Chapter Twenty

You know, sometimes, I wonder just what I am doing with my life.

Robbing the empire that controls galaxies, fighting people with plasma swords and telekinetic powers. Now, here I am, fighting giant robots.

Kanan shot the blaster he was holding, sending a bright white beam toward one of the walkers. As soon as it impacted, electricity ran across the whole of the robot, and it steamed before falling to the ground.

I blinked, was that a disruptor? What the fuck were they doing with disruptors?

The second walker was right behind the first one that fell, and it took the chance to fire at the gunslinger. Thankfully, it missed, but the blast threw Kanan back and onto his back.

Narrowing my eyes I dashed forward from my position just as Hara, the pilot, distracted the drivers by grabbing their attention onto herself.

Running up to the leg of the walker, I jumped up, grabbed it, and climbed up as quickly as I could, with it moving back and forth.

as soon as I reached the section where the leg connected to the body and held down the trigger of my blaster and a swirling red blade came out of the barrel.

With a quick slash, I separated the leg from the robot and followed the rod of metal as it fell to the ground, the rest of the robot falling behind me as I jumped right before the leg hit the ground and rolled to dissipate the momentum.

Straightening up, I looked over at Hera to make sure she was okay, spotting her waving an arm in front of her face to get the dust out of her nose.

Looking back at the carrier that brought the two robots here, I rose an eyebrow as the platform descended, bringing down about ten stormtroopers, the guy from the slave-releasing adventure, and one of the inquisitors.

It was the big one that I suspected was blind, but the way his head tilted in my direction immediately had me doubting that.

He calmly turned his whole body in my direction and grinned maniacally.

Taking a deep breath, I sighed as I did the same. My hand tightened on my blaster and my free hand reached for my Vibro blade.

Spinning the blade between my fingers, I gripped the blade in a reverse grip as the Inquisitor activated his double-ended lightsaber.

I could tell that this was going to be a pain in the ass.

Alright, these idiots were using force by their hands the last time I checked, so get rid of the arms and it should be fine.

He walked forward and I watched... He kept walking... Was-was he serious?

Rolling my eyes, I dashed forward, bending at the waist. My gun was held at my side and I raised my blade, activating it. The inquisitor stopped and raised his lightsaber in front of him.

The lightsaber began to spin and I raised my blaster, aiming at the handle that was stationary.

I shot, and the Inquisitor stopped the spinning trick, trying to deflect the bolts back. Unfortunately for him, my modified barrel made sure that the blast wasn't directed at me.

The Lightsaber met the spinning bolt and it was deflected, right into his shoulder. The lightsaber bolt burned through his shoulder armor, digging into his skin as he shouted out in pain.

I leaned to the side, avoiding a desperate swing, and spun on my heel, bringing the vibro blade in an arc and stabbing the inquisitor in the eye. The blade pierced the glazed-over organ and went out the other side of the skull.

Blood splurted from the wound and splashed across my visor. The pale eyes, well, eye widened and the man tried to reach for me, right before I tugged the blade up, slicing through his brain.

There, wasn't so hard, was it?

I looked down at the crumbled form of the inquisitor and crouched down to clean the vibro-blade on his clothes. I had enough of his blood on me already, no need to get any more of it.

Sheathing the turned-off blade, I used my foot to kick up the lightsaber and fought it, looking it over for any damage.

"Another one bites the dust, as they say."

I looked up to see the stormtroopers just staring at me, probably in shock but it didn't last all that long as half of them focused their fire on me.

Shit! Fuck! Shit!

I rolled to the side, straightening myself and dashing towards the rocks. The Ghost crew was returning Fire, but considering that Zeb was nowhere to be found, Hera was too busy starting the ship and there were five troopers focusing on them, Sabine and Kanan couldn't exactly focus their efforts on keeping the fire off me.

Huffing out a breath, I activate one side of the lightsaber and looked for a to adjust the length of the blade... Nothing.

Scowling slightly, I switched the lightsaber with the gun, not holding it in my right hand as I shot out from my hiding place.

I swung the energy sword in my hand, redirecting some blasts that were aiming at me and using my left to blast them back.

When I got closer, three of them were already unconscious. I lowered my body, getting closer to the ground as I skidded to a stop, and swung the energy blade in an arc, splitting two of the stormtroopers in half horizontally.

Without much fanfare, I flung the red blade into the helmet of the Imp that was trying to take a shot at me, sheathing it into their skull.

Raising my blaster, I shot one in the knee, making them miss their own blaster bolt that would have landed on my torso.

Rushing forward, I grabbed the Lightsaber as the body of the previous Stormtrooper was falling and freed it from the skull's containment, by twisting my body to the side, slicing through the helmet, and decapitating the Trooper next to him.

A blaster bolt flew past my head, hitting a stormtrooper behind me, and I glanced over at Kanan that was aiming in my direction.

Gotta admit that was a nice shot.

Nodding in his direction, I crouched down and twisted, slashing the legs of another soldier that got too close for his safety.

One was injured and three left. If only I could use the force.

Clicking my tongue, I slashed at the bolt that was coming my way and returned the favor in kind, hitting the Stormtroopers blaster.

My blast dug through the metal and probably reached the energy container, as an explosion erupted from the weapon.

I ignored the smell of charred meat that reached my nostrils and looked over at the remaining two. They looked at me for a moment, tilted their head slightly towards each other, probably sharing a glance, and promptly surrendered.