Chapter 77: Eyes, Wooden Sculptures, Corpses

The door to the basement was opened and what appeared in front of the pair was a staircase going down.

The staircase was long, stretching all the way down to the dark depths, and on the walls were countless murals, graffiti to be exact.

The white walls were painted black, with a pair of red eyes painted on them, the person who painted them was very skillful, the eyes were very evocative and realistic, and the moment the phone lighted up, Yang Xueqi felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at her.

If it is not a superb psychological quality, she is likely to shoot the first time.

Xu Yang, who was standing behind Yang Xueqi, stepped forward and took a look at the eyes on the wall, and his heart fluttered and his breathing became rapid.

These eyes he had seen before, the login screen of "Thriller Survival Game" was a pair of eyes, and the eyes here were magnified versions of the eyes.

"The first crime scene?"

Yang Xueqi turned her head and looked at Xu Yang with a surprised look.

"Remember those photos that Fang Qian gave us?"

"What's wrong?"

"Did you find the room in the photos?"

Yang Xueqi shook her head, although there were photos, but to find the room, it was difficult to do so with a photo alone, after all, the information on the photo was too little.

"You mean, this is where those dead people were killed?"

Xu Yang nodded, then took a deep breath, held up his phone, and leapt over Yang Xueqi towards the front.

The basement was unfinished, the staircase was rough, just a rough, walking on it in varying depths.

Along the stairs all the way down, about twenty steps or so, the stairs were not going down, but forward, but a door blocked their way.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it."

Yang Xueqi just wanted to kick the door, but was stopped by Xu Yang.

"Don't be so violent."

After saying that, Xu Yang reached out and plucked a hairpin from Yang Xueqi's head, inserted it into the lock hole, and with just a few simple tweaks, the door opened.

"Who did you learn this lock picking skill from?"

Xu Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "Second Uncle."

With those words, Xu Yang pushed open the iron door and walked towards the front.

Not long after, another door appeared in front of them, and as usual, the door was poked open by Xu Yang again.

All the way forward, opening three doors in a row, finally came to the end, only the last door remained.

Xu Yang did not rush to open the lock this time, but turned his head and looked at Yang Xueqi.

Yang Xueqi understanding, the right hand holding a gun, the gun aimed at the door, the left hand holding a cell phone, resting on the wrist of the right hand below, vigilantly watching the door.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang then opened the door.


As the door lock was opened, Xu Yang immediately backed up, Yang Xueqi raised her gun, raised her foot, kicked open the iron door, and then rushed in, Xu Yang also followed closely behind.

The room was dark and smelled extremely bad. After smelling the smell, Xu Yang's stomach churned and his eyebrows knitted together, but whether it was Xu Yang or Yang Xueqi, after smelling the smell, he knew it was the smell of a decomposing corpse.

Xu Yang held up his phone and looked around the week, and everything in the room was presented to the two of them.

The room was not big, only about thirty or so square feet, airtight, except for the doorway where they were, only a window above the head where even a child could not get in.

Like the stairwell, the walls of the room were painted black and filled with eyes, standing in the doorway and looking over, it felt like these eyes were watching them, giving people a creepy sense of terror.

The room is not large, but a lot of things, the middle of the room is placed in a rusty single bed, the bed prostrate a person, to be precise, a corpse.

The corpse was face down, head raised high, hands extended backwards, feet high up, hands and feet bound together by wire, the whole person looked like a bow.

A thin wire from the chin of the deceased through the entire head, and then extended backward, connected in the lower - body of the deceased, making the deceased head high up, the scene is incomparably bloody and cruel.

With a single bed as the center, placed dozens of chairs, chairs were welded fixed to the ground, carefully counted, chairs, no more, no less, just twenty-six.

The chairs were rusted and badly deformed, seventeen of them had a wooden sculpture placed on them, which was as vivid as a living person.

All the wooden sculptures are the same as the corpse on the single bed, hands and feet are bound behind, head raised high, prostrate on the chair, and in the chest of the wooden sculpture, there is also a sign hanging, with three words written on it: Sorry!

Standing at the door, Xu Yang and the two of them who saw this scene were incomparably shocked inside.

Xu Yang took two steps forward, walked to the chair, squatted down, stared at one of the wooden sculptures and saw a name on the back of the wooden sculpture.

"Liu Mumu!"

This is one of the deceased.

Xu Yang turned around again and looked at the other chair.

"Chen Zihao!"

"Li Yang!"

Twenty-six chairs, seventeen wooden sculptures, all in this bizarre position appeared in Xu Yang's field of vision, each with a name on the back and a plaque on the chest of each wooden sculpture.

When he saw the last wooden sculpture, Xu Yang froze for a moment.

"Chen Xuefeng."

"He's not a student of the 15th senior class 4, right?"

Yang Xueqi smiled, thought about it, and said, "He's not a student, he's a teacher."


"Chen Xuefeng used to be their language teacher, then thirty-five years old, three years after Fang Qian and the others graduated, he resigned to go abroad for further study, and then settled abroad ..."

Saying that, Yang Xueqi stopped talking and suddenly said, "I know who the corpse that has not yet been identified is."

"Chen Xuefeng right?" Xu Yang said.

Yang Xueqi nodded and said, "Before, the forensic autopsy, it was strange, among all the dead killed, his age is the oldest, but also the earliest killed, according to the age inference, this person should now be more than forty years old, but in the senior class four students, there is no age to match it, which made us once very suspicious, did not expect the deceased is actually him. "

Hearing Yang Xueqi say so, a certain guess in Xu Yang's heart became more and more certain.

"Who is this deceased person?" Yang Xueqi walked to Xu Yang's side, looking at the single bed of the deceased asked.

"Wang Kai."


"Fang Wan's suitor, once also a student of senior class 4, is also the murderer who killed Fang Wan'er."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang with a surprised face, then she couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Yang, tell me honestly, how do you know this, what else do you know?"

Xu Yang did not answer this question, but stood in the middle of the chair, raised his head, and looked at the ceiling.

Only to see that there was a large eyeball pattern on the ceiling that was gazing at them from above.