Chapter 63: Full of Harvest

After adding points to the skills, Xu Yang clicked on the talent bar.

Xu Yang has two talents: Eye of Insight (unknown) and Life Extension (primary level).

The specific situation of the Eye of Insight, Xu Yang has not yet figured out, to Xu Yang's feeling is very chicken ribs, but the life extension, Xu Yang think is very good, this thing can return blood, although the chance is very touching, but in critical moments to save life or very good.

"Give the Eye of Insight, or give the Life Extension Technique?"

Xu Yang became torn again, it's not that Xu Yang is a person who suffers from loss and gain, but he feels that the effect of the Eye of Insight is not as simple as he sees.

The Eye of Insight is a self-contained talent skill, and the level is unknown, and something of unknown level always makes people curious and expectant, and Xu Yang is naturally no exception.

However, after some thought, Xu Yang still chose to add points to the Life Extension Technique.

"At this stage, preserving life is more important."

[Ding! Adding points successfully.]

[Talent Skill Life Extension Technique: 1→2]

[The player obviously realizes that only with more life-preservation skills can he better explore the game.]

[Player number 0004, please note!

[Life Extension Technique each upgrade, can increase a certain trigger chance, each upgrade two levels can increase one percent of recovery, at this stage, Life Extension Technique primary level two, after triggering, can restore the player thirty-one percent of life value.

Xu Yang: o((⊙﹏⊙))o

Hearing the system's prompt, Xu Yang's whole body was not too good, he froze for half a day before he said quietly, "Pitiful."

He thought that after adding points to the Life Renewal Technique, there should be some changes, and this was indeed the case, but the result of this change made Xu Yang speechless.

Every two levels increased the recovery amount by one percent, what was the difference between adding or not adding this?

"Do I lack this one percent recovery amount?"

Well, well, Xu Yang felt that he was lacking.

If the force of the ghost doctor's kick was a little heavier, Xu Yang would have kneeled down on the spot, although the one percent increase in the Life Extension Technique is not much, but a mosquito's leg is also meat.

The result is this result, Xu Yang and can not change anything, he can only so comfort himself.

After the addition of points, Xu Yang points This time, the system reward was generous, not only did it give raffle tickets, it also gave two.

"Should I draw it?"

After thinking about it, Xu Yang still did not draw, this wheel of fortune does not give Xu Yang a very good feeling, he always felt that it was just a pit dug for him by the system, tempting him to draw a prize every now and then.

The system is definitely up to something, given Xu Yang's understanding of the system.

Although the first time the lottery drew a talent skill, Xu Yang felt that the system did it deliberately, in order to tempt him.

Of course, in addition to the unreliability of the system, the most important reason is that Xu Yang does not want to touch the unknown now, in case he draws a ghost, or some other netherworld stuff, Xu Yang will be cold, his little heart can not stand.

Returning to the attribute interface, Xu Yang saw a newly unlocked interface.

Achievement title!

After clicking on it, the interface has an additional title of fourth floor primary guardian.

Level: White costume level (upgradeable.)

Effect 1: Can increase the goodwill of the original residents of the unit building by ten points.

Effect 2: When you go out, you can choose a resident with fifty good sense to go with you.

"This title doesn't seem to be special, it's not very useful." Xu Yang said with narrowed eyes.

Indeed, from the information of the title, it really wasn't much use, the only use was to brush up on goodwill.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang clicked on the good feeling panel, and then he narrowed his eyes.

Fang Wan'er: good feeling 40

Shu Yue: good feeling 30

Wang Jun: good feeling 10


There were many more names in the good sense interface, most of which Xu Yang did not recognize, and their good sense was only 10, which was obviously obtained under the blessing of the Guardian title.

Among all of them, Fang Wan'er's good sense is the highest, with 40 points, followed by Shu Yue.

Looking at Shu Yue's name, Xu Yang pinched his chin and murmured, "How come her goodness rating didn't increase? Could it be that she is also an outsider?"

Among the favorability interface, everyone's favorability increased, including Fang Wan'er, but only Shu Yue's favorability remained the same, which made Xu Yang think more.

The most crucial thing is that Xu Yang still hasn't figured out Shu Yue's Although he had a guess that Shu Yue was the red-clad female ghost on the fourth floor, he did not know if that was the truth.

After checking the good feeling interface, Xu Yang subconsciously clicked on the hate value interface again.

This does not matter, a look scared Xu Yang a big jump.

There were six names in the hate value interface, and although the hate value was not high, most of them were between 5 and 10, this feeling of being on someone's mind was not very good.

"There are six outsiders in this building, plus the ghost doctor who was -taken out, for a total of seven."

"Seven ..."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang's pupils suddenly shrank.

Dawn community unit building a total of six floors, when the legend is seven floors, and each floor has seven rooms, which makes Xu Yang think of something bad.

"Could it be that there is an outsider on each floor, or is it that they are all on one floor?"

In order to verify the speculation in his heart, Xu Yang hastily clicked on the equipment bar, he remembered that after the mission was completed, the system had rewarded the ghost object, the landlord's key.


However, when Xu Yang opened the equipment bar, he did not see the so-called landlord's key.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang froze for a moment, then he thought of something, raised his head and looked at the stairwell.

On the steps of the stairwell, there was a key sitting on the stairs.

"Isn't that the key to the front door? Could it be ..."

Xu Yang thought of something and hurriedly stood up from the ground.

After using the life renewal technique to return blood and adding points to his attributes, his life value was already full, and now Xu Yang was in extraordinarily good condition.

At this time, Xu Yang also discovered another benefit of life value.


The lower the life value, the worse his condition, the more serious his injuries, and conversely the better Xu Yang's condition.

Xu Yang, who was dying and almost cold just now, was now revived with full blood. The damage that the ghost doctor had inflicted on him was restored along with his life value, and his injuries were also restored, which was quite a discovery and gave Xu Yang a new understanding of this game, and at the same time, new thoughts arose in his heart.

However, now is not the time to think about this.

Standing up, Xu Yang went straight to the stairway and picked up the key that was placed on the steps, Xu Yang's pupils shrank slightly.