Chapter 91: The Sinner's Son You Are

The dark room, loneliness was replaced by fear, Xu Yang was cold, the face with a childish, now filled with amazement and fear, holding the phone's hand has bruises.

On the dialog box of the phone screen, full of mockery of the word hee hee, is so conspicuous, more conspicuous is a picture.

An eyeball, located above the X, bizarre and frightening, incomparably malicious, and incomparably mocking, as if it was silently mocking Xu Yang.

The sinful son was still alive!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! There is no way he is still alive!" Xu Yang shouted in his heart.

Regarding the identity of the sinful son, Xu Yang had made several speculations.

The first time, he speculated that it was Li Yang, but after seeing Li Yang, Xu Yang found that he was just a decoy thrown out by the sinful son.

The second time, he speculated that it was Wang Le, and when Wang Le turned himself in and he met with him alone, it also showed that he was the son of sin, however, when Wang Le suddenly became ill, Xu Yang found that Wang Le was also just a decoy.

The third time, Wang Qiang, when ruled out all improbable, Wang Qiang is the most suspicious.

Although Wang Qiang died, but according to the police investigation, as well as the interrogation of suspects, all prove that Wang Qiang is the son of sin.

Of course, the most important thing is that before Xu Yang found the son of sin, he had a psychological portrait of the son of sin, and Wang Qiang's experience and psychological portrait is basically identical, which further confirms that Wang Qiang is the son of sin.

However, at this moment, looking at the message sent by the sinful son, Xu Yang's eyes narrowed into a slit.

After pondering for a long time, Xu Yang started typing.

Ghosts:Who the hell are you?

But when Xu Yang sent the message, the system showed that the account did not exist and a bunch of garbled codes appeared.

Sinner had disappeared!

Yes, he just disappeared, as if Sinner did not exist at all, as if everything he had experienced in the past few days was an illusion.


The phone fell on the table with a crisp sound, Xu Yang sat down on the chair, closed his eyes, and once again began to sort out the case in his mind.

The frightening eyes were still gazing at Xu Yang, with a mocking look in them.

"Could it be him?"

Not knowing how long had passed, Xu Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

Throughout the whole case, the one who seemed to be hiding the deepest was Wang Qiang, but in reality, it was the guy who turned Wang Qiang into a sinful son, but Xu Yang had no clue about this person.

"Who the hell is he?" Xu Yang muttered.

However, the dark bedroom, no one else but Xu Yang, no one answered his question.


Public Security Bureau.

Although it was already very late at night, the Public Security Bureau was still lit up.

The director Liang Zheng's office, Yang Xueqi is reporting the progress of the case detection.

The western suburbs murder case is very involved and has a great impact, which is of great concern, and the superiors require a deadline to solve the case.

With Wang Le's surrender and Wang Qiang's appearance, the progress of the case was fast, and after the people involved in the case spoke one after another, the case gradually came to light.

The cause of the case is very simple, is an illegitimate son for his mother's revenge story, very cliché, very dog blood, but also very horrible.

A revenge, destroyed countless families, all the people involved in the case is not an innocent, but when the truth emerges, everyone feels that these people involved in the case are at fault, but also guilty, but not to death.

After listening to Yang Xueqi's report, Liang Zheng sighed and said, "Twenty-six lives and more than thirty families were destroyed because of a revenge, is revenge really that important?"

Yang Xueqi smiled and was silent.

"When will the case be over?" Liang Zheng asked.

Yang Xueqi frowned tightly, looked at Liang Zheng, full of distress and said, "The case spans a long period of time, many key evidence are submerged, want to thoroughly investigate the truth, I'm afraid it's impossible, it's difficult to wrap up the work."


Liang Zheng smiled and sighed deeply, as the director, Liang Zheng knew it would be like this after listening to Yang Xueqi's case report.

"Let's close the case as soon as possible." Liang Zheng said.

Yang Xueqi frowned tightly and said, "Liang Bureau, there are still many doubts in the case, the western suburbs murder case is not that simple, we ..."

But not waiting for Yang Xueqi finished, Liang Zheng interrupted: "I know there are still doubts in the case, but how do you check? How to investigate? Check how long to come up with results?"

"But ..."

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. A result."

Yang Xueqi did not speak, she just looked at Liang Zheng, which made Liang Zheng very helpless.

At this moment, the office fell into silence, and the atmosphere became depressing.

Liang Zheng is considering what, Yang Xueqi naturally know.

The western suburbs murder case is solved, but the two main culprits are dead, many details are buried with their deaths, want to restore the truth 100% is impossible, although the case there are many doubts, but as Liang Zheng said, in the absence of the two main culprits, want to investigate these doubts is difficult.

Many doubts, few clues, long time, continue to investigate the impact on the case is not much.

Yang Xueqi can just focus on the case, but not Liang Zheng.

This time the western suburbs of the murder case will have how many people will be held accountable, removed - from office, disciplined, Yang Xueqi is not clear, but can be expected.

After a long silence, Liang Zheng suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "How much is this case related to X?"

Yang Xueqi thought about it and said, "According to the investigation of the case, as well as Wang Le and other people's statements, there must be another person behind Wang Qiang, or even a group of people,"

Liang Zheng nodded, looked at Yang Xueqi pondered for a moment and said, "The western suburbs murder case closed as soon as possible, as for the person behind Wang Qiang, you can continue to investigate, but pay attention to the impact."

Hearing Liang Zheng say this, Yang Xueqi sighed in her heart, she knew this was all she could do.

"The dossier about the schoolboy pen and ball point pen, I want to take it away."

Liang Zheng was not at all surprised by this and said, "Yes, you are professionals in such matters, just decide."

Yang Xueqi nodded and didn't say anything else.

Just as Yang Xueqi got up, Liang Zheng suddenly asked, "How did the murderer manage to kill so many people in a row without arousing the suspicion of others?"

"Nowadays, technology is very advanced and the network is also very developed, it is easy to disguise a person, a cell phone is enough."


Liang Zheng froze, and then he thought of something, nodded his head, not asking anything more.