Chapter 78: The Sinner's Son Surrenders

The first crime scene was found, and the police soon arrived at the scene to investigate the scene.

When the police entered the basement, was stunned by the scene in front of them.

As a criminal police, all kinds of bloody and cruel scenes have seen a lot, but like the basement of this weird, eerie, horrible scene, they are the first time to see.

"Are these graffiti painted by the killer, or by the owner of the house? It's really fucking scary."

"What is the other party doing here with so many eyes painted?"

"Have you noticed that the scene, it's very much like some kind of ritual."

"It does look like that. Is this the killer's murder mark?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."


After the police came and saw the scene, they began to whisper about it, but the discussion went on and on, but there was no answer after all.

After the police arrived, Xu Yang left the scene and sat on the passenger side of Yang Xueqi's private car, fiddling with his phone.

Yang Xueqi, on the other hand, was in command at the scene. One of the old police officers walked up to Yang Xueqi, looked at Xu Yang sitting in his car, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Team Yang, how did that kid find his way here?"

When this remark came out, the police officers who passed by them slowed down their steps and pricked up their ears.

They were also curious about this question.

Before, Xu Yang found a corpse hidden in room 4023, they were surprised, but thinking that Xu Yang had been in and out of 4023, plus he was an old resident there, based on the size of the room and thus found anomalies, also barely explained, but the situation here, how did Xu Yang know?

For Xu Yang, the interpol team is not unfamiliar with him, after all, is to assist the police to solve several cases of people, although he is still only a freshman, but the higher leadership to him extremely important, especially Yang Xueqi to his preference, which is well known.

Anyone who knows Xu Yang, think he is a good seedling to become a police officer, but he is still a student after all, before he showed the ability, indeed impressive, but also within the acceptable range, he only found some details of the case, the main work or police officers are doing.

However, this case, it seems that Xu Yang is leading from beginning to end, even the legendary police flower Yang Xueqi, also have to follow him, this is outrageous, and not just ordinary outrageous, as if he had participated in the crime, or witnessed the murderer committing the crime.

In the face of the police officers, Yang Xueqi silent, she is also curious, but before the police came, she asked, and Xu Yang chose to be silent.

This is also Xu Yang, if it were anyone else, Yang Xueqi will definitely not be so accommodating.

"Ask so much for what, hurry up and work,"

Hearing Yang Xueqi said so, other police officers quickly bowed their heads, speed up the pace, busy, mess with who do not provoke Yang Xueqi, this is the consensus within the police force.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

In the police intranet, Yang Xueqi's file is top secret, she just came, but the director personally sent, several directors are not absent, although she is only the vice captain of the criminal investigation team, but her rights can be no less than the captain.

Yang Xueqi is very cold to others, everything is official, but only to Xu Yang is very special, a fool can see that Xu Yang is not ordinary.

However, about Xu Yang's file information, the police are incomparably clear, did not see anything special, which makes many people more and more curious.


Xu Yang, who was sitting on the passenger side, had a very gloomy face at the moment.

The sinful son sent him another message.

Sins: Fang Wan'er's body, and the first crime scene were found by you, you surprised me, can you tell me, how did you do it?

Ghosts:Why should I tell you?

Sinister: You do not say I guessed, really surprised me, she actually believed you.

Seeing this, Xu Yang's pupils shrank.

Ghosts:What do you know?

Sinister Son: I know far more than you think.

Xu Yang frowned tightly and fell silent.

Sins: In playing the last game with you.

Ghosts:What game?

Sinja: You'll know soon, looking forward to meeting you.


Xu Yang froze and just wanted to send a message when the car door was opened and Yang Xueqi, holding her phone, appeared at the side of the car and looked at Xu Yang.

"Come with me to the police station."

"Is something wrong?" Xu Yang put away his phone and asked.

"The sinful son has turned himself in."



When these words came out, Xu Yang instantly froze, and then he asked, "Who is the sinful son?"

Yang Xueqi sat in the driver's seat and directly started the car, not answering the question.

Seeing this, Xu Yang pursed his lips and said, "It's Wang Le, right?"

Yang Xueqi turned her head, gave Xu Yang a deep look and said, "You know?"

Xu Yang nodded his head and said, "Guessed."

Yang Xueqi didn't ask Xu Yang how he guessed it, but said, "Wang Le wants to see you."

"To see me? Why?"

Yang Xueqi shook her head and said, "This is the only condition he made after he turned himself in."

Hearing Yang Xueqi say this, Xu Yang thought of the message sent by Sins just now, and was suddenly a little uneasy in his heart.

Xu Yang did not say anything, but Yang Xueqi opened her mouth and asked, "Xiao Yang, what do you really know, things have come to this point, you should say it."

Hearing this, Xu Yang was filled with bitterness, turned his head, looked at Yang Xueqi and smiled bitterly, "That's all I know."


The sound of sharp brakes suddenly sounded, Yang Xueqi slammed on the brakes, turned her head, looked at Xu Yang and said, "Xiao Yang, this is a matter of human life, not a child playing house, you should understand the reasoning, do not make it difficult for me, okay?"

Yang Xueqi looked at Xu Yang, Xu Yang also looked at her, after looking at each other for a moment, Xu Yang took the lead to shift his eyes, looked out the window and said, "I do know something, but I can't talk about it."

"Why can't you say anything? Are you in some kind of trouble? Or are you threatened by something?"

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "Neither, I can't explain to you how I know this, I can only tell you that I do know something."

Yang Xueqi smiled and fell silent, she stared at Xu Yang's face for a long time and suddenly said, "Your second uncle contacted you?"


Xu Yang was stunned, then he thought of something and shook his head, "No."

Seeing this scene, Yang Xueqi did not say anything.

At this moment, Yang Xueqi was very headache and helpless, she knew Xu Yang, knew Xu Yang's character, if he did not want to say, no matter how to ask, he would not say, so she simply stopped asking, she believed that Xu Yang would say sooner or later.

Thinking of this, she restarted the car and drove towards the police station.