Chapter 92 - Showed off

Xu Yang sat in his bedroom for more than two hours, and kept replaying the case, but the doubts in his mind still had not been solved.

With the fall of the western suburbs murder case, sinful son also disappeared from Xu Yang's life, everything seems to go back to the previous.

Pick up the phone, stand up, walk to the photo wall, erase the name on the blackboard, take down the photos, organize the files and put them into the case, and then stand for a long time in front of the photo wall staring at Sinzi's name.

"Since you want to play, I will play with you, I will find you sooner or later."

After muttering some words to himself, Xu Yang walked out of the bedroom.

Although there were still many doubts in his heart, Xu Yang decided not to think about it for now.

Looking at the time, it was already after nine o'clock.

"Gu Gu Gu!"

His stomach grumbled, after running around all day without eating much, he was hungry, but Xu Yang didn't want to go out, so he casually ordered a takeaway.

While waiting for the takeaway to arrive, Xu Yang entered the bathroom and started washing up.

Only, when entering the bathroom, Xu Yang remembered what Wang Le said before, and he began to check the bathroom.

In the hidden corner of the bathroom, he found an old keyboard-style cell phone.

The phone was still charged, opened a flip, and did not find any useful clues, only found an audio in the folder, and after tapping it, an eerie voice rang out in the bathroom.

"Who are you?"

"Hoo-hoo-hoo!" The sound of the wind blowing.

"Who am I?"

"Creak!" The sound of a window being opened.

"Slap, slap, slap!" The sound of rain slapping against the window.

"Squeak!" The sound of fingernails scratching the door panel.

With the opening of this audio, Xu Yang seemed to go back to the time when he played the mirror game before.

However, this time Xu Yang did not feel fear, but rather some depression.

For his own intelligence, Xu Yang is very confident, and occasionally a little conceited, but who would have thought that as smart as he would actually be this small trick to deceive, but also scared.

If this gets out, Xu Yang will really be ashamed of himself.

Turning off the audio and placing the phone in the living room, Xu Yang entered the bathroom again and started washing up.

Just when Xu Yang entered the bathroom, a black cat appeared at the window, his eyes fell on the old phone, the cat's eyes showed anthropomorphic disgust and anger.

The black cat jumped down from the window and went straight to the living room.

"Zee zee zee!"

The phone, which was silent, suddenly emitted an eerie sound.


The black cat barked at the phone, then stretched out its front paws and gave it a swat.


A sound mixed with anger and panic, sounded from the phone, there is black and red blood oozing out, do not know if the beat too hard, resulting in the phone inside the parts are burned, or because of other, a gray mist curling up.

Seeing the gray mist, the black cat's whole body hair are erected, rushed to the gray mist and screamed, and then opened his mouth, a mouthful of gray mist will be swallowed.

The scream suddenly sounded, and then abruptly stopped.

After swallowing the gray mist, the black cat's stomach obviously bulged, and its spirit became depressed, it raised its head, looked at the bathroom, eyes flickering, and then turned to leave.

After the black cat left, the blood that seeped out quickly dried up and eventually turned into pieces, disappearing without a trace, leaving only a puddle of shallow traces on the table.

For everything that happened in the living room, Xu Yang did not have the slightest awareness.


"Knock, knock, knock!"

Xu Yang just walked out of the living room, he heard a knock on the door, he did not think much about it directly open the door, a delivery boy carrying a takeaway standing outside.

Received the takeaway, said thanks, returned to the living room, while eating, while reading WeChat.

The reason why Xu Yang thought the real culprit behind the hospital was Wang Qiang, thanks to the investigation of Brother Tuhao.

I do not know what means Brother Tuhao used, actually really found out the identity of the sinner, and told Xu Yang first.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Xu Yang: Thank you.

Qian Zenduo: small meaning, all the things that money can do, are not called things.

Xu Yang saw after some speechless, and some funny.

The earthy brother is always showing his financial power, Xu Yang is used to it.

When he first met the tycoon, Xu Yang actually did not have a good feeling about him, not hatred of the rich mentality, but Xu Yang felt that this guy is really stupid money, IQ worry, three words are not away from the money, it is a bit offensive.

But after a period of contact, Xu Yang found that the tycoon brother is not like he thought.

This guy is not stupid, but very smart, do not look at his crazy money in the live room, but a live down, he not only did not lose, but made a lot of money, for those who watch his live psychology, he is incomparably clear, know how to cut leeks, and also cut everyone think they have earned.

If you don't have some intelligence, you can't really do it.

The main broadcasters, UP owners are countless, once many follow the rise of the main broadcasters, either cool, or die out with the crowd, only Tuhao brother stand, many follow the wind to learn Tuhao brother of the main broadcasters and UP owners are not a few, but some operation down, the money did not earn, but also owed a fart - stock debt, can only end in disgrace.

Xu Yang: How did you find out about that guy?

This question, Xu Yang is really curious, you know, the police have not found the sinner, but the tycoon found.

Qian Zhenduo: My staff found it.


Xu Yang: It's that simple?

The company's employees have a few hackers under them, so I let them try, and I didn't expect them to find it after some tinkering.

Xu Yang: You have hackers under you?

Qian Zhenduo: who am I ah, recruit a few hackers as employees is very unexpected?

Across the screen, Xu Yang could feel the smugness of Brother Tuhao, who was shown a face again.

Xu Yang: Socially, I'm a dirtbag brother, dirtbag brother YYDS.

Money really much: Haha! Low profile! Be modest, hehehe!

Xu Yang looked at his phone, rolled his eyes, and spat in his heart, "Damn, he pretended to again."

However, the spit is spit, through this matter, Xu Yang once again realized that the earth brother is not simple, rich naturally needless to say, the energy is also very big, can dig out the hidden so deep sins, certainly not ordinary hackers can do.

This kind of person, actually working for Brother Tudor, that can be more than just money can do.

"Who the heck is this guy?"

Xu Yang began to be curious about the identity of Brother Tuohy.