Chapter 54 - The discovery of Brother Tuohy

After making the statement, it was almost eleven o'clock.

After Xu Yang came out of the police station, he saw that Yang Xueqi was already waiting for him at the door.

"Sister Yang."

However, Yang Xueqi didn't pay attention to him and went straight to her car.

Sitting on the passenger side, Xu Yang looked at Yang Xueqi, who was concentrating on driving, and wanted to say something several times, but in the end, he said nothing.

In this way, the two people in silence all the way from the police station back to the Dawn District.

After arriving at the place, Xu Yang just got off the car and heard Yang Xueqi say, "Get up early tomorrow, I'll take you to school."

"No, I'll take the bus."

Yang Xueqi did not say anything, took a deep look at Xu Yang and directly started the car to leave.

Xu Yang stood in the same place, looking at the distant car, touched his nose, sighed, and turned around to go upstairs.

The single-unit building was as quiet as ever, silent, like a ghost building.

Xu Yang returned home, the first time to the window, look outside, eyes subconsciously narrowed.

There is an extra car in the area, the location is between the entrance of the district and the fourth building, from that position can just see Xu Yang's house.

"It seems that this time is really big game." Xu Yang muttered.

However, think about it, think about it, if he is Yang Xueqi, encounter this situation, angry is certain.

Put down the curtain, Xu Yang walked straight towards the bathroom, took off the clothes on his body and started to take a shower.

Cold water sprayed down, always tense body also gradually relaxed, at this moment he felt incomparably tired, but the mind became clear.

About the western suburbs of the murder case, Xu Yang no longer think much about it.

Glanced at his wrist.

Countdown: 00:30:00

With half an hour to go before the next game, Xu Yang felt a pang of exhaustion.

After taking a shower, Xu Yang walked out of the bathroom, went to the living room and sat down, picked up his phone, and checked his messages.

Not surprisingly, Sins sent him another message.

Sins: Congratulations, another new achievement, still satisfied with this gift?

Sinner: I was a little surprised by your choice, it seems you are desperate to know the truth.

Sins: Time is running out, you have to hurry to find me, there are surprises, yo, hehehe!

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Xu Yang saw these messages and did not speak for a long time.

After a long time, Xu Yang typed down a line: I will find you.

Almost the moment the message was sent out, the other party replied in seconds: I'm looking forward to it, cheers, hehehe!

Xu Yang did not return any more messages, but opened WeChat to check the messages sent by Brother Tuhao.

There were many messages sent by Brother Tuohy, the most crucial of which was that the courier Wang Kai, whom Xu Yang had asked him to investigate, had finally made progress.

Wang Kai, Yangcheng locals, orphans, once enrolled in the eighth grade class three, and Fang Qian is a class, excellent academic performance, once also a key class students, but because of several times failed mock exams, back to class three.

Seeing this information, Xu Yang's pupils contracted violently for a moment, then he continued to look down.

When the college entrance examination, he played out of the ordinary, and did not win any university, and did not choose to repeat, but chose to step into society, went to the coastal part-time work.

Its done a lot of work, washing cars, site brick, into the factory to play screws, etc., these things he did, and finally he chose to become a courier, mainly responsible for the coastal university near the courier.

Ten years ago, Wang Kai returned to Yangcheng, continue to engage in his courier work, at first, his delivery range is mainly concentrated in the Yangcheng University area, but since the graduation of Fang Waner and their batch of students, Wang Kai shuttle throughout Yangcheng.

According to the information investigated by the tycoon, Wang Kai from back to Yangcheng, has been engaged in the delivery of courier work, until three years ago, Wang Kai suddenly disappeared, his whereabouts are unknown, and the results of the investigation came to an abrupt end here.

Among these messages, there are two points that caught Xu Yang's attention.

First, Wang Kai is Fang Qian's suitor, and is an avid suitor.

Originally, Wang Kai's academic performance was good, but in high school, his academic performance declined, and the reason for his decline in academic performance was that he did a lot of part-time jobs during his high school years.

The income from these part-time jobs was not used on him personally, according to the investigation, all these income went to Fang Qian.

Second, the reason why Wang Kai returned to Yangcheng from Binhai is Fang Qian suddenly disappeared in his senior year, Wang Kai could not find Fang Qian in Binhai, which is why he returned to Yangcheng.

Seeing these, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and muttered: "So, the person that the express ghost Wang Kai has been looking for is not Fang Wan'er, but

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is Fang Qian."

"But Fang Qian is obviously alive."

Then, Xu Yang's eyes widened as he thought of something and exclaimed, "Could it be that ..."

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Xu Yang shook his head to himself.

Based on this information, many of Xu Yang's speculations were overturned, but he had already determined a lot of things, as to whether it was or not, just go to verify it and find out.

Wang Kai, Li Yang, Wang Le, Fang Wan'er, Fang Qian, they were all classmates at one time.

At one time, there were forty students in senior class 4, but someone dropped out, so there were only thirty-nine people in the whole class, so Xu Yang and the police never found out about Wang Kai as a person.

No, it was Xu Yang who didn't find out, the police must have found out, but Wang Kai was not a student of senior class 4, so he was ignored, after all, the reason why Xu Yang knew about Wang Kai's existence was in the game world, and this information was not available to the police.

Fang Qian likes Wang Le, because Wang Le got into Binhai University, so she also went to Binhai University, and Wang Kai is Fang Qian suitor, so he also chose to go to Binhai to develop.

According to the information of the bloodbath's boning knife, Fang Qian should be with Wang Kai, or Wang Kai worked hard and has been supporting Fang Qian.

Fang Wan is Fang Qian's former name, but because Fang Wan'er and Fang Wan two names are very similar, Xu Yang always thought that Fang Wan is Fang Wan'er.

So the question arises, ten years ago, the murdered in the end is Fang Qian, or Fang Wan'er?

If it was Fang Qian, then the one in the police station now is Fang Wan'er.

"But why would she do that? And why was Wang Kai killed? Could it be that he found out Fang Wan'er's secret?" Xu Yang speculated.

If it was Fang Wan'er, then it was her who appeared in the game world.

"If so, why was Wang Kai looking for her? Why is the photo he cropped Fang Wan'er's and not Fang Qian's?"

"What role did Wang Kai play in the western suburb murder case? Murderer? Or the victim, or both?"

"What role does Li Yang play in this case? Is he really the murderer?"

Xu Yang is confused, the case is getting more and more complicated, but more and more clear, Xu Yang feels that he is only one step away from the truth.