Chapter 64 - Equipment exploded all over the place

Just as Xu Yang picked up the key, the system's voice rang out.

[Ding! Player number 0004, please pay attention!]

[Special ghost object found: Landlord's key, with this key, you can open the door of any room in Building 4.]


Xu Yang smiled and gave a light eek, then said, "Isn't this the universal-key-key?"

Looking at the rusty key in his hand, which looked like a piece of iron, Xu Yang narrowed his eyes.

At that time when he got the key, it was just a piece of iron, however, the situation was special, he did not have time to look at it carefully, when he put the key close to the big lock of the iron door and tried to insert the key - in, it succeeded directly, now after the key left the lock hole, it became this way again.

"This key can be deformed!"

Thinking of this, Xu Yang could not help but flirt: "This is a good thing to slip the door and pick the lock, with this thing, in the future to go to other rooms, there is no need to pry the door."

However, this was just flirting, Xu Yang would not choose to do so, what's more, this key had a limitation, it could only open the door of the room in Building 4.

But it was enough, at least for the current Xu Yang, it was a good prop.

After taking the key and playing with it for a while, Xu Yang put it into his equipment bar.

Standing at the entrance of the stairs, Xu Yang started to look around a lot.

The rusty iron door, because of the destruction of the express ghost, has been deformed, except for children, adults still can not enter, which is good news, but also bad news, but in general, with the existence of this iron door, the fourth building is safe for the time being.

But Xu Yang stared at the iron door, but frowned, his heart was very uneasy.

There were outsiders living in the single building, the previous guardian had disappeared again, and the iron door had been damaged, all of which reminded Xu Yang that he had to speed up the pace of exploration, try to complete the mission, and improve his strength.

According to the system's previous prompt, Dawn Cell is now a masterless building, there are many people who covet this place, the outsiders who appear in the unit building now should only be a small part, if this goes on, it is estimated that more and more people will come in.

Now that he has obtained the title of Primary Guardian of Road No. 4, he must do something, even if not for the sake of the occupants of the unit building, for his own safety, Xu Yang must do something.

The situation of the iron gate, Xu Yang can not do anything about it now, he can only land his eyes on the corridor.

The corridor was chaotic, although Fang Wan'er took away the remains of two ghosts, but the scene still left a lot of things.

"Go and see if we can get something."

Saying that, Xu Yang then forced himself to resist nausea and went back to the corridor.

The corridor was dirty and there was a lot of stuff, but most of it was either rotten meat or broken bone stubble, Xu Yang did not touch these things.

When he came to the place where the ghost doctor and the courier ghost fought, Xu Yang's eyes lit up.

There were some things left on the ground.

A tattered courier suit, a badly damaged kitchen knife, a similarly badly damaged sharp-tipped hammer, a blood-stained notebook, a courier box.

"A ghost can still explode equipment after death? Interesting!" Xu Yang muttered.

Crouching down, he had just picked up the courier suit when the system's voice rang out.

[Ding! Found prop, broken courier suit.]

[Broken Courier Suit: Courier's uniform, wearing it, you can disguise yourself as a courier and freely travel between the major unit buildings in the Dawn District.]


Xu Yang gave a light eek and muttered, "So, wearing it, I can leave Building 4?"

Only, after seeing the dirty, stained with blood and many various stains of unknown things, emitting a foul odor courier suit, Xu Yang's brow furrowed, his eyes showed undisguised disgust.

"This thing can wear?"

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "I don't wear it anyway, not even to death."

But although he said so, he still put away the courier suit, and then he picked up the chopper that was more ragged than rags.

[Ding! Found one white loaded ghost item kitchen knife.]

[Cabbage knife: used up the number of times, just an ordinary kitchen knife, evaluation: garbage!

"Sure enough!"

Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang was not surprised.

At that time when the courier ghost fought with the ghost doctor, Xu Yang found that the effect of this thing was garbage, it was like that in the hands of the ghost, let alone in Xu Yang's hands.

Since this thing did not work, Xu Yang just tossed it aside.

[Ding! Found blue-loaded ghost item, skull-opening doctor's bone crushing hammer.]

[Bone Crushing Hammer: Blue Armor, this is a hammer made of human bone, incredibly strong, Craniotomy Doctor used it to open the heads of seven 'patients', it is Craniotomy Doctor's favorite weapon, used ten times, two times remaining.]

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Looking at the tattered and torn pointed hammer in his hand, Xu Yang couldn't help but smack his lips.

Before, he thought that this hammer was made of iron, after all, its sturdiness was beyond Xu Yang's imagination, but now he realized that this pointed mouth hammer was made of bone, whether it was the hammer itself, or the handle, it was made of bone, unfortunately, it was so broken that it was similar to a white suit.

Without much thought, Xu Yang put it away.

[Ding! Found one express box.]

[Maybe you can open it and take a look, maybe there's something good hidden inside.]


Hearing the system's voice, Xu Yang laughed coldly twice.

"Trying to fool me again, I don't want it."

Looking at the courier box in front of him, Xu Yang remembered the courier he received before, in order to sign a courier and deliver a courier, Xu Yang almost hung up, now he has an instinctive rejection of couriers.

"This thing should be given to the chopping party that likes online shopping, with this play can help them quit addiction, the majority of male compatriots must like, hehehe!"

At this time, no danger appeared, Xu Yang also relaxed, could not help but flirt a few words.

Xu Yang's idea is good, if this thing can be brought to the real world, it is estimated that many male compatriots will grab it like crazy, but unfortunately, Xu Yang failed when he tried to put it away.

Apparently, this thing cannot be taken away.

Xu Yang did not want to dismantle it again for the time being, so he put it aside and casually picked up a small token.

[Ding! Found props, courier's work card.]

[Courier employee testifies: Sprint Express Company's work card, courier ghost Wang Kai is a member of Sprint Express, with this item, you can enter and exit Sprint Express Company, maybe you can check it out.]


Xu Yang smiled, looked at the work card in his hand and frowned.

The work card is simple, not much information, a photo, the photo is a Wang Kai when he was young, under the photo there are three lines of words.

Courier company: Sprint Express.

Number: 1204

Position: courier.

Looking at the words Sprint Express Company, Xu Yang muttered, "New copy?"