Chapter 53 The End? Just the beginning

Criminal Police Headquarters.

After Xu Yang was sent over by Liu Tian Ye, he was directly thrown into the interrogation room, while Liu Tian Ye and the others quickly left, they were very busy now that the outside was in a mess.

After Liu Tianye and the others left, no one paid any attention to Xu Yang.

Too many things happened today.

First, the missing ten years Fang Qian appeared, followed by the murder in Fuyuan Hotel, and later on the case of hostage-taking by criminals in Spring Garden District.

This series of things, all related to the now hotly debated, national attention to the western suburbs of the murder case, Yangcheng Criminal Police Headquarters is very busy.

I do not know how long it took, Xu Yang finally came back to his senses, his empty eyes finally had a hint of emotional fluctuations.

Fear, endless fear hit the heart.

Until this time, Xu Yang did not feel afraid, especially when he recalled the scene that happened in 401.

Xu Yang's adventure did save Wang Qiang, but he also almost got himself into it.

Fortunately, he met Li Yang, and Li Yang is different from most vicious criminals, he is very smart and calm, and not so hysterical, in the face of Xu Yang, he can still calmly communicate with Xu Yang, if other criminals, Xu Yang will face what kind of results, it is really difficult to predict.

But the real menace is not these, but Li Yang after getting the answer he wanted from Xu Yang, he decided to die.

Pulling back the curtain, exposing himself to the sniper's scope, pretending to pull the fuse with the purpose of inducing the police to shoot.

Xu Yang is not sure why Li Yang would suddenly choose to do this, but it must have something to do with himself. He doesn't want Li Yang to be shot down because the guy still has a lot of secrets hidden in him, so Xu Yang chooses to pounce on Li Yang after sensing his intentions and guessing the choices the police might make.

In making this choice and paying it forward, Xu Yang did not think too much, but when the bullets were close at hand, Xu Yang said it was a lie not to be afraid.

Although Xu Yang also assisted the police in handling the case, but that is only the analysis of the case, it is just moving the brain, moving the mouth, the specific actions of the police naturally can not let him participate in.

But this time is different, he not only face the criminals, but also with the death, in the sight of Li Yang fell in a pool of blood, Xu Yang really appreciate that life is so fragile.

But he had to do it, if he did not do it, a lot of truth may have to be drowned.

Is it because of justice?

Xu Yang thinks not, he is not that great, he just want to know the truth, and this is the biggest difference between him and the police.

I do not know how long it took.

The fear in Xu Yang's eyes gradually faded away, but replaced by calm.

Looking at the closed interrogation room, Xu Yang did not shout, he just raised his hand, moving a sore wrist, and then began to think about the whole case.

It is reasonable to say that with the arrest of the suspect Li Yang, the Western suburbs mega murder case should be over, but is this really the case?

Obviously not, there are still many doubts here.

First, what exactly happened ten years ago? Why did Fang Qian go missing and why is she appearing now? The most crucial thing is, is she really Fang Qian?

Second, according to the autopsy results, the last victim of the West Suburban mega-hit was Wang Le, and he was killed three years ago. If Li Yang was really the murderer, then why in these past three years, he

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will be silent? And why again today?

Third, in the end there is no 17 dead? If there is, who is the 17th deceased? And why did he disappear?

Fourth, Han Lei, who died in room 409 of the Fuyuan Hotel, and Wang Qiang, who almost died in room 401 of the Chunyuan District, died in a way that was very different from the murderer's modus operandi in the western suburbs, and was Li Yang really the serial killer?

Fifth, who is the sinful son in the end?

The police have not yet found Li Yang before the sinner sought Xu Yang to play the game, but since the game began, Li Yang exposed traces, whether it is Xu Yang's whereabouts, or the movement of the police, or Li Yang's trajectory, the sinner knows everything, so who is this sinner? What exactly does he want to do?

If the sinful son does not play games with Xu Yang, the deceased Han Lei, who lives in the Fuyuan Hotel, his body will certainly not be found in the first place, and even if it is found, it will not be the first time to be linked to the western suburbs of the murder, and Xu Yang will not find the trace of Li Yang.

The case of Spring Garden District needless to say, the sinner played this half-hour game, it seems to be to draw Xu Yang and the police to the Spring Garden District, forcing Li Yang to be exposed and thus arrested by the police, or shot dead.

It is also true that when Xu Yang and the others appeared outside the 401, Li Yang was not surprised to see them, as if he had known that Xu Yang and the others would come, and at the end he took the initiative to pull the curtain open, just begging for death.

If it is said that behind all this, no one is manipulating, Xu Yang does not believe it.

Whether it is the several murders, or the appearance of Fang Qian, or the exposure of Li Yang, all related to the death of Fang Wan'er, but the deepest relationship or sinful son.

This guy hiding behind the network, manipulating everything and playing everyone around.

It seems that everything is over, but Xu Yang feels that this seems to be just the beginning.

In addition, what Xu Yang was most concerned about was the game that Li Yang said before.

The perfect game!

Although Li Yang did not say too much at that time, Xu Yang heard out that the cause of the western suburb murder was because of this game, and the perfect game mentioned by Li Yang seemed to be somehow related to the thriller survival game Xu Yang was playing now.

Of course, this is only Xu Yang's speculation.


Xu Yang is now idle, but the police are incredibly busy.

The western suburbs murder case has not yet been solved, and two more vicious cases occurred, especially the case of the Spring Garden district, its impact is very big, now on the network, the overwhelming discussion is this case, the police pressure is very big.

Wang Qiang was seriously injured, however, is not life-threatening, but the whole person is still in a coma.

Li Yang's situation is very dangerous, the sniper shot, because of Xu Yang, did not penetrate its heart, but also not far from the heart, so far Li Yang is still lying in the operating room, has not come out.

Whether it's Wang Qiang, or Li Yang, are being focused on protection, including the other four 15 senior class four students, are also being temporarily protected by the police.

It seems that there is progress in this case, but in reality, there is still no progress.

But the police can not stop here, they have to start the investigation from other aspects, the sooner to solve this matter, the less impact.

Busy from the day until late at night.

During this period, Xu Yang was as if forgotten, no one paid attention to him, and Xu Yang did not do anything, just quietly-

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Sitting in the interrogation room, waiting for the further development of things.

It was not until after nine o'clock at night that the door of the interrogation room was pushed open.

Yang Xueqi, with a tired face, walked in carrying a fast food, handed the lunch box to Xu Yang, sat down opposite him, and then did not say a word.

Xu Yang saw this scene, wanted to say something, but opened his mouth, but found that he could not say anything, can only eat in silence.

At this time, Yang Xueqi, has calmed down, or rather the anger in her heart is brewing.

Xu Yang was coldly watched by Yang Xueqi, looking at his heart a burst of hair, but can do nothing.

He has known Yang Xueqi for three years, Xu Yang is the first time to see Yang Xueqi so angry.

Of course, Xu Yang also knows why, he is right, so he also chose to be silent.

The interrogation room was silent, only the sound of Xu Yang eating.

When Xu Yang finished eating, Yang Xueqi stood up without saying a word, took the lunch box and left.

After Yang Xueqi left, two more policemen came in and started to give Xu Yang a statement.

After all, this case, Xu Yang is an important participant, and before Li Yang was shot, only Xu Yang and Li Yang together, the police to continue the investigation, must find out what happened inside at that time.

The inquiry unfolded, Xu Yang did not hide anything, and directly said everything he knew in detail, including his conversation with Li Yang.

However, when the police asked about the ballpoint pen, Xu Yang said he got it from room 4023.

In the observation room next to the interrogation room, Yang Xueqi was listening to Xu Yang with her arms around her chest, and beside her stood an old man dressed in a Tang suit.

"What do you think about this matter?" The old man turned his head and asked.

"The sinful son is the biggest suspect in this series of cases."

The old man smiled and nodded, then he asked, "Do you believe what this little guy said?"

Yang Xueqi looked at the old man, and then looked at Xu Yang inside the interrogation room, hesitated for a moment and said, "I believe him."

Seeing this, the old man took a deep look at Yang Xueqi and did not deny it.

After a short silence, the old man said, "After the statement is done, send him back, what to do, you should have a number in your heart."

"With his keenness, he will probably find out."

"It doesn't matter if he is found out, to make him understand that he has to consider the consequences of doing anything."

"Then this case ..."

"Don't let him interfere."

"But he's already being targeted by the sinner."

"Then find a way to find the son of sin."

Speaking of this, the old man looked at Yang Xueqi and said, "Isn't this exactly our duty as police officers?"

Hearing this, Yang Xueqi was silent.

"Find a way to break through Fang Qian, this woman is hiding secrets."

"I know."

"Remember, don't let that kid meet with her when it's not necessary."


"Also, don't be too harsh on him, after all, he's not a cop."

Yang Xueqi was silent.

Seeing this scene, the old man said nothing more, just glanced at Xu Yang who was still making a statement, and turned around to leave the observation room.

Yang Xueqi, on the other hand, stood in the observation room, looking at Xu Yang, her eyes narrowed, not knowing what she was thinking.