Chapter 48: The case of disappearance ten years ago

Spring Garden District is located in the city center, near the eastern suburbs, unlike the old neighborhoods like Dawn District, Spring Garden District is a neighborhood built in recent years, whether it is property, security, greenery, or living environment, it is not comparable to Dawn District.

Of course, the price of housing here is also more expensive than the Dawn District.

Xu Yang did not take long to get out of the Fuyuan Hotel, and when he was about to take a cab, Wang Peng drove the police car and stopped beside Xu Yang.

Liu Tianye, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Xu Yang and said, "Get in."

Xu Yang also did not hesitate and directly got into the police car.

"Where to?"

"Spring Garden District."

Wang Peng also no nonsense, a foot of throttle, the police car rushed away from the scene.

Liu Tianye turned his head and looked at Xu Yang sitting in the back row, full of helplessness.

"Xiao Yang, this big weekend, you do not stay at home, come out to do what? Can't you let me save my breath?"

Liu Tianye is already more than forty years old, because its precinct is in the area of Dawn District, two people naturally inevitably deal with each other.

The two are actually very familiar, Liu Tianye's son is now in his second year of high school, from junior high school, Xu Yang is its tutor, plus Xu Yang previously assisted the police to solve the case, in addition to three years ago Xu Yang second uncle disappearance of things, Xu Yang is three days to run to the police station, want not familiar with it is difficult.

This is not, just get in the car, Liu Tianye like an old father nagging up.

But Xu Yang's heart at this time, completely not in this, he has been thinking about why the son of sin to do so.

Before, Xu Yang felt that the sinner was the mastermind of the case, and even more so the murderer, but based on everything that happened now, Xu Yang began to waver on this guess.

Especially when he entered room 409, there was actually a person in the room besides the dead.

Xu Yang was a very cautious person, and his perception of danger was much sharper than the average person, but there was someone in the room, and he actually didn't notice it, which was very strange.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, why don't you kid talk again?" Liu Tianye stretched out his hand and slapped Xu Yang, and said in a good-natured manner.

Wang Peng, the police officer in charge of driving, saw this scene, could not help but turn his head, looked at the chief, and then looked at Xu Yang from the rear-view mirror, thinking that this kid what comes, always strict chief, how to become like an old father.

Xu Yang came back to his senses, looked at Liu Tianye, suddenly thought of something and asked: "Uncle Liu, ten years ago Wan'er disappearance case, you should be handling it?"

Liu Tianyi smiled, froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, why?"

"Can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

"What are you asking this for?"

Xu Yang did not say anything, just quietly looked at Liu Tian Ye.

Seeing Xu Yang like this, Liu Tian Ye sighed helplessly and slowly said, "Speaking of the disappearance case ten years ago, I am also very confused."



Xu Yang froze for a moment and subconsciously asked, "There is something fishy about the case?"

Liu Tianye shook his head and said, "There's nothing fishy about it, it just feels weird."

Speaking of this, and did not wait for Xu Yang asked what, Liu Tianyang directly said.

Ten years ago, Liu Tianye was still a police officer, but, at that time, he was already an old police officer.

The work of the civilian police is tedious, the main thing on a regular basis is to solve neighborhood disputes, occasionally need to cooperate with the criminal police to handle cases, maintain law and order or something. One day in March, they suddenly received an alarm call that someone was missing, suspected of being killed.

After receiving this alarm call, Liu Tianye and they immediately went to the police, first to Yangcheng University to understand the situation.

Learned that Fang Wan'er from the new semester after the first month of school, never went to school, because it is the fourth year, students are about to graduate, most students are busy with resumes, writing papers, looking for work, no one cares about Fang Wan'er, finally or Fang Wan'er dormitory roommate, told the teacher, Fang Wan'er has not come to school for more than a month, which attracted attention, and then choose to call the police.

But the school knows little about the situation, Fang Wan'er quiet personality, not much initiative to communicate with people, and do not participate in any activities, although good-looking people, but still did not attract too much attention.

The police did not get too many clues on the school side, the first time to contact his family.

But according to his family, Fang Wan'er did not go home, but also for a long time did not contact them, the last contact, Fang Wan'er said she was about to graduate, is busy looking for work, his parents also know that after the graduation of the University Shi, looking for work is very difficult, and did not bother Fang Wan'er.

The school did not, the home did not, the police and according to its classmates and roommates to provide clues, to Fang Wan'er previous internship company asked, but also did not find her.

Later, or in a roommate's unintentional reminder, the police learned that Fang Wan'er also rented a house in the Dawn District.

So, they came back to the Dawn neighborhood to look for her, but the final result was still nothing.

In many consecutive days, after searching many places, are looking for fruitless, the police also gradually relaxed the search efforts, after all, the police also have a lot of work, can not be for a person too much energy.

Before the urgent search, because the police said Fang Wan'er may have been killed, but from the results of the investigation, Fang Wan'er was not killed, she simply disappeared.

But when the police relaxed their search efforts, Fang Waner's hometown police came to the news, Fang Waner back home.

People found, the police are also relieved, the case is also so closed.

After listening to Liu Tianye's account, Xu Yang asked: "Fang Wan'er missing this time, where did she go? What did she do? Why did she go missing?"

"This is also where I feel puzzled."

"At first, after Fang Wan'er appeared, we police also asked her about the situation, she said she went to the coastal looking for work, because of financial constraints, and embarrassed to talk to the family, so did not contact the family."

"This thing is true?" Xu Yang asked.

Liu Tianyi shook his head: "When we were investigating, we didn't find her leaving Yangcheng at all, and we didn't believe her story."

"Then why not investigate deeper?"

Only, only after asking Xu Yang reacted.

Sure enough, Liu Tianye bitter smile: "people found, and is intact, for why she disappeared, after the disappearance and where to go, she does not want to say, we will not look deeper, after all, people are fine."

Speaking of which, Liu Tianye continued, "However, in addition to police duties, I also asked her specifically, but she still said that, I admonished her a few words, and not to ask more."

"Fang Wan'er back, there is any difference?"

Liu Tianye thought about it and said, "We are not familiar with her, did not find anything different, but now that I think about it, there is something special."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"When we were looking for Fang Wan'er, there was also a person who was also looking for her, and was very hard working."

Hearing this, Xu Yang's eyes lit up.

"Who? A male and a female? What's his name? What do you do?"

Liu Tianyang turned his head and gave Xu Yang a deep look.

Seeing this, Xu Yang touched his nose somewhat awkwardly, however, Liu Tianyang did not blame Xu Yang, but said, "What exactly is called, I forget, I only remember his surname Wang, seems to be a courier."


At these words, Xu Yang sat up straight, looked Liu Tian Ye in the eyes, and asked, "Is his name Wang Kai?"

"Seems to be called this name, but no, I'm not sure, after all, this incident has passed ten years." Liu Tianye but some helplessly said.

"He is Fang Wan'er who?"

"According to his own words, he is Fang Wan'er's classmate, but a high school classmate, because he did not go to college, he came out to work early."

"Could it really be him?" Xu Yang murmured with a low frown.

At this time, Liu Tianye thought of something and suddenly said, "Oh, yes, talking about this courier, I remembered another thing."

"What is it?"

"When Fang Wan'er was found, the courier was the first to go to Fang Wan'er, but for some reason, the two of them had a big fight and said that Fang Wan'er was not Fang Wan'er."

"Then what?" Xu Yang asked in a hurry.

Liu Tianye shook his head and said, "We weren't there when this happened, and we only heard people mention it, so we didn't care much."


Xu Yang did not continue to ask, but fell into contemplation.

After this conversation with Liu Tianye, Xu Yang had a certain guess in his mind, as to whether it was, Xu Yang still needed to be sure.

So, Xu Yang dialed Yang Xueqi's cell phone.

"Has the identity of the male deceased in the western suburbs murder case been determined?" After the call was answered, Xu Yang asked directly.

"It's confirmed."

"The last deceased is not Wang Le right?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Xu Yang didn't answer the question, but said, "It's true."


"You go check Fang Wan'er's classmates before she had senior class 4, and see if there is a person named Wang Kai in there."

"What did you find out?" Yang Xueqi asked on the other end of the phone.

Xu Yang held the phone, looked out the window, squinted his eyes and said, "There are indeed some discoveries, but they still need to be verified."

Hearing Xu Yang say this, Fang Wan'er on the other end of the phone, after a few seconds of silence, said, "Good."

Xu Yang did not say anything more and hung up the phone directly.

Liu Tianye was looking at Xu Yang at this moment, and when he saw Xu Yang hang up the phone, he asked; "What did you find out?"

"I found that guy."

Xu Yang said a sentence without a head, Liu Tianye is directly frozen.

"That guy? Which guy?"

Xu Yang did not answer this question, but asked, "How much longer to the Spring Garden District?"

"Right away." Wang Peng said.

Xu Yang nodded and looked out the window, not talking. Liu Tianye looked at Xu Yang, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.