was found in the noodle restaurant, Xu Yang turned his head again and looked out the door.

Today is a cloudy day, the weather is sultry, and it seems to be raining again. There are no people on the street. People pass by occasionally, and they are also in a hurry. Xu Yang looked around for a week and found no suspicious people.


At this moment, the cell phone rang again, and Niezi sent another message.

Niezi: Are you looking for me?

Ghost: What do you want to do?

Niezi: Let's play a little game.

Ghost: What game?

Niezi: A game for you to find me.

Before Xu Yang asked how to play, the other party sent a new message.

Niezi: Now get up and leave the noodle shop.

Guidi looked at the screen and did not act immediately, but asked: Why should I play?

Niezi: Don't you want to find me?

Xu Yang was silent, of course he wanted to find the evil son, but his intuition told him that the evil son appeared on his own initiative, he must not have a good intention, this game is definitely not that simple.

But after a moment of silence, Xu Yang stood up and walked out of the noodle shop. Before leaving, Xu Yang put twenty dollars on the table.

After walking out of the noodle shop, Xu Yang sent a message: I came out.

Niezi: Go 500 meters to the right, there is a trash can.

Xu Yang turned his head and looked to his right. Sure enough, he saw a trash can. There were many garbage bags next to the trash can.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Yang walked over.

Niezi: There is a blue garbage bag inside, open it.

Xu Yang frowned as he looked at the smelly trash can.

I don't know if it's because the sanitation workers were lazy or because the other party didn't go to work. The trash can has not been cleaned for two days. The surrounding garbage is piled up like a mountain, the sewage is flowing, and the flies are all over the sky, but Xu Yang is still there.

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In the pile of garbage, I saw a blue garbage bag.

This time, Xu Yang didn't hesitate, and began to scrape the garbage, pulling out the blue garbage bag.

The garbage bag is not big, but there are a lot of things. The bag mouth is knotted, and it is difficult to see what is inside. Xu Yang is carrying the garbage bag and feels that the things are not heavy. There is a ticking sound inside, which makes Xu Yang change. Gotta get nervous.

At this time, some people passed by and saw Xu Yang who was rummaging through the trash can, with a surprised expression on his face, they covered their noses and avoided Xu Yang.

It is estimated that these people are thinking, why should a young guy pick up garbage if he doesn't do the right thing.

Xu Yang ignored these pedestrians, put the garbage bag on the ground, and carefully opened the garbage bag.

According to the routine in the movie and TV series, a bag like this placed near the trash can must be hiding something dangerous, such as bombs.

But this is life, not a movie. After opening the garbage bag, there is no bomb, but an alarm clock, which is still turning and making a tick tick.


Looking at the alarm clock in the garbage bag, Xu Yang was stunned.

Just when Xu Yang was stunned, Nie Zi sent a message again.

Niezi: It's 2:50 now. You have ten minutes to deliver the courier in the bag to Room 409 of Fuyuan Hotel. You can choose not to go. If you choose, you will lose the chance to find me. Here's your chance, remember, you only have ten minutes.

Seeing this news, Xu Yang subconsciously looked at the garbage bag. There was indeed a courier at the bottom of the bag.

This should be a document courier. Xu Yang picked it up and felt that it had no weight. The document bag was completely sealed, but there was no information.

At this time, Xu Yang hesitated to open the file bag to see what was inside.

However, just as Xu Yang was about to open the courier, the phone rang again.

Niezi: Are you curious about what's in the courier? Maybe you can open it, but once the file is opened, the game ends prematurely.

Holding the courier in one hand and the mobile phone in the other, Xu Yang raised his head and looked around. He didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't feel any prying eyes. This made Xu Yang very uneasy. This guy seemed to be right next to him. Staring at himself, Xu Yang just found where he was, as if he didn't exist.

Looking back, Xu Yang looked at the courier in his hand, thinking of Niezi's reminder, he finally did not choose to open it.