Chapter 69: Swap Identity Game

Triplet sisters from the same mother are forced apart for historical reasons and lead very different lives.

After being passed on to her uncle, Fang Wan'er grew up living in the countryside.

Because of her family's conditions and living environment, Fang Wan'er grew up to be very understanding and studious, and because her adoptive parents were teachers, Fang Wan'er did very well in her studies.

Without the hustle and bustle of the city, reading became Fang Wan'er's only pleasure and interest, which also led to Fang Wan'er's nature from childhood is very gentle and quiet.

Compared to Fang Wan'er, Fang Qian and Fang Wan are different.

Fang Qian left the countryside early with her parents and entered the city to work, taking advantage of the business wave, they became businessmen, while Fang Qian grew up with no worries about food and clothing.

But this privileged life, although Fang Qian brought material satisfaction, but the spirit is very empty.

Fang Jianguo and his wife were busy all day, busy making money, neglecting Fang Qian's education, but Fang Qian did not become degenerate, but became incredibly cheerful.

She was lonely and longed for friends, so from elementary school to high school, she was always the most active one among her classmates, no matter where she went, in what kind of environment, she was the most dazzling one.

However, all her classmates know her family situation, many of her close classmates, not entirely because she is good, to get together with her, when the pure emotion mixed with other things, the relationship becomes impure.

Fang Qian knows this, but she feels nothing, because she needs friends too much.

But because of her family, Fang Qian changed six elementary school, three secondary schools, almost every other year, she will change a school, many of her classmates only to familiarize themselves with, they were forced to separate, the more people she knew, but the more lonely.

However, this situation was only improved when she entered high school.

When Fang Qian was in high school, her family's situation also stabilized, not only bought a house in Yangcheng and settled down, life was also guaranteed, but Fang was still very busy, and Fang Qian was still very lonely.

As for Fang Wan, her life is the worst and the most exciting among the three.

Fang Wan was raised by a homeless man, and although the homeless man had a history of mental illness, he was extremely good to Fang Wan, no matter what he ate, drank, or used, he gave it all to Fang Wan without reservation.

Other children wore new clothes and carried new school bags to school, but she was shuttled to various garbage dumps, others were living, but she was surviving.

Fang Wan also went to school, but only to junior high school, and then began to work, not that she did not do well in school, on the contrary, compared to other children, Fang Wan's academic performance has always been very good, in the middle school exams, she also passed, but because of poverty, she had to give up school.

In order to pay for Fang Wan's schooling, the homeless man gave her everything he could. While Fang Wan was studying for her high school entrance exam, the homeless man fell ill and died not long after.

She was already a big girl at that time. In order to make a living, she misrepresented her age and worked outside the home, earning a meager income in various industries.

But even so, she insisted on studying and taught herself high school courses.

By chance, Fang Wan'er met Fang Wan, and because of the resemblance, and the previous biological identification of Fang Wan'er and Fang Qian, they began to suspect that Fang Wan was also their sister.

And so it was.

The reunion of the three sisters was a happy event, and during that time, they were incomparably happy.

But the reunion was short-lived, along with the end of the college entrance exams, the three were destined to be separated. Fang Qian chose to live in Binhai, as requested by her parents, while Fang Wan'er chose to stay in Yangcheng, and as for Fang Wan, she went wherever she could live.

At that time, they were all 17 or 18 years old, in their adolescence, their minds were more active, especially Fang Qian.

She didn't want to go back to that cold home, let alone stay on campus, she wanted to experience a whole new life, while Fang Wan was incredibly eager for school life, and as for Fang Wan'er, she also wanted to see the outside city.

The three sisters, after some discussion, decided to swap identities to experience the life of others.

This was just a game, but it was the beginning of a nightmare.

Fang Wan replaces Fang Wan'er and enters Yangcheng University, while Fang Wan'er replaces Fang Qian and goes to Binhai University, and as for Fang Qian, she enters society as Fang Wan.

After Fang Wan stepped into the university, the whole person is like a sponge, crazy to learn knowledge, but because she is impersonating her people to enter the school, so she can only imitate Fang Wan'er, living carefully, as far away from others as possible.

But because Fang Wan'er was originally the kind of girl with a quiet nature, this maverick style of hers fits her image instead.

Fang Wan'er to Fang Qian identity, as expected, went to the coastal, see different scenery, meet more people, at first she also want to imitate Fang Qian, but soon, she put herself completely into Fang Qian role, began to release their own nature.

As for Fang Qian, after she got rid of her school and family, she gained freedom to live the life she wanted.

However, this game of experiencing her life, in addition to the initial excitement and novelty, they soon got bored, to be precise, Fang Qian bored.

After all, she has not suffered much since childhood, after entering society, but also finally saw the cruelty of reality, began to regret it, she wanted to go back to school.

But at this time, Fang Wan and Fang Wan'er has been completely integrated into her life, who is not willing to change back, the conflict from this time also slowly unfolded.

With the emergence of conflicts, conflicts are inevitable, the more conflicts, the deeper the conflict, the previous sisterhood, but also gradually become strange, even redundant up.

Among them, the most unacceptable is Fang Qian.

The cruelty of society, coupled with inexperience, has made her suffer a lot.

But this is only the beginning, Fang Wan in order to completely have the life of her people, she began to deliberately alienate Fang Qian, and secretly encouraged Fang Wan'er together, and at that time Fang Wan'er, although she knew that this is not right, but she still chose to do so.

The fact that her own everything was occupied by others, but also abandoned by others, which gave Fang Qian a great blow, but also let her completely changed a person.

In order to take back everything that originally belonged to her, she began to launch a revenge, she wanted to destroy Fang Wan and Fang Wan'er.

Fang Qian chose the time of revenge in that high school reunion.

The fact that Fang Qian did a lot of things at that party, including the fact that Fang Wan'er was raped, and that Fang Wan's true face was torn open.