Chapter Forty-Two

"Are you sure you won't regret this?"

Asked Kanan, looking at the ship that flew off, standing next to me. I remained silent for a bit, pondering for a split second.


I nodded and headed to the Hangar where Ghost was landed.

Kanan sighed and followed behind me, not wanting to argue much, since we had already had this conversation before.

"By the way, where can I forge my armor around here?"

I asked, glancing at him in the corner of my eye and he thought about it for a few minutes before shrugging.

"I don't know anyone around here, you should ask Sabine, She's the Mandalorian."

I nodded and decided to ask Dina too, just in case. My thoughts wandered off to Dina for a moment, a smile tugging at my lips. The time we spent together was, nice, very nice indeed. Though, I didn't know if it would last...

I doubt she would throw away everything she had in life just to accompany me to search for my brother, and with whatever was happening on the Ghost, I was torn between a few places at the same time.

The heart wanted what the heart wanted, and I wasn't blinking at the effort she was putting in as well.

She had no reason to fly to Lothal, but she did anyway, she had no reason to delay her departure, but she did, just to spend time with me.

I looked up at the ceiling for a moment, was I falling for her? Probably, but I had no idea what the future would hold... But what's life without a little risk?

I felt a smile tugging at my lips.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and continued walking.


"So this is your final design?"

Sabine asked, looking over the paper she held in her hand. Her eyes scanned the paper. I nodded, plugging a cable in my old helmet and putting it on. I took out my blaster and pointed it at the wall and a crosshair showed up.

I moved the blaster around and watched as the crosshair followed, now I just needed to test the accuracy.

I took off the helmet and put it to the side as there was a knock on the door. I waved a hand and opened it, seeing Zeb looking awkward. As he looked inside and saw the two of us, he heaved a sigh and straightened up.

"Come on you two, We... uh, we got a situation."

Sabine and I shared a look before I stood up, floating my mask over to me and putting it on my face as I walked out of my room. The door closed behind us as we followed Zeb to the hangar.

Leaning on the railing with Sabine walking up next to me, I stared at the man who came up the ramp with a smug grin, a mustache, and a gray, puffy shirt with black pants.

I raised an eyebrow in interest, what was Lando doing here? Never really dealt with him personally, but I have heard of him.

"What do you think they messed up this time?"

I hummed at Sabine's question, tilting my head to the side in thought as I pondered on the answer.

"honestly, it could be anything..."

I sighed, jumping over the railing and walking up to a fuming Hera.

"-You can't just bet Chopper! He's a part of the crew!"

She screamed at Kanan and I just knew that he was going to sleep on the floor for a long while.

"You lost chopper in a bet?"

I asked Kanan who just sighed.

"Not me..."

I looked over to Zeb who just looked away. Humming I looked at Hera for an explanation.

"These two bet chopper on a game, now we have to transfer a cargo to Lothal to get him back and get paid."

I nodded. I would bet chopper too, wasn't gonna lie.

I didn't have a problem with doing a job, especially since we were getting paid, so I would put up with this guy, no problem.

How hard could it be?

Apparently, as I found out only an hour later, really hard.

"I think he cheated."

Zeb muttered while we were sitting on the large corner chair in front of the desk, with me tinkering with my Decoder.

"You still bet against him."

I shrugged, tightening a screw and activating it. The device worked perfectly, it was supposed to be even faster now with the new part I installed.

I ignored as the said man sucked up to Sabine about her drawings.

"Look at him."

Zeb muttered, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. I rolled my eyes, moving my finger and making him spill the contents of the cup he was holding on him.

Zeb snickered at the man's groan as Sabine looked over at us and I acted like I wasn't the only Force user in the room who could have done it.

"Thanks, Colt."

I hummed in response to Zeband putting the De-coder in its place in one of my pouches.

"The man would not shut his trap ever since he walked up in the ship."

I shrug, using the excuse that was freely given to me, and eyed up his bo-staff.

"Mind if I play around with your Bo-staff?"

Zeb looked over at me, his eyebrows turning down into a frown.

"No... The staff is... Important to me."

I nodded, backing off from the topic. He didn't want to talk about it, that was obvious, I would not pry.

It took a few more minutes to reach our destination, which was another ship in the middle of nowhere, probably a commonly used meeting point.

Getting up from my seat, I put my hands in my pockets and went to the door that connected to the second ship, Kanan and Hera arrived soon after with Lando on their heels.

Sabine and Zeb joined soon after, with Chopper, who was now acting as Lando's lackey.

I kept an eye on Lando as he walked out of the ship and into the hallway that connected to the other, the door closing behind them.

I sighed, reaching up for my mask and taking it off.

"Can I kill him?"

I asked suddenly, getting an immediate nod from Zeb and a deadpan from Sabine.


I leaned against the wall, rolling my eyes in disappointment.

"The guy is trying to split us up by causing conflict, its pretty obvious, he wants something..."

Sabine raised an eyebrow, and Zeb leaned forward in interest."

"He leads the conversations with Kanan and Hera, trying to make something a disagreement by testing their trust in each other, it's pretty annoying, especially with his voice."

Zeb nodded.

"And when he was talking with you, Sabine, the constant glances my way were a dead giveaway-"

Zeb smirked and I gave him an annoyed look.

"He wants something from us, something that wasn't in the deal he made with Kanan..."

Sabine hummed in thought, crossing her arms and putting her weight on one of her legs.

"Could be..."

That mutter signaled the end of the conversation as we waited for them to come back. Putting the mask back on, I absently sunk into the Force.

The wait did not last for long, but when the group returned, the only thing wrong was that one of them was missing.

"Where's Hera?"

Sabine asked and I tensed, my hand going down to my blaster.

"Ask him."

Kanan pointed at Lando who was wearing a smug grin while walking in.

"Don't worry, she's following the plan."

The smoothness of his voice, combined with the way he talked like we were just puppets at his fingertips was really starting to piss me off. I didn't think I had the type of person I hated, at least, to this extent, but Lando is in that category.

"What "plan"?"

The venom in Kanan's voice was enough to poison even the beasts with the strongest immunities. I suspect he was holding back from cutting Lando down where he stood.

I could understand, I suspect I would have the same reaction if I witnessed what he did happen to my lover.

"Didn't you listen? I told her to use the escape pod."

I could see Kanan's fists clenching in frustration as he turned and headed to the cockpit, to pick Hera up.

My eyes focused on Lando, who was smirking smugly at the retreating back of Kanan.

Man... What an asshole.

"Tell me, Lando..."

I started, getting his attention, getting him to turn to me with a curious quirk of his eyebrow.

"What do you think your chances are if we, hypothetically, decided to kill you to save ourselves the trouble?"

He blinked and I could sense the Force around him tremble, indicating nervousness.

"What do you mean, my young friend?"

I hummed, my hand just itching to take my blaster out.

"You see... friend... I don't know what you just did, but I can make an educated guess..."

My thumb traveled across the since of my blaster, resting on the handle in a comfortable position.

"Kanan did not kill you, he has a moral code, however, I can, the only reason I didn't, is because I respect Kanan, and trust Hera... However, I would advise you to not push too far, okay, friend?"


Bad news and some good news.

I have a quiz soon, so I have practically no time to write along with assessments every week. However, I am trying and I thank you all for the support.

Now for the good news.

My friend and I are working on the idea for an original novel, there's is nothing written yet, only on paper and some broad outlines on what is supposed to happen. Most likely, I'll post a few chapters on Patreon for that before starting to post here, it won't interfere with this since there are two working on that and just me on this.