To the rescue

"...Well, that was a bust."

Colt could only stare at the man that pointed out the obvious. Even though he had a helmet on, Kanan could feel the gaze on him.

"Was it?"

He got a glare for that. Snickering he tightened the bandage a little tighter than necessary, earning a wince from the older man, and stood up with a sigh.

Nodding to the Lasat, he walked out of the medical bay, heading towards the captain of this ship, leaving three people in the infirmary.

"So... How was he?"

Sabine asked curiously, still looking at their leader's newly bandaged arm. It was perfectly treated.

"Efficient and brutal."

That came from Zeb who crosses his arms and leaned back on a wall. Sabine turned to Kanan, expecting him to elaborate.

"Imagine you and Zeb combined time ten."

Her eyebrows rose up, not expecting that. Zeb was brutal, aiming to hurt their opponents and she was efficient, discarding any kind of style to make her chances of survival higher.


The three remain silent for a few minutes before Colt walked in again, checking over his armor.

"Hera said to get ready, we should be coming out of hyperspace in a few minutes, Kanan's staying on the ship to provide cover fire from the canons."

The three stared at him for a second before it sunk in, hera was taking charge.

"Well, this can only go well."

Everyone ignored Kanan's indignant "Hey".


As soon as the ship entered the stratosphere, he grabbed both of his blasters and waited for the hanger to lower.

He could hear the canons blasting away, probably in hopes to startle any troops and get them away from the Wookiees.

Soon enough, the hanger opened and the three ran out of the ship, jumping behind cover.

The Storm troopers abandoned the slaves, taking cover themselves and the self preservation of the wookiees pushed them to huddle together in the distance.

"Ill flank, keep them busy."

Receiving a nod from the female mando, he sprinted towards the side. The sound of blasters being fired was still prominent even without him there, but he had a job to do.

Sneaking past the troopers, he came out of the cover and shot the three guards in the back...

How they didn't notice him being absent was beyond him, but that could be blamed on adrenaline.

Pocketing one of the blasters, he went towards the wookiees.

[Stay back!]

One of them with darker fur said while pushing the rest behind him. It was clear to Colt, if he was a threat, he didn't plan on letting him any closer, he would kill him, or die trying. He could respect that.

Raising his hand, he let go of the blaster, letting it hang on one finger in a show of non-aggressiveness.

[Calm down, were here to help.]

The dark furred Wookiee seemed to relax a little but was still on guard in case he pulled something.

Reaching what seemed to be the leader of the group, he grabbed his handcuffed hands and quickly looked it over...

Seemingly not giving it a thought, he aimed a blaster at it and pulled the trigger.

The handcuffs fell to the floor and the older Wookiee was rubbing his wrists, they shared a look before the taller of the two nodded gratefully.

[Get the others free and head to the ship before the reinforcements arrive.]

As he handed the Wookiee his blaster another engine was heard, looking to the sky they saw the imperial imperial shuttle that has gotten closer than he felt comfortable with.

Kanan was already aiming and he could see Sabine taking out an explosive.

Sighing, he walked towards the dead troopers and picked up one of their blasters, tossing it to the Wookiees that had their hands free.

Turning towards the shuttle, he raised his blaster and took a shot. The shot missed simply because there was no one coming from he hanger.

Noticing the blasters on the shuttle move, he rolled to the side, avoiding what would have been a killing blow. Sabine and Zeb weren't spared either as they had to abandon their current cover to keep their lives.

Thinking quickly, he grabbed a smoke bomb from his belt and pulled the pin throwing it in front of the shuttle to cover their escape turning around, he saw the Wookiees still huddling together, but they had their blasters aimed to the shuttle.

Like them, they were expecting imperials to come out. An explosion rang out and he looked back to see Sabine ducking behind cover, she must have thrown her explosive.

[To the ship, I'll cover you.]

The leader nodded and motioned the rest of the group to follow.

Reaching behind him, Colt took out a small vibro-blade, it reminded him of combat knives in his old world if he was honest, but his experience with them proved them to be more deadly.

Holding it in a reverse grip, he stood up from behind the crates and walked towards the smoke.

It was time to hunt.

-Kanan POV-

Kanan could count on one hand the number of times his plans went well. And this was not one of them.

He doubted that it would have been as easy to get out of that situation as it was if it wasn't for Ghost... Who was currently walking towards the imperial shuttle.

"... He's crazy."

Thinking that his muttering would not be heard, the brown haired man focused back on the situation, now was not the time.


Jumping slightly, he sighed when he realized it was Hera, their ships captain.

"Its ghost, he's heading to face a squad of stormtroopers... Again."

[Wait, what?!"

The exclamation was so loud he even heard it from the turret.

He agreed, pulling it once in a hall was one thing, but that was an open space, he doubted that he could pull it off without help.

Kanan would have to help, and he would have to do something he hasn't done for a while.

Taking a deep breath, he focused, his body relaxed, his mind cleared and he gripped the handles. Turning the canons slightly, he hesitated, if this worked, he would provide a good destruction for Ghost, if it didn't he would hit Ghost.

In the end, he pressed the button and a shot rang out.

He just hoped that it would work.