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##Please read it while you find your heart is clear of all differences and judgements, keeping yourself at Shyam's place. ##

Diya said, "It was just a kind of attraction towards him, nothing more, as if someone doing something out of the ordinary would always be highlighted."

How could a guy who never even thought bad about someone have the worst ? Shyam was the type of person who was lonely, best, kindest, spiritual, valuable, simple, and, most importantly, emotional, crying over minor events.

I still remember him at 1 std. It was the class where two pure entities met for the first time. I was sitting on the first bench and the morning prayer was being played. He was late, and for that he cried. It was not that he was the only one. Many students around him were standing. The teacher would correct him with great care, as if the soft clay toy always feared being broken. He was like that. He scored good marks in the exam, but not for himself. He had no reason for it. When asked, he answered, "My mother will be happy."

I can still remember it. Miss Renuka was a special teacher for him and a special student for her. She filled him with confidence and compassion before he knew only two emotions out of knowledge: "sad" and "love." He tried to do the stuff directly opposite to how they should be done.

Every time he tried to open up, as in 2nd grade, he was caught, and the teacher's disappointment was his regret. He was as if he had never ever lived his life for himself. The only reason he is still alive is because of some reasonable people, and I am one of them.

Yeah, I am Venketesh. No, I am not from South India I am an indigenous and great Rajasthani, but more than that, I am Shyam's brother; despite the fact that our mothers are different, our families know each other more than their own children. Such was our friendship. He was the most open to me. Everything I knew, he knew, and what he knew, I knew. I'm not sure why, but we shared everything and got up to the most hilarious mischief together. He was not like the present Shyam; always appeared miserable, in pain, and grumpy, but circumstances had turned him into something else. The events of declaring Pluto a dwarf and, moreover, referring to it as a member of the Dwarf Planet precisely tell his story. full of tears, life-long grief, trillions of weighing hard work, quadrillions of weighing smart work, screaming all day, vanishing sleep at night, heart attacks on every beat, biggest sacrifice, and all that added up to NOTHING. His wall would have heard more wise and innocent prayers than any hospital wall.

He has the ability to do anything he deems important, but this is not the case now, as in all expect of life. The reason for this is that he is not fully himself in the present, but his mind and soul are sitting on the perimeter of the stage where they witnessed the events of his past, not giving any standing ovation or clap, only a beautiful smile, mild tears in his eyes, and a loud heartbeat. unconsciously laying across and chatting in the name of...

But I can tell you that an innocent child's joyful face, intelligent brain, purity, kindness, and love are still there, buried beneath a cloud of grief and loss. He had touched the rock bottom, like the dippiest pit, and now decided to stay there and try to do good to his few important people.

Even nature would weep for him, and destiny would slay itself towards his deeds... He was so generous that he gave all the credit to me and...

Everyone and everything had an answer for him. Even today, when asked if he has a wish to grant, he says Anaya should always be happy: "My all-good god to her and all her sins came to me, and she should always be happy enjoying life to the fullest."

When was the last person you saw dying? I saw Shyam everyday. Even looking was painful. Think of him. How could such loving people be separated by miles? He had an answer for everything and everyone except for himself.

When you see him, you think he's an illusion, but he's blooded and full of javelin and arrow.

When was the last time you saw someone die? I saw Shyam everyday. Even looking was painful to think of him.

It all started with the 3 std. When destiny took his first major step to test him, he was turned to division A because of a teacher's advice to keep his child and him in the same class.

Shyam, who was still frightened to live life, now sat with Sofia. I was exactly behind him with another girl exactly behind Sofia on the last bench.

Sofia...(Venki smiling) She was the power bank of Shyam. Once I asked him, "What the hell is life? How do students take a breath? " His answer just changed my way "Life, yeah, heard of it, oh I lived it in 3rd grade."

"So that means you are not living now...?" I intentionally questioned him.

"Hmm, I have let my live freely and am happy to see her happy," he answered with little hesitation.

Ananya taught him to laugh, taught him what is right and what is wrong, gave him reason to enjoy school, go with the flow, do few mistakes, to apologies, how to tease, overall how to love

Dancing and singing together they grew close friends sharing mostly everything,

Shyam would tell me "hey, school is best place..., I don't know why I have started to ... but it feels like someone is tickling my heart and brain giggling such hard that it seems it would blast and stomach is always churning something..... how these all changed I have no idea just wanna to live, nothing more...."

Shyam won many competition with her help it was like thrust to his life but the rocket was going to void where he could not find any helping.

One such incident was that it was someone's birthday party and a lot of schoolchildren were invited. She, Shyam, and I were also invited. Still, people have to come Shyam arrived earlier than most, and when I arrived, I saw Sofia dancing with many other girls, demanding different songs. I can count. There were more girls than boys. Shyam was sitting on a light brownish single sofa and Tarun was on its arm. Many other classmates were standing around them. When I got there, I found they were actually piping and rewiring the dance. A quarter minute later, the birthday girl's grandmother came to serve us We thought it was good timing because our stomachs were also demanding something.

Ohh, frog juice! "exclaimed Tarun, uncontrolling his habit of cracking jokes. I don't know whether the grandmother heard or not, but she was looking at us scowling because their family was pure vegan, Nonetheless, we concentrated on the juice; our eyes jumped out, our stomach exploded, and our throat collapsed; it was guava juice. Tarun looked at Shyam. Shyam looked at me. Trying to omit that juice, someone we swallowed the first sip was afraid of the whole glass. The next thing was hilarious. I could understand why Shyam smiled incessantly. He called Sofia, making innocent face handed juice to Sofia, wink his left eye and assured her "its for you"

Blushing Sofia took a sip and realized why there was such concern for her, but until she knew Shyam was gone, she went to him and burst her head in a sweet manner. Shyam, still smiling, advised her to drink it while keeping nose covered. I believe Shyam did all that stuff to listen her rebuke and her face.

Shyam life changed after he met Sofia and I think also she finds someone trustworthy to share. None of them knew they were giving more importance to each other than to themselves. teaching each other the right lessons, encouraging, teasing, and giving everything a reason to...

It could superfluous to you, but just once close your eyes and dive in the sea of your emotion, look there on ground is you, natural and untouched ask him that if a guy leaves his self only to make you happy, drains out to fill himself with just your memories, even if you ignored him he, he smiles and try his best just for being looked by you, if he cycled everyday only to see you, try to be always where to are in hope that some day a response will come. Place you in heart in place of God. Even if you are not there, he waits till eternity only for you, goes through hell managing studies, passion, subtracting liking and happiness to equalising just you. At last he doesn't accept anything from you, even if you have someone else. He never thinks bad of you. In fact, he prays all day only for that nothing may bring a drop of tears from your eyes, saying that another should keep her always delighted.....then my friend, what will you call this all.....

I can confidently refer to that as "THE GREAT LOVE," because love is what makes us cry, laugh, and accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. It is not about the body, but about the soul, and Shyam was breathing small breaths, walking on the path of burning coal, an arrow stabling on every step, people revolting, the pressure of things, and water in his eyes, which had a picture of Ananya.

Even today, when asked if he has a wish to grant, he says Anaya should always be happy: "My all good goes to her, and all her sins come to me, and she should always be happy enjoying life to the fullest."

I still remember one case which Shyam told me; It was science class of 4th grade. The teacher was teaching. He didn't know about the other student, but he was looking at Sofia, and same interestingly she was looking at him. They were not actually speaking, but were lip-syncing words that both of you were using to tease each other. Yeah, it was the same word. But how could it happen that people who understand each other without even speaking become ignored, unwanting to understand each other?

Shyam was totally broken when she left school for reasons let that be untalked, he had no emotional support, yeah he had his parents but till then due to prejudice he doesn't share things with his parents, even if he does he was not encourage, I was a teacher's son. My mother taught English same school. I walked with him supporting shoulder by shoulder, I was below average child and also not good looking, can say -1 out of 5, Shyam didn't care about all he just affirmed that "you are my brother that's all" what, there is a saying that "tell me your friend and I will tell how far you can go.." or "be with such friend who encourages you" these all vulgar stuff doesn't apply to him, infact he states you are my inspiration I don't what he saw in me... but have no words to say further

Then after he acted to be in joy, trying to do stuff as it should be done, but failing and falling overhead was pressure. pressure from parents, charater, teachers, and the list goes on.

Suddenly, I asked him, "Are you really happy?"

he kept looking down hiding his tears said " when I broke my piggy bank of heart, it broke in three, one was GOD, one was Ananya and One was venki", he took a cracked breath and continued " and am happy that there were atleast three, I fear there were no one.."

Today I am not with him. Due to a change in my school for my further studies, I feel very bad. If I could, I would revolt against God for all these happenings.

How could he stay awake and good without any help? How could he walk alone with those burned feet? I would never forgive him for walking alone on that alone. He should focus now.... I know it's a waste of time to say as I myself do not totally agree with that.

Yeah, you are correct, "he is not complete. I can say that." I(Diya) added, wiping my tears, wasting all the tissue box.

Actually, Venki's family and mine are friends, so it was Sunday and I was invited to supper at his home.

"Hey, both of you come, it's time for some meals," his mother called.

at Dining The core of a typical Indian dinner was waiting for us: rice and lentil stew , some vegetarian stew with a few tortillas and buttermilk. It looked sufficient. But more interesting was that Venki's sister was waiting, as it was decided that children would have meals before each other.

"Which class are you ?" Yashvi (Venki's sister) asked

"11 sci," I proclaim.

"I was in his class," Venki affirmed, "you know, I was in that class sitting next to Shyam."

"Ok, that's why he is sitting with no one...still.., but Shyam has a lot of him today."

"What do I have to tell her?" questioned Yashvi.

Venki smiled and answered, "That's his love story."

"Oh, such a crazy guy. I have told him she will not fall again, but no he is not understanding...and Venki has also gotten beaten for that many times. " Yashvi took interest, "Hey, you remember her birthday?"

"Yeah" Venki starts another story, "Grey Mesh Embellished Belted Maxi Dress, which got its graze because she wore it. She distributed chocolate to everyone, but Shyam was not a pinprick intersected in the chocolate. Instead, in her looking at her one sight without blinking, I could hear his heart beat,"

i intrupted signing to speak low instead mam would hear

"Everyone in this house knew everything about more than their family... so chill..."

so.. " Venki continued, "On one of those special occasions, we, Shyam and I, were bowing to her meaning superingly than us. It was teasing in that sense, but she resisted laughingly. "

"What a dumb guy. He should rather focus on his career. He tried his best, but if she is not interested, then there is no point. I strongly oppose him. " Mam was trying to conclude our talk. I nodded to support her as my marks are in her hands.

He is not expecting anything from her. Furthermore, he has turned his career to love, and his love is Sofia. What is wrong with that? Venki protected Shyam.

In the meantime, mine and Venki's father came, and we concluded our meal.

We sat in Yashvi's room, switching the AC on. Venki lay on the bed. We were both sitting. I'm eager to listen to more stories.

"So how are the teachers teaching ?" asked Venki.

"Good, I suppose, if the derivations of physics and rules of chem and calculation of maths were not dancing on my head." I acted smart.

"No. Sometimes it is hard to know. What is Shyam doing ? " Venki assured me.

"He is rocking," I said loudly.

Venki, who was lying now, sat and asked, "Like what?"

"Recently he mummed the physics teacher," I informed

"How, why, why?" he looked puzzled.

"Yeah, he is quite a genius and Ananya is a master mind in maths"

"Yeah she is. She also got a silver medal at school level in the competition over the world at 3 std."

"He said with a smile." Wait, what? Ananya is back! " He was like a lauching missle of questions.

"Yeah," I replied innocently.

"What the....." Venki stopped on seeing her sister's face.

"But what happened?" I asked inadvertently as the colour of their faces changed dramatically.

"Hey, girl," shouted Yashvi in a shrill voice, "Sofia = Ananya , Ananya = Sofia. It was a nick name given by Shyam and all of your class know it."

"Heee..." I stammered, "This means Shyam loved Ananya, who is Sofia herself, and now she is back, back from where?"

"Back from another city, as I told you in the previous story," Venki clarified in a rousing voice.

Yashivi Venki looked at Venki looked at Yashvi. Their mick smile was getting larger and larger, pulling their eyebrows together in celebration.

"Hey, ask everyone to kneel down because the King is back," Venki announced while jumping.

"What are you talking about? I'm confused. "

Venki proudly said, "Ananya is back, which means old Shyam is back, and I dare say if that comes, everyone is going to cry a lot."

"What are you all doing there?" From the body came a voice, which looked similar to Venki's mother.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me about Ananya?" Venki asked

"Ohh, you all got it. It was a surprise." his mother informed in a low pitched, affirming voice, "and stop making terrible noises." she added, but this was in a rage.

I seemed to know what could be him. Yeah, he is good enough but what further he could expand was my confusion cause he was still so perfect, but i could see goosebumps on their skin.

"I don't know what God is playing, but this time the dies are correct." Yashvi murmured and there was a little cry in Venki's face, posing like something unexpected happened, before window gazing the sky.

It was high time we were leaving.

Yashvi came closer and muttered something in my ear. I hugged him and we left. I was in the back seat, imagining all the events: how they could be, how they could feel then...

Still, the phrase "see things as they are, not as you want them to be---Shyam" ran through my mind.

I was impressed by him, but also knew it could not be possible and also understood the reason, but still there was some tickle inside me. I was regretting on my time. If Sofia were not in his life, then surely I would.

"But still, I could try atleast" I consoled myself.