Chapter 67 Apology? Never apologize in this life

Next, Xu Yang went around the corridor for a long time, and found nothing else.

So he gave up the search, after putting everything into the equipment bar, Xu Yang took the folding knife back to the stairway.

At this point, Xu Yang took the time to look at his left wrist.

Countdown: 01:55:55



Seeing the countdown on his wrist, Xu Yang froze for a moment.

Before entering the game, only to come in and be guarded by the ghost doctor, Xu Yang did not have time to look at the countdown, but according to the previous several game experience, the countdown must be another two hours.

However, at this moment, Xu Yang found that since he entered the game, at least an hour has passed, but the countdown is still nearly two hours, what is going on?

Just when Xu Yang was feeling puzzled, the system's voice rang out.

[Ding! Player No. 0004, please pay attention!

[After players unlocked daily quests and player protection mechanism, the system upgraded, players' online time extended to three hours, players can choose to exit the game every time they enter the game, complete a quest, and stay in the game for two hours.

[System prompt: speeding up the pace of exploration can better assist players in completing missions, and completing more missions can improve players' strength faster.]

Hearing the system prompt, Xu Yang frowned tightly, stretched out his hand and touched his nose, muttering: "Is this the so-called player protection mechanism? It's a bit interesting."

Then, Xu Yang thought of something and he hurriedly asked, "Will the online time be extended?"

Originally, Xu Yang was just asking casually, not thinking that the system would take care of him.

However ....

[The existence of the countdown is both a supervision and protection for the players, the system will decide whether to extend the countdown according to the player's strength thing, the final interpretation right belongs to the survival system].


o ((⊙﹏⊙))o

Hearing this, Xu Yang's whole person was instantly bad.

"The final interpretation right is used by the system, how much does this mean? Do you dare to give me a clear explanation?"

[A nine-level intellectual-retarded battle scum little trash, not qualified to talk to the system, the system does not want to take care of you, and spit at you! Xu Yang: "I nee-ma ..."


"Rubbish game!"

"Don't play!"

"Money back!"

[Ding! Player malicious denigration of the system detected, please apologize immediately, otherwise punishment will be given.]

Xu Yang: ...


At this moment, Xu Yang extremely its speechless, like eating flies as uncomfortable, this system is not only born mocking face, but also extremely poisonous, and also very petty, Xu Yang just casually complained two sentences, whining, and was its warning.

"Apologize? It's impossible to apologize in this life, even if the Express Ghost and Ghost Doctor are resurrected and die here, there's no way I can apologize." Xu Yang said with incomparable hardness.

[Warning! Players apologize immediately and immediately, or else the player will be given a penalty of intelligence reduction, countdown 10,7,5 ...]

(? _?)

"Sorry, respected system, I was wrong!"

[The system does not accept your apology and cancels the player's option to freely exit the game this time.]

"Holy shit!!!"

Once these words came out, Xu Yang was instantly dumbfounded, and his whole person was instantly bad.

Only, only when his words were out, the system's voice sounded again.

[Ding! Player detected ...]

This time, Xu Yang learned his lesson, and without waiting for the system to finish, he hurriedly apologized.

"Sorry, respected system, I was wrong!"

[The system is satisfied with the player's attitude of learning from his mistakes, please continue to keep it up.

At this moment, Xu Yang, standing in front of the iron gate, was in a mess in the wind, the joy and excitement of just touching the corpse, was instantly gone, his mood was bad to the extreme, he wanted to vent, wanted to curse, but did not dare.


The tang high school entrance examination first, the city's fourth bully, d station phantom god level big brother, assist the police in this life to solve a number of murder cases enthusiastic citizens, excellent assessor, this life has never been so stifled, playing a game, but actually by the system to pinch, this if the word out, Xu Yang felt like he was going to die on the spot society, will be laughed off, really interesting!

Raising his head, looking outside, Xu Yang is to cry, and at the same time the whole person was shocked.

The dark night, gray fog, I do not know where to come from the red light, illuminating the world, Xu Yang extremely far, may see clearly, but only a few dozen meters ahead.

The putrid smell is everywhere, constantly eroding, stinging - stimulating Xu Yang, darkness, depression, despair and many other negative emotions, constantly washing over Xu Yang.

"Is this the Thriller World?" Xu Yang muttered.

This was the first time he saw the world outside of the unit building, and it didn't feel very good, besides the shock, it was more of a doubt and curiosity.

Thriller horror games, Xu Yang also reviewed, but there is no game, can be so realistic as this game.

Whether it is the sense of sight and hearing, or touch, or taste, or even feeling, are incomparably real, as if this is the real world, this is what the real world really looks like, and Xu Yang live in the real world is false in general.

Thinking about the "Thriller Survival Game" slogan, Xu Yang had to admire the people who developed this game, really brainy, but also very emotional, now the development of technology, is really fast beyond human imagination.

Thinking about these messy things in his mind, Xu Yang has put his hand on the iron door.

At this moment, he had an impulse to open the iron door to look outside, he was eager to know if the world outside is the same as the real world.

But reason told him that it was better not to do so, it was dangerous outside.

"Don't go out."

Just then, a voice came from behind him.


Xu Yang froze for a moment, subconsciously turned his head and found Fang Wan'er appeared at the corner of the stairwell, not knowing when.

At this moment, Fang Wan'er, wearing a clean and white dress, was quietly looking at Xu Yang.

In this frightening world full of ghosts and monsters, Fang Wan'er's appearance is like a white lotus flower blooming in the mud, making people feel pleasing to the eye.

But Xu Yang but this does not think so, he saw Fang Wan'er moment, the body subconsciously tense up, a pair of eyes alert look at Fang Wan'er.

At the moment Fang Wan'er, looks harmless, like an older sister next door, but Xu Yang has seen with his own eyes how she turned into a ghost, that image is still deeply imprinted in Xu Yang's heart, let him think about the back chills.

A word does not change, this woman does not look like a good person ah!