Chapter Twenty-One

It was weird, to be honest.

Knowing that you just killed innocent people that were just doing their job. But that didn't change the fact that they would have killed you if you didn't retaliate.

They were following orders, I was surviving.

"Are you hurt at all?"

I glance to the side to see Kanan walking into the main room and looking me over. I just shrugged, I was fine, but that wouldn't last for too long.

I just killed another Inquisitor, my bounty would probably go up, and the empire would send a substantial amount of troopers to search the city. I wasn't safe unless I kept on the move.

"I'll live, no damage. Will probably need to move, though, the empire will be searching the houses of anyone suspicious or shooting them on sight, they're not below that."

I leaned back, absently wiping the blood away from my visor. I had resources that would need to be moved. My best bet would be to try to join the Bounty Hunter guild. I would need a ship, and I don't know how to fly one, so that can be a problem.

"you know, that offer still stands."

I looked back at him for a moment, humming thoughtfully. I didn't have enough credits to by a ship and wouldn't for years. I sighed, I wouldn't put it past the empire to send even more inquisitors to search for me and while I can deal with them individually, I think they would have learned their lesson to not face me one on one.

The ghost crew was my best option.

Releasing a sigh, I nodded, getting a smile in return that I ignored.

"I have some supplies at my place we can pick up, Food, fuel... Ammunition."

I listed off, getting a raised eyebrow from Kanan.

"You have fuel?"

I just deadpanned at him behind my helmet, Of course, I had fuel, that was my next best source of credit.

"Yes, I have fuel. You know the abandoned communication tower next to the city? Land near there, I'll bring things back."

I stood up, heading towards the hangar when Kanan nodded. Entering a few doors, I jumped over the railing, landing next to my hoverbike.

De-attaching the cart that the droid was on, I checked over both of them for any damage. Thankfully, other than a few dents on the droid from rocks, no internal compartments were damaged.

Standing up, I noticed another droid, that was not chopper, rolling over to me. Its white body was contrasted by its blue head as it used the front wheel to guide its course and the two hind wheels to stabilize itself.

[Hello Human.]

I blinked at him, for a moment. That was kind of respectful.

"Hello yourself."

I greeted back and went over to check the bike to see if it would start, fortunately, it did.

[Do you mind if I ask what you need this old droid for?]

I glanced at the droid before shrugging.

"I like making things, maybe I can make something out of that. Ghost, by the way."

Turning off the hoverbike, I leaned on the seat, staring at the droid.

[My designation code is R2D2.]

I hummed for a moment acknowledging that and looked up at the ceiling. I had nothing to do until the ship landed so... What now?

The droid remains silent as I think, but no thoughts were running through my head. Finally releasing a sigh, I dropped my head, splattering some blood on the floor.

"Fucking hell..."

Muttering I crouched down and dug through my pouches. Finding what I needed, I took out a piece of cloth and ripped a small bit, wiping the floor and getting rid of the blood drops.

Folding it, I started cleaning my helmet. I usually did this when I was safe, but I guess this is as safe as it gets.

"You know, taking off the helmet makes cleaning it easier."

I looked up at the railing, I spotted Sabine that was leaning over it, her helmet nowhere to be found.

"You don't say."

I said rhetorically, continuing to wipe my helmet. I heard feet impacting the ground near me and I looked up to see her walking over.

"Kanan said you would be joining us, Zeb and I will come with you so that you won't have to make multiple trips."

I hummed at that, eyeing the three hoverbikes in the corner of the hanger.

"Ah, you two are here, great. Get ready, Hera said we will be landing soon."

I nodded and got on the hoverbike.

[Bye Ghost!]

R2D2 rolled off, heading... somewhere. I shrugged and waited for Sabine and Zeb to get on their bikes as I felt through the force the ground getting closer.


"So... This is your secret base?"

Asked Zeb, crouching so that he could fit through the door. I nodded as I walked over to a few crates where I kept my nutrient and ration bars.

Activating the crates and making them levitate, I pushed them over to Sabine.

"The blasters are in that room."

I pointed to the open door and Zeb nodded, walking over.

"And the fuel is below, we will need to get down."

I got a curious look from Sabine as she stopped right before she left through the door.

"This used to be a communication tower, so the pillar has an entrance that gives access to some electronics. Get rid of the electronics and you get a substantial storage room."

I shrugged and walked over to where I kept my Kyber crystal and opened the compartment next to it, taking out my credit chip until I felt Sabine leave.

Opening the correct compartment, Taking out the Black Crystal, and pocketing it in one of the pouches on my belt.

"Hey, there are two more crates inside there, they important?"

I look over to Zeb and nodded, those were the metals I was hoping to melt and make custom, functional, and more importantly, accurate blasters with.

"Yeah, I'll grab them."

As I passed Zeb and entered the room, I shivered.

Scrunching my brows, I looked around, reaching into the force. Nothing was wrong... So what the hell was that?