Chapter 72 - Fang Wan'er's Monologue

The orange light poured down from the ceiling, sprinkled on Fang Wan'er, dressed in a white dress, she is like a white swan standing in the spotlight, looks so beautiful, but also so paranoid.

The light spilled down, reflecting Fang Wan'er's cheeks brightly and darkly, hearing Xu Yang's words, Fang Wan'er smiled.


"Xiao Yang, once I also asked myself if it was worth it to do so, but the question itself has no answer."

"I can't decide my origin, I can't decide my family, I can't decide the environment around me, the only thing I can decide is my own destiny, but even this only thing is full of too much uncontrollability."

"I was passed on to my uncle when I was just born, and I didn't know who my real parents were until I was in high school, but of course, at that time I didn't want to know, after all, my adoptive parents were very good to me."

"My dream is actually very simple, like most, get a good university, then graduate and work, start a family, have children, just as simple, but even such a simple dream can be deprived by others."

Hearing this, Xu Yang opened his mouth and was just about to say something when he was interrupted by Fang Wan'er.

"Xiao Yang, I know what you want to say, thinking that everything I suffered in the beginning was self-inflicted and I deserved it, but have you ever thought about why I agreed to such an absurd request in the first place?"

"When I finally knew who my parents were, how happy I was, how I wanted to recognize them, I also wanted to enjoy the love of my biological parents, but I didn't dare, and I couldn't, because in their eyes, they only had one daughter, and Fang Wan and I had long since died."

"I admit that at first, when I saw Fang Qian living a life of luxury, I was envious and jealous, and even had a hint of resentment, and when Fang Qian complained to me that her parents did not care about her and did not have time for her, do you know what I was thinking?"

"At the time, the interchange of identity, my thoughts were simple, I just want to go to enjoy the love of the father and mother, that time, I was happy, but also happy, but also satisfied, of course, undeniable, in the face of the temptation of material, I did sink, when Fang Qian wanted to come back, I was terrified, but also afraid, I do not want to lose it all, I admit that time I admit that I was selfish at that time."

"But was I wrong?"

"On what basis? Why can Fang Qian have it all, but I don't, also their daughter, why only Fang Qian can enjoy it, but I can only enjoy it as her?"

Hearing this, Xu Yang couldn't help but interject, "But that is someone else's life after all, you have no right to occupy someone else's things, you want to get back what belongs to you, there are many ways, impersonating her is not the best choice ..."

However, without waiting for Xu Yang to finish, Fang Wan'er rudely interrupted Xu Yang's words.

"What do you know?"

"Do you think I haven't confessed? Do you think I haven't gone to them? But they don't even admit it, what can I do? Other than this solution, I have no other way."

Xu Yang smiled and was silent, while Fang Wan'er continued to talk to herself.

"In fact, after swapping identities for a while, I also wanted to return to my own life, especially after seeing Fang Qian enter society and go through so many trials and tribulations, I also realized that I shouldn't take over other people's lives, I wanted to return everything to her, but someone stopped me."

"Fang Wan?"

Fang Wan'er nodded and said, "I lived as Fang Qian, Fang Wan lived as me, and when I wanted to change everything back, I realized that I wasn't the only one sinking, there was also Fang Wan."

"Fang Wan had a hard time as a child, but when she could get a better life, she would hold on to it, like a drowning person grabbing the last straw, I couldn't go back, and neither could Fang Qian, and the conflict just intensified."

"I underestimated Fang Wan's possessiveness and Fang Qian's vindictiveness, and just when I was thinking about how to put everything back to normal, the nightmare began."

"Xiao Yang, you know, when a person is overwhelmed by desire, will do a lot of incomprehensible things, commit unforgivable sins, that party, I was raped - rape, I lost a girl the most important thing, but even so, I still chose to forgive, because I think, that is the punishment for me to occupy her life, even if they imprisoned me I don't think I ever wanted to get back at them."

"But they should not have hurt my children, why, I will be punished for my mistakes, Fang Wan occupy my things, but no punishment, those who hurt me, still can get away with it, as if nothing happened, and live in peace?"

Xu Yang smiled and just wanted to retort, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

"I made a mistake, I was punished, Fang Wan took away everything from me, I can also forgive, but they want to deprive me of the right to live, how can I not hate?"

"When I missed killing Fang Wan, but after I escaped from the cage, I secretly swore that I would take back everything that belonged to me, and I would make all those who had hurt me, pay the price."

"You can choose to call the police and seek the help of the police ah, even if you do not seek the police, you should not drag Li Yang into the water, he is innocent." Xu Yang asked.

Fang Wan'er smiled, turned her head, looked Xu Yang in the eyes, and sneered, "Call the police? Oh!"

"When I was raped, when I was at my most desperate, where were the police? When I was imprisoned in the basement and about to die, where were they? Even if I had called the police, would I really have been able to get help? Would I get my innocence back? Would my children come back to life? Not to mention, I killed someone."

"I admit, I shouldn't have pulled Li Yang into the water, he liked me, I shouldn't have used him, but it was so hard to escape, I simply couldn't find anyone who could help me, except for him who was willing to believe me, willing to accept me, willing to help me, I could only look for him."

Speaking of this, Fang Wan'er walked behind Xu Yang, hands on Xu Yang's shoulders, tone sultry said: "Xiao Yang, you know, when I escaped, I once approached your second uncle, seeking his help, but he refused."

"At first he, like you, told me to call the police, told me to give up revenge, told me to forget all about it, why? I was the one who was hurt, so why can't I take revenge?"

"If your second uncle had reached out to me at first, maybe I wouldn't have come this far."