Chapter 32 Introduction to Brain Power

Seemingly sensing the uneasiness in Xu Yang's heart, Fang Wan'er, who originally intended to walk over, stopped in her tracks, took a broom, turned her head and continued to silently clean the battlefield.

Not long after, the scene was cleaned up.

Under Xu Yang's watchful eye, Fang Wan'er carried the remnants of the express ghost and the ghost doctor and slowly left.

When she walked to the iron gate, Fang Wan'er stopped, turned her head, looked out the iron gate, narrowed her eyes, and wondered what she was thinking.

Fang Wan'er did not linger too much, she silently closed the open iron door and locked it, pulled out the key and put it on the steps, then turned her head to look at Xu Yang, wanted to say something but finally said nothing, turned around and went straight upstairs.

Fang Wan'er left, the nervous Xu Yang also relieved.

To be honest, after solving the express ghost and ghost doctor, Xu Yang was still very nervous, Fang Wan'er's appearance, as well as the strange state she just showed, made Xu Yang shocked beyond belief.

When doing the quest before, the system had prompted Xu Yang, players can not kill ghosts, only ghosts can kill ghosts, Xu Yang did not have much feeling about this, after all, he did not witness the ghosts and ghosts fighting for their lives to kill each other.

But when he saw it with his own eyes, he was no longer curious, and never wanted to see it again.

Too bloody, too disgusting, too frightening, too damned brutal!

Fang Wan'er took the initiative to choose to leave, so that Xu Yang relaxed a lot, his current state is very bad, but still see, Fang Wan'er this time harvest a lot, her strength has been improved again.

At this moment, the first floor is quiet, despite the scene is bloody and disgusting, but Xu Yang feels incomparably at ease.

After making sure that there was no danger for the time being, Xu Yang began to check his harvest this time.

When he opened the attribute panel, he saw one full attribute point, one attribute point, one skill point, and one talent point.

Other rewards aside, these rewards alone were incredibly generous.

Without the system prompt, Xu Yang began to add points.

[Ding! Adding points successfully!

[Brain power: 9→10]

Strength: 10→11]

[Attack power: 12→13]

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention!

[The player's brain power has reached level 10 and crossed the door of primary

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The threshold, reached the introductory stage, high brain power, will greatly enhance the player's intelligence, psychology, experience, knowledge and other aspects, high brain power can better assist the player to complete the task, please continue to maintain!

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player's brain power into the introductory stage, but even so, the player is still a retard, now you are still stupid, but life is more than just fighting and killing, high brain power many times, can solve the problem without bloodshed, when you can not fight ghosts, and can not run from ghosts, brain power may be your last weapon, but how is this not a good start, please continue to cheer, believe One day, you can subdue the ghosts with your intelligence, cheer up, the system is very optimistic about you, hehehe!

The familiar taunts, Xu Yang is now completely immune.

Xu Yang is to understand, the system is born with a mocking mouth, not to hit Xu Yang, it is uncomfortable, treat this system, Xu Yang except choose to ignore, there is no better way.

With the use of full attribute points, brain power to get a boost, compared to physical strength to reach the introductory stage, there is little change, to reach the introductory stage of brain power, the change is still very obvious.

First of all, his thinking ability is faster than before.

Secondly, his memory was greatly improved. A summer vacation made him gradually forget some of the knowledge he learned during high school, but now it became clear again.

In addition, his reaction speed is faster and he can manage his body better.

Finally, his mental strength is stronger than before.

And after his brain power, physical strength and attack power all stepped into the introductory stage, Xu Yang was surprised to find that his mental power had actually increased by ten points, and now Xu Yang's mental power was 120.

"There are still unexpected surprises."

After several consecutive missions, Xu Yang profoundly understood something.

High physical strength can make his reaction speed faster, at least when running, he can run faster, while high mental strength, in critical moments with the skill Blinding Shadow, can make him run faster and farther.

Therefore, Xu Yang also had his own decision.

The next attribute points, he mainly go physical strength stream, as for the attack power, Xu Yang think it is better to forget.

The attack power is the earliest to reach the entry level, but this does not change Xu The first time he fought with a ghost, he was completely abused, so instead of adding his attribute points to the useless attack power, he should add them to his physical strength.

With this decision, Xu Yang added his attribute points on physical strength.

[Ding! Adding points successfully!

[Stamina: 11→12]

[Good choice, after experiencing several dangers, the player finally realized that high physical strength is the first element of survival, even though you are still a little trash now, this is a good start, please continue to maintain and cheer up.

Ignoring the system's taunts, Xu Yang opened the skill bar again.

Looking at the skill points that were easily obtained, Xu Yang was a bit hesitant whether to add points to Lian Sudden Stab or to add points to Blinding Shadow.

The only offensive skill Xu Yang has at the moment is the "Sudden Stab", which has brought him some benefits during the previous missions.

The pure escape skill is a single function, but very practical, since the acquisition of this skill, Xu Yang many times encountered danger, relying on it to win a breathing space.

So, after a moment's hesitation, Xu Yang chose to add the Sprint Shadow.

Although the system is very poisonous, but it has one thing right, can not beat the ghost, but must be able to run through the ghost, even if you can not run through the ghost, but also to run faster than others, for the time being Xu Yang did not encounter other players, but this does not accidentally this game does not have other players, after all, now he is still in the fourth building hanging around, wait until one day, he finished exploring the fourth building, or even the dawn district, began to explore other maps, may be able to encounter other players, at that time, with escape skills, his chances of survival will certainly be greatly improved.

Dead friends don't die poor, Xu Yang didn't feel anything wrong.

[Ding! Adding points successfully.]

[Skill Blinding Shadow: 2→3]

[This is a good choice, it seems that the player is becoming more and more integrated into the game, Blinding Shadow is a life-saving weapon, warm tip, after the skill reaches the entry level, there will be unexpected changes yo, the player may be able to try it, of course, provided that the player has enough skill points.

Hearing the system's prompt, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Indeed!"