Chapter 68: The Truth About to be Revealed

Xu Yang did not show a panicked look, but asked, "What is the danger outside?"

However, Fang Wan'er did not answer this question, but said, "You will know after you walk out of this door."

"Then have you ever left here?"

Fang Wan'er shook her head and said, "No."



Xu Yang froze, and then he looked at Fang Wan'er half-heartedly, obviously, he didn't quite believe Fang Wan'er's words.

Seemingly knowing what Xu Yang was thinking, Fang Wan'er said, "This world is more dangerous than what you see."

When he heard Fang Wan'er say this, Xu Yang brushed off his mouth.

He feels that the fourth building is very dangerous right now!

But no, since he first entered the game until now, Xu Yang has experienced several life crises, he can't even count them, if not for his good luck, it is estimated that the first time he experienced the game, he would have been cold.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang looked at Fang Wan'er, his eyes became complicated again.

This woman has helped him more than once, without her, Xu Yang could not have survived until now.

Of course, Xu Yang also knew very well in his heart that Fang Wan'er helped him more than just helping him, she had another purpose.

"Do you have time?" Fang Wan'er asked.


Xu Yang was stunned and subconsciously nodded his head.

"Come and sit at home."

After saying that, without waiting for Xu Yang to say anything, she turned around and walked towards upstairs.

Xu Yang stood in the same place, hesitated for a moment, and then followed.

Just as Xu Yang and Fang Wan'er left the first floor, the gray mist outside the iron gate began to surge, the red gradually faded, the sky and earth became dim, and something drifted down from the sky, a bit like goose feathers, but also like confetti, which turned into ashes after landing.

Then, as if these ashes came to life, attached to the iron door.

Originally destroyed by the courier ghost, pulling the deformed iron door, is little by little repair, and finally become the original appearance.

And the silent first floor, after Xu Yang left, the door of room 4011 opened silently and a black shadow came out.

The black shadow turned its head, glanced at the stairwell, and then walked toward the corridor.

Wherever the black shadow passed, the stains were covered by it and eventually disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, the black shadow reentered room 4011, and as the door closed, the first floor returned to its previous appearance, as if nothing had just happened, only, the door of 4011 became even older and scarlet.


Room 4023.

Xu Yang stood at the door and surveyed everything around him.

The layout here is exactly the same as the layout of room 4023 in the real world, however, everything here is incomparably new, as if everything is back to ten years ago.

Fang Wan'er, who was standing in the living room, turned her head, looked at Xu Yang, and smiled, "Come in and sit down."

After looking at Fang Wan'er, and turning his head to look at the door of the room behind him, Xu Yang hesitated and still walked over.


Xu Yang just walked to the living room, the door of the room closed, Xu Yang subconsciously stopped, and the hand on the pocket also subconsciously gripped the folding knife.

"What to drink? Tea? Or coffee?"

"No, thanks."

After Xu Yang sniffed, his face did not change as he walked to the sofa and sat down.

Although Xu Yang said no, Fang Wan'er still poured a cup of water for Xu Yang, then looked at Xu Yang and said, "You should have many questions in your mind, you ask and I answer."

Xu Yang did not touch the glass of water, looked at Fang Wan'er, and after pondering for a moment, he went straight to the point and said, "Who are you really?"

"Fang Wan'er."

"Fang Qian is your sister?"


"What about Fang Wan'er?"

"Also my sister."


Xu Yang smiled, froze, and then asked, "Aren't Fang Qian and Fang Wan one and the same? How many sisters do you have anyway?"

"What do you think?" Fang Wan'er asked rhetorically.

Xu Yang did not say anything, just quietly looked at Fang Wan'er.

Seeing that Xu Yang did not say anything, Fang Wan'er smiled and said to herself, "It all started when I was a child."

"Fang Qian, Fang Wan, Fang Wan'er, actually three people, we are triplet sisters, however, Fang Wan was abandoned at birth, only Fang Qian and I are left."

Fang Wan'er did not open her mouth then, this open mouth directly gave an explosive information, despite Xu Yang's heart had guessed, but he was still shocked.

When Xu Yang was shocked, Fang Wan'er continued: "Because my uncle did not have children, plus the family was poor at that time, parents could not afford, so they passed me on to my uncle, I also became his adopted daughter, Fang Qian's family left Kang Yang County, came to Yangcheng development, in this way, we three sisters on different sides of the world."

"Years later, I got into the eighth grade, and when I entered the school, I met Fang Qian, who looked like me, but had many differences, but I always felt an inexplicable sense of affinity when I saw her."

"How did you know that you were real sisters?" Xu Yang couldn't help but ask.

"At a very early age, I knew that I had a sister."


Xu Yang froze for a moment.

Fang Wan'er explained, "I grew up living in the countryside, and you more or less know the situation in the countryside, anything the villagers know, although my adoptive parents did not mention it, and most people are now silent, but occasionally there are still some whispers coming."

"So when you saw Fang Qian, you knew she was your sister?"

Fang Wan'er nodded and said, "Yes, but for insurance purposes, I secretly did the biometric identification."

"You didn't tell her about it?"

"No, she has a good family and a cheerful personality, I didn't want to break this goodness."

"And when did she know about it?"

"In my senior year of high school, once I was sick, when I went to the hospital, she secretly went to do a biometric identification know."

"What about Fang Wan?"

"It was an accident to meet her."

"What do you mean?"

"After she was abandoned back then, she was adopted by a kind person and raised. Because of her environment, she came out to work early, and by a chance, we met her who was working."

"When was that?"

"During the second semester of my senior year."

"After you met, did something happen?" Xu Yang asked.

Fang Wan'er nodded and said, "Yes."

"You became like this because of what?"

"A game."

"A game?"

Xu Yang sniffed and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Fang Wan'er turned her head, looked at Xu Yang, and said quietly, "A game of swapping identities, but it triggered a series of tragedies, which none of us thought of."

"What exactly happened?" Xu Yang asked after him.