Situation. (Not a chapter.)

So, I haven't been posting lately, or even writing much and I feel bad for the people who have subscribed to my Patreon, I promised a lot of things, and I can't keep up with the promises.

The situation in my country right now is, for all intents and purposes, shit.

The students stopped going to the universities in protest, the Quizzes were a pain, and the Midterms immediately after, I could barely open Wbnovel before coming back home and faceplanting into the bed, only to start studying right after...

I looked at the reviews and considering that this story is... two years old with 2 million views, it is great, don't get me wrong, but two years ago, I didn't know a thing about writing. I feel like I'm still stuck in that same place and when I find the time to sit down and write, nothing comes to mind, could be writer's block, but I have considered ending this story at the end of the first season.

I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just a 19 year old who didn't want to study medicine who's parents are working themselves to the bone to make me able to study medicine, and I'm not doing that as well as they expect me to do it.

So I can't complain if you guys stop paying for the pateron for the extra chapters that aren't there, because that would be unfair of me, and most of all those of you who wait for my work.

I'll try, but that's all I can say in the end.