Chapter 71: The Flames of Hatred

Diary is Fang Wan's.

Xu Yang quickly figured out a lot of things, before when looking at the diary, it was very strange, always felt that the person who wrote the diary, and the two people in the diary relationship is very strange, at that time, Xu Yang thought it was playing a threesome, now he understands, in fact, not this thing.

If what Fang Wan'er said is true, it seems that everything makes sense.

Love to wear red dresses lively and cheerful Fang Qian, love to wear white clothes quiet and elegant Fang Wan'er, and wander around the two, not much presence of Fang Wan, this may be their three people real relationship.

Among the diary, the person who wrote the diary is loving to her, but more or envious, and to him is jealous, or even hatred, this feeling is very complex and subtle.


Xu Yang suddenly thought of something, snapped his head up, looked at Fang Wan'er, and asked, "You know that you as well as dead?"

Under Xu Yang's gaze, Fang Wan'er slowly nodded her head.


Seeing Fang Wan'er nod, Xu Yang couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, he gazed into Fang Wan'er's eyes, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Fang Wan'er, who saw this scene, smiled instead and took the initiative to speak.


"Are you surprised as to why I know I'm dead right?"

Xu Yang did not say anything and subconsciously nodded his head.

"Actually, at the very beginning, I didn't know, it was only later that someone told me."

"Who?" Xu Yang asked in a hurry.

"The previous building manager."



Xu Yang directly froze.

This was the second person, other than the system, to mention the building manager to himself tonight.

"Who was the last building manager?" Xu Yang asked.

Fang Wan'er withdrew her gaze, lowered her head, looked at the hem of her skirt, and said quietly: "Who is he, what is his name, I don't know, I only know that he is the building manager."

Hearing this, Xu Yang instantly narrowed his eyes.

After a short silence, Fang Wan'er spoke: "This building hides secrets, or rather, everyone here hides secrets."

"Secrets? What secrets?"

"That would require you to explore it yourself."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes again and watched Fang Wan'er open her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Xu Yang thought of something else and opened his mouth to ask: "Last time, you asked when my second uncle would return, what did you mean?"

"Three years ago, but when I woke up again, the first person I saw was your second uncle, although we didn't socialize much, but we did know each other, when I accidentally killed Fang Wan and returned to school, he recognized that I was not Fang Wan, but he didn't expose me."

"Why?" Xu Yang subconsciously asked.

"I was also curious and had asked him, but he didn't say."

However, after listening to this, Xu Yang's heart was in a wave, and he looked at Fang Wan'er and said in a deep voice: "You mean, he brought you to this place? Or is it that he has also been here before?"

Fang Wan'er, however, shook her head and said with confused eyes, "How I came here, I don't know, but it was definitely not your second uncle."

"What do you mean?"

Fang Wan'er stared into Xu Yang's eyes for a long time before saying quietly, "Don't you find it strange?"



Fang Wan'er's words directly caused Xu Yang to freeze, he did not understand what Fang Wan'er meant by these words.

"Before Fang Wan was dying, she once told me that she did this because someone ordered her to do so."


Xu Yang first took a breath of cold air backwards, and then he thought of someone.

"Sinful son?!"

Fang Wan'er shook her head and said, "I don't know who this person is, I only know that when the students of senior class 4 were killed one after another and were never discovered by the police, he was the one who was helping to take care of the aftermath."

Hearing this, Xu Yang fell into deep thought.

For the western suburbs of the murder case, Xu Yang has a point has been unable to figure out.

Eighteen bodies, twenty lives, if you count the two unborn children, a total of twenty-two lives, so many people died one after another, whether accidental death or missing, ten years, their families could not have been unaware, and the police could not have not received any news, really think that the police is a dry rice?

Killing people is easy, but want to do without traces, in this era of advanced technology, almost impossible, unless someone is alive instead of them.

This, from the very beginning of the investigation of the case, has gradually revealed the beginning, but the question is, who has so much power, can play so many roles?

According to the information Xu Yang received from the police, the seventeen deceased, in the past ten years, they were scattered in various cities, as the saying goes, the geese have left their voices and people have left their names, a person cannot disappear for no reason, nor can they disappear without attracting the attention of others.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang remembered one more thing.

With his investigation in the real world, as well as his exploration in the game world, the identities of these people involved in the western suburbs murder case, as well as the roles they played, were basically clear, but there was one person's identity that he had yet to figure out.

The sinful son!

Of course, who the sinful son is, Xu Yang has already guessed, but what role he plays in this, Xu Yang has not yet figured out.

From the beginning to the end, the sinful son was like a spectator, for Xu Yang, he was like a guide, he hid in the shadows, secretly spying on Xu Yang, and then guide Xu Yang step by step closer to the truth.

But the question is, why is he doing this?

Thinking of this, Xu Yang came back to his senses, turned his head, looked at Fang Wan'er and asked, "You disappeared without a trace after graduating from college, how did you manage to leave no trace?"



The answer Fang Wan'er gave was somewhat out of Xu Yang's expectation.

As Fang Wan'er spoke, she stood up and slowly walked around the room, pacing while quietly saying, "Don't go out, don't shop, don't go online, cut off all contact with the outside world, and live a prisoner's life."

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "Just for revenge?"

Fang Wan'er nodded and said, "If you have been hurt for a long time, the pain will turn into hatred, and when hatred burns, it will devour everything, including the hater himself, and the flame of hatred will grow stronger and stronger and cannot be extinguished until it burns everyone, Xiao Yang, you have not experienced what I have experienced and cannot understand how I have been hurt. I am willing to give up everything, emotions, reason, faith, freedom, and even life."

Looking at Fang Wan'er, Xu Yang's expression was complicated.

Who would have thought that this woman, who was like a white lotus flower, would have such a painful past?

After a long time, Xu Yang asked, "Is it worth it?"