
Sabine wren expected this to be just another mission, a little more challenging but still, overall normal mission.

With a plus one.

Ghost, as his name indicated, was a mystery, a complete and utter mystery, she hadn't seen his skill in a fight, but according to Zeb and Kanan, he was good.

And now, even though the fight was obscured by the smoke, she could see the aftermath.

His bloodied form sat in the infirmary, he wasn't hurt, that wasn't even his blood.

Currently occupied with wiping off the blood from his armor, she wondered what he was thinking.


Whose idea was it to shoot that bolt into the smoke? He almost jumped into that blast, he almost died.

He didn't know what baffled him more, the fact that the concept of death didn't bother him as much as it should have, or for the fact that he almost died again because some dumbass decided to test if friendly fire was on.

Looking up from getting rid of the blood from his armor, he looked at the Mandalorian who was just staring at him for a while now.

"...Can I help you?"

Seemingly snapping out of her trance, she avoided his eyes before responding.

"No, just thinking."

Sighing, he threw out the one-time-use cloth and took out another. This was so annoying.

Sighing, Colt stood up and walked over to the sink, wetting the cloth and wiping it across his helmet.

Looking into the mirror, he saw that most of the blood was gone and he deemed it good enough.

"By the way, whose bright idea was it to shoot a canon bolt into the smoke when I was there?"

She shrugged but by the thinning of her lips and avoidance of eye contact... Well, visor contact made it clear.

It was either Kanan or chopper.

Sighing, he walked out of the med-bay into the hangar, where the Wookiees were.

Grabbing the railing, he jumped over, landing in a crouch. Straightening up, he looked around as the tall, hairy humanoids parted, revealing their leader, or who he assumed to be.

He still held his Blaster as he walked up to him and held the pistol out to him.

[Thank you.]

Colt noticed a smaller Wookiee, probably his son right behind his legs, the little guy seemed to be frightened of him, he understood really, his armor was covered in the blood of his enemies and their captors.

Grabbing the blaster, he turned on the safety and holstered it, shaking his head.

[I had my own reasons for doing this, you need to thank the others.]

Turning around, he headed for the ladder, using it to boost himself back up to the platform.

[Thank you, mister!]

Mister? That made him feel weirdly old.

Looking over his shoulder, he eyed the small Wookiee for a second before nodding in acknowledgment.

Entering the control room, he looked at Hera and Kanan, who turned to look at him as he walked inside.

The male of the two turned around in his seat and leaned forward, propping his elbow on his leg while letting the other rest lightly on the other.

Hera pressed some buttons that he had no idea which did what and turned around herself.

"So... Do you want the information now or after we reach Lothal?"

Colt thought about it, but he didn't see the point in delaying it.

"Now will be the most convenient, no point in delaying it."

Hera nodded and began.


"Ten, huh?"

At least two of them were dead. And if he managed to get the Empire's attention, which he most certainly did, there would be more coming after him.

Colt leaned his head on the wall behind him, sighing. This was not good at all.

"Well, I can't go anywhere, and buying a ship to travel is still far off, I don't even know how to fly one... At least I can prepare now."

Straightening up, he went to walk out of the room but Hera's voice stopped him.

"If you don't mind, you can join us, we're always moving and there is space for one more on the ship. It would be beneficial for both of us, we can use your skills and you can use the freedom from the Empire."

... That was actually a win-win deal. And she did have a good point. He had no reason to decline.

If the surveillance were to increase, it would only be a matter of time before the Empire found him, no matter how skilled he was, living on the run wasn't something he could keep up for long.

Even his real identity would be revealed if he didn't manage to sneak off.

And there wasn't anything wrong with it if they had just offered him a spot here without any reason, he wouldn't hesitate to decline.

But they wanted his combat skills.

"I'll think about it."

He'd rather not set up traps in the whole city, too many casualties...

But still, joining this group might not be that good of an idea.

Walking out of the control room, he walked towards the common room and sat down at the table, releasing a large sigh.

This adventure was going to be over soon, and life would go back to normal... If not with a little more excitement... With a side serving of near-death experiences, just the perfect amount of excitement in life...

[Hey, meat bag, what are you sulking for?]

Looking down at the little shit of a droid, his eyebrow twitched, maybe he should test friendly fire too, just to be sure it isn't on.