Chapter 49 Confrontation, Deal

Riding in the police car, Xu Yang and his group of three soon arrived at the Spring Garden district and entered inside the district without any problems.

From the police car, Xu Yang raised his head, looked at the cell, in a certain room of the cell, saw a figure, Xu Yang and its eyes, then the figure disappeared, while Xu Yang lowered his head and walked straight towards the third unit.

Time: 15:50

The matter was about a murder case in the western suburbs, but when Xu Yang and the others came to the Spring Garden district, the property had already been notified, and Xu Yang and the others got the key to room 401 very smoothly.

Take the elevator, came to the fourth floor, standing at the door of 401, Xu Yang did not rush to open the door, but took out his cell phone, found the sins, and began to send messages.

Ghosts:I know who you are.

Sins: Faster than I expected, I thought it would take a few more rounds of games before you could guess who I am.

Ghosts:In that case, shouldn't you come out now?

Sinner: You just know who I am, and you haven't found me.

Ghosts:Playing games?

Sins: That's not so much, now I have other things to do, I can't meet with you for the time being, but, to make up for my apologies, I've prepared a big gift for you, I hope you like it, hehehe!

After these words were sent, Sinzi fell silent again, and Xu Yang didn't send any more messages, but clicked on the phone book.

Putting away his phone, Xu Yang walked to the door of 401, raised his hand, and knocked on the door.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Liu Tian Ye and the others saw this and froze for a moment, not understanding why Xu Yang was doing this.

"Li Yang, I know you're in there, come out."

However, there was no movement in the room, as if there was no one inside at all.

Xu Yang, however, continued to knock on the door, and while knocking, he said, "You have already killed so many people, you have made enough mistakes, don't continue to be wrong."

When these words came out, the few people standing behind Xu Yang were shocked and looked at Xu Yang.

The murderer was found?

Liu Tianye is worthy of being a veteran police officer, after he heard these words, he first backed up, walked to the side, took out his cell phone and dialed the phone to request support.

At the same time, there was finally a response in the room.

"I'm not wrong, they all deserve to die!"

A low and hoarse voice rang out from within the room.

"You like Fang Wan'er, right?" Xu Yang stopped knocking on the door and asked instead.

The other party was silent.

"It looks like you like it, and right, if you didn't like it, how could you kill so many people for her."

"So what if I like it? Is it wrong to like someone?"

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "It's right to like someone, but it's wrong to kill someone."

"They all deserve to die, they killed her, they hurt her, they deserve to die, they deserve to die, they deserve to die, they deserve to die!!!"

The people in the room became more and more agitated as they spoke, and at the same time, another man's subtle moaning-moans and cries for help could be heard, obviously, there was more than one person in the room.

Xu Yang, who heard this subtle sound, immediately sighed in relief.

"What if I tell you that Fang Wan'er is not dead."


Just as Xu Yang's words fell, the door of 401's room was suddenly opened from the inside, and a man of thin build stood at the door, whose left hand held a sharp knife, and his right hand curbed a man's neck, and at the moment, the tip of the knife was resting on the man's carotid artery.

The man holding the knife is no other than Li Yang, while the man whose neck he is holding is his former classmate Wang Qiang.

Along with the opening of the door, Xu Yang also got a good look at Li Yang's face.

Height of about one meter seventy-five, thin body, dark skin, triangular eyes, garlic nose, face pits, and several deep or shallow scars, look like a good person, and at the moment, he is wearing the maintenance worker's work clothes, I think he is with this identity to enter the community smoothly.

At this moment, Li Yang's eyes were red and he was staring at Xu Yang with a deadly stare.

"Impossible, Fang Wan'er is dead." Li Yang roared at Xu Yang.

"How do you know she's dead? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Xu Yang was undaunted, standing still and staring at Li Yang.

Li Yang froze, then said, "Although I did not see it with my own eyes, I know that she is dead."

"Who told you she was dead? Fang Qian? Or Wang Le? Or the sinful son?"

Li Yang did not say anything, but when he heard the name Sinner, his pupils subconsciously contracted, and Xu Yang also got the answer.

Seeing Li Yang did not speak, Xu Yang dropped his gaze on Wang Qiang.

At this moment, he is bruised and swollen, bloodied, his whole face was beaten into a pig's head, and he was very unconscious, but his instinct to survive made him subconsciously start struggling and calling for help after hearing Xu Yang's voice, but this struggle was obviously futile.

Don't look at Li Yang's thin body, but his strength is very strong, more than a hundred pounds of Wang Qiang, in his hands like a toy, arbitrary kneading.

Sending back his gaze, Xu Yang looked at Li Yang again and said, "Fang Wan'er is not dead, she is still alive."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, you don't want to lie to me."

Li Yang obviously did not believe what Xu Yang said.

"If I can prove that Fang Wan'er is still alive, how about we make a deal?"


Li Yang: (°ー°〃)

Liu Tianye: (°ー°〃)

The crowd: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

With this statement, everyone froze, no one expected that Xu Yang would make a deal at this time, and also with the thugs.

Li Yang quickly came back to his senses, looked at Xu Yang and said, "What kind of deal?"

"If I can prove that Fang Wan'er is still alive, you let him go."

"What if you can't prove it?" Li Yang asked rhetorically.

"Then you can kill him."

"Ooooooooooooo ~~~~"

Originally, when he heard Xu Yang offer a deal, Wang Qiang saw a ray of hope, but the hope had only risen when it was dashed with the utterance of Xu Yang's words, and he began to struggle frantically, his mouth shouting vaguely, as if he wanted to say something.

However, his neck was strangled by Li Yang, and his mouth was beaten beyond recognition, so he could not say a complete word except for a whimper.

After Liu Tianye heard this, he was even more shocked in his heart and said: "No."

It was already outrageous enough to make a deal with the criminals, and now through a deal to decide a person's life and death, this is simply nonsense, no, this is a straw man, Xu Yang has what qualifications to determine the life and death of others?

Not to mention Xu Yang, even the police have no right to do so.

However, after a short period of reflection, Li Yang nodded after hearing the words, "Yes, but the conditions have to be changed."

"You say."

"If you can prove that Wan'er is still alive, I can release him, but you must be my hostage."

"No way." Liu Tianye said.

However, neither Xu Yang nor Li Yang paid any attention to Liu Tian Ye.

Xu Yang said indifferently, "Yes."

"If you can't prove it, I want to see the other five people."

"Impossible, don't even think about it."

However, Xu Yang said, "Yes."

When Li Yang saw Xu Yang agree, he grinned and said coldly, "Who am I to believe you? Is it up to you?"

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "Naturally, I don't count when I say so."

"Then what the hell are you talking to me for?"

"But someone else said it."

As he spoke, Xu Yang took out his cell phone, tapped on the speakerphone, and said to the phone, "Team Yang, did you hear that?"

"Yes, are you sure?" Yang Xueqi asked.

"Of course."

However, Yang Xueqi was silent when she heard the words.

After Xu Yang came to the fourth floor and finished chatting with Sins, he dialed Yang Xueqi's cell phone, and his conversation with Li Yang was naturally overheard by Yang Xueqi.

"Team Yang? Is it Yang Xueqi, the vice captain of the criminal investigation team?" Li Yang asked.

"It's me."

"This is my condition, if you don't agree, I will detonate the bomb on my body and we will all die together."

After saying this, Li Yang took two steps back, hid himself behind the door, stretched out his hand and ripped open his clothes, and inside his clothes, there were two rows of mine-tubes.


This sudden scene, the scene onlookers were startled, some people among the crowd let out a scream, more people first choose to run away.

When Liu Tianye saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Xu Yang was also startled by this scene, but he still forced himself to play it cool, his eyes locked with Li Yang.

"Promise or not?" Li Yang roared at the crowd.

However, the other end of the phone remained silent, obviously, this matter made Yang Xueqi also indecisive.

But at this moment, an old man's voice rang out from the phone.

"Xu Yang."

"You are?"

"Can you really prove it?"

"Of course."

"Good, I promise on this matter, if anything happens, I'll take the blame."

This sudden change was unexpected by everyone, but Xu Yang was not surprised, instead, it was Li Yang who froze for a moment.

He looked at Xu Yang and murmured, "It seems that you are very important."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Xu Yang to say anything and said directly, "Let's begin."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Yang, but Xu Yang did not panic in the slightest.

He just took out a pen from his pocket and pointed it at Li Yang, saying, "You shouldn't be a stranger, right?"

"How did you get this pen?" After Li Yang saw the pen, his face changed in passing and he asked in a hurry.

When the others saw this, they were dumbfounded and their eyes fell on the ballpoint pen with different expressions.

Xu Yang did not answer Li Yang's question, but said, "I have already proved it, isn't it time for you to fulfill your promise?"

"Show me the pen."

"Release the person first."

"Give me the pen first."

"Let the person go first." Xu Yang didn't give an inch and said.

"Give me the pen, or I will kill him."

At these words, the tip of the sharp knife in Li Yang's hand was already against Wang Qiang's neck, and Wang Qiang, who was still struggling, instantly did not dare to move.

But Xu Yang said with a cold expression, "You'd better think clearly, if you kill him, not only will you not get this pen, but you will never know Fang Wan'er's whereabouts."

"What do you mean?"

"Because in this world, only I know where she is."

"Where is she? Tell me, where is she?" Li Yang smiled and instantly became more excited.

"Release her!"

Xu Yang's tone remained unhurried, calm and impersonal.