Dawn of Exam.

The exam was arriving closer and so do our tension.

As Venki stated, nothing happened that pleased Ananya; she was still and calm, irritated over something she had done. We had grown our friendship up until that point; we would go to tuition together, bunk together, go out for street treats, and our favorite food was Panipuri. She enjoyed life, but at times she resisted and had strong disapproval of guys. That's the reason jay or another was not added in triplets. Shruti was kinda mad if she laughed, in the loudest voice, if she cried, then from sunrise to sunset. She was not intelligent nor a thinker. If something was sitting in her mind she did it, whether correct or not. She was like a robot.

@ 2 weeks before the exam

Initially, we were afraid of exams mostly me and Shruti, because we have managed to pass in only 2 subjects, principal called our parents and accused us of the result because we were always laughing and not paying any attention to him, he taught us Physics and it was one of the subjects in which we passed due to help from Shyam in the exam hall. Ananya managed to pass in all and was top in maths.

We were at the Rajesh Samosa center. Yeah, we bunked. I saw Ananya still busy on her phone, before the blue screen, as her favorite task to do. It's an international mystery to know what she did in there. Once, I and Shruti tried by locking her in the bathroom at her home and trying to unlock the phone but failed. She changed the password every day. Oh, sorry, sorry off topic. Then I turned to Shruti, who was in love with samosa. He kept on biting it until she finished. I thought she would now look up but she grabbed another.

"Hey, hungry for years," I expressed to her, "what do you have planned to do with this time?"

"Um," she supposed for a while, "No!" she continued to eat. Ananya was still on her screen.

I was amused and anxious. I grabbed the samosa from Shruti's dish so she would stop further, She angrily looked at me, as if a hyena was trying to be in the lion position.

"What about you? Have you prepared? " Shruti asked Ananya.

"Nope" came the short reply.

"So are you in the mood to start it soon?" I asked grimly.

"Look, I am not interested in being at the top..." she claimed.

"So who is Topping in math, I guess.." Shruti cried annoyingly.

She was still on her phone, answering without looking at us. When we finished the food, we went for ice cream. At Parlor, when we were discussing the flavor, we saw a man in a light yellow T-shirt and grey pant. His hair was short and he had a little mustache. Ananya escaped from that crowded area in a sleek manner, When we turned to ask her about the flavor, we saw our tuition teacher, so we dropped the ice cream idea and caught the lizard moment.

"Can't you inform us about that hippo..." Raged Shruti on Ananya, who was still molesting the phone, didn't answer.

"Let's go home, right?" she asked.

"Yes, but I am worried about the exam." Shruti sivered "If I fail, my mother claims that she will not let me study further and eventually make me marry." Her eyes enlarged, filled with fear.

"Are you really seeking it? if yes then my friend opens your eyes because the answer is always around you need to recognize them." Ananya taught us in a calm voice. I saw her rarest facial expression: a smile, but it remained no longer than a second.

In the evening and as usual, we went to India gate for a walk, surprisingly Shyam and jay were already. It was monsoon and the fresh smell of the soil was irritating me, it could be smell for one but musty for me. It was only me who noticed them when Ananya saw Shyam and Shyam saw Ananya, eyes were still filled with dreams of going there and hugging, Fingers trembled and legs left support, Jay balanced Shyam and Ananya, and we sat on public seating chair and they landed on grass, even such they were looking at each other without any snap with their head tilted done by Ananya copied by Shyam. The sky changed its color and the air blew strongly, I felt a drop of water on my arm and saw above, a big- dark cloud that was ready to show his performance, I advised him to go back. Ananya disagreed and keep sitting there, but I have to leave as I have t get ready for A treat given by a family friend.

The next day at school Jay, Shyam, Tarun, Jiya, Shruti, and most importantly Ananaya have already arrived. I kept my bag there sensing there would be a serious talk about something which I joined due to curiosity.

"Yes, it's a matter of concern," enunciated Tarun

"look my father will tear off me if I didn't get 80%" jay announced filling the gaps

"It's not just you but all of us have the same condition," Jiya said

Shyam was still thinking deeply thinking about something, seeming he is listening to music with invisible equipment, Ananya was trying to look at him secretly handing her hair again and again to get his attention.

Tarun was the guy who knew all the stuff, although everyone could notice them, only Jiya, Tarun, and I was the person who knew all the past.

"What if we studied so hard that we topped the exam by getting full marks, creating history" I clamored

"Mani uncle, Mani uncle" Tarun yelled by standing at the door, "here is a mental patience...."

"ok, ok we can't top but at least we can get average marks " I reported

"It's an illusory box if we study we will not get marks and will regret not enjoying the time and if we did not study then also we regret marks" jay claimed

All we looked at Shyam who we don't know if was listening or not, half closed his eyes he was expressionless same as Ananya, who cough a little as we saw at her,

"hey, hero" called Tarun

"oh, it seems someone is calling me " Shyam came to voice. grabbing his hand as the phone talks to Tarun. Tarun as copied nonsense

"buddy," he said in a cheerful voice "we all have an exam 2 weeks later, hope you have time to see up and help us out"

"oh, exam and problem, yeah heard of it, ooh they are the thing which is termed as an expectation by patents and which problem by a student?" Shyam Answered in sooth voice which became shrill as he ended the sentence.

"yeah, buddy, yeah you are going right, man you are a genius just help us out" he bid

"Help us whom?" he questioned

"yaa... Jiya, Diya, Jay, Shruti...and" tarun counted

"And....?" he asked with the flow

"and Ananya " Tarun spoke in a most expressive way.

There was a few seconds of strange silence in the class, Shyam's face which looked smart changed to someone who have achieved something with all effort and having pride in that, he swallowed a gap, Ananya tried to hide even though he was not looking at her. Shyam hung up the phone

he kept his right hand on the right shoulder of Tarun and said in a low and dark-pitched voice "Are you really seeking for it? "Are you really seeking it? if yes then my friend opens your eyes because the answer is always around you need to recognize them." and he drove out of the class, everyone squirted one by one only Ananya was still gazing at the door.

"What happened to her?" I asked Shruti who was talking to Naitri.

she carried little away from Naitri and told me the remaining story of yesterday

"after you left there was a shower all ran under the trees, we couldn't find any place to protect, I don't know if it was pre planned by God but only a tree was empty under which Shyam and jay were standing, we got there, both were looking at each other, when we reached, she stopped against him turning too heavy to move from there, she could reach only to Shyam's neck, she did't tried to lok at him instead concentrated down, Shyam looked at her with an innocent face full of love and care for her it seems that he would overflow in the dam that prevents his tears, The climate around grew amazingly light, they both do not bother of other as if there was no one, When he gained his conciusness he grabs a handkerchif out of his pocket and kneel down, smoothly cleaned her purple shoe grabing his feeting as if asking to forgive putting on his lap, clean out mud and walked out in rain, Jay didn't leave he was still there tring to understand the situation. jay fooling laughed at him, as he is a misogynist but Ananya who stop there as an idol whispered that she loves Purple the most, and he still remembers it, she was crying when I asked she didn't give me any retort"

It was beyond belief, I once again was angry with my luck, I missed the beautiful scene, Tarun and Jiya were still discussing the exam, Naitri who was sitting behind them advised for group study,

"So Shyam was sighing this" Tarun exclaimed, Jiya still understanding...

It was recess Ananya's eyes were still finding Shyam. Even in Maths class, she was not able to get answers. She managed to sit behind him after a long verbal fight with Farhan and jay.

Tarun tried to communicate with Shyam with sign language they develop

"So, mastermind Group study was your plan...very well played," Tarun asked waving his hand.

Shyam just looked at him like a child after being caught stealing.

Tarun announced in recess and put forward the proposal for a Group study for 2 weeks, surprisingly all agreed except for Ananya.

I could look at Shyam's face bit worried but Jiya assured him with the will to get Ananya involved.

It was 4:00 time for tuition Ananya was ready for tuition as she moved out I and Shruti with Jiya grabbed her with hand and carried her inside his home, called his mother

"Aunty, did you know what Ananya did? " Jiya complained

"What is she doing ?" her mother came into the scene with large eyes and fallen hair on one side of the face, she arranged that and continued "What did she do Now ?"

Jiya makes disease face "aunty she is resisting to study"

"What...!" her mother shouted "hey, girl have you lost your mind or drank oil or what? you have to study hook or by crook"

"yeah, we are trying to make her understand that but ...." Shruti added I whispered that we will not let her go and if she does not agree we have to open our bunk semester in her ears, she was still sitting on the couch cause shruti was on her and I grabbed her hands tight.

"what .... tell me the truth or else I have to talk to your parents"

"No need for that aunty " I balanced "actually she is not able to cope with the increasing stress of study"

"That's all just excuses" looking furiously at her. Ananya was now calm not trying to escape, She agreed to group study.

We all came out of her home and called the boys

"whom are you calling ?" Ananya asked

"Boys whom other " Jiya gave a laughing answer

"Boys who..?" she inquired further

"Tarun, Jay and ....." Shruti said

"and..." impatence Ananya

"And Shyam" she added

"I think it is not a good idea to take me with you! " she claimed

"hunn. " Shruti tutored "then mam who are you going to pass, and if you are capable then also you are going to come and that's final or else we have many other things to tell your mother"

"OK, ok I will come " answered Ananya smiling, a bit irritable.

We were at Upin Dosa center, waiting for the boys.

"They are late as every time," said Shruti watching her white watch, which gleamed in the evening light. Ananya came near to her and whispered to her something and suddenly she became red, I and Jiya were still clueless, after half an hour they came,

Tarun was wearing a Hawaiian Flamingo Coconut Casual Print Shirt and mountain-colored lower, Jay came behind him in his unique walking style with one shoulder always up and the other lower, he was wearing Half Sleeves Black Forest Green t-shirt and blue Capri. Our eyes were looking for Shyam especially of Ananya, cause he was one who know every single manner and we could not stick to one decision without him, It was hard now, but we have Ananya his copy,

"you are late" agrued Shruti angerly "If the first day was late then think of others..."

"relax we will be starting from tomorrow" Tarun informed

"Oh, so you have planned all then what is need of us then, you didn't even mean important to ask us?" started the argument by Jiya "and what do you think, from us who know, who will teach, "

"I can manage Maths " Ananya announced and we all were astonished as she didn't have the phone in her hand, she was attentive.

"then what about English, C.s, Bio, Chem and most importantly Phy," asked Jay

"I know a guy " Tarun claimed

"who," we asked

"Shyam" he coiled "But it's very hard to convince him"

"What he is not involved in our plan ?" shruti shouted, I looked around enjoying the rebukes the people there were looking at us, seeming that from where does all these animals come, But I don't care and seemed no one else also

"so how can we learn and manage to pass?" asked Shruti in a terrifying voice

"we have to convince him also he is a type of person who doesn't even come with us for a movie or to play nor for an outing, here we have Girls and that too which suck blood" Jsy proclaimed in fearful Voice.

So the question is how to make Shyam ready for Group study? I recalled to everyone that we were in a public place.

"Don't even look at me " Jiya said as Tarun looked at him hopefully "I could not even make him agree to put a photo of him and all of us on social media... I can't "

I and Shruti also gave up, left were Tarun, jay, and Ananya, We all looked sarcastically at Ananya.

"What, nope, no no no" she requested

"Please friend you don't want us to pass? for friends" Shruti tried to Influence

"no, I don't care if you fail, and who friends, sometime earlier some people were going to tell something to my mom " she explained

"Please, It is only you who can do this job," urged Tarun and all others accompanied him in last words

"Ok let's put the phone on speaker and all will help you, but you have to talk " he continued before Ananya could answer, Jay, dialed him and surprisingly he toke the call immediately

"Hey, have you all got right to disturb me at the time of my game" Shyam rudely said

we all signed Ananya to say "hello?" she said,

There was a weird sound from another side as if the phone fell down "Hello, who is there?" he asked

"hi A.. A.. Ana" she stammered

call ended.

we all looked at each other face, Shyam always do things that are unexpected, and we got a breath of relief when he called from his side, "hi .." he said just that

"Hi Ananya here, " she answered in a sequence of short answers, after that there was strange silence for while, Ananya, at last, have to break that due to pressure, "hey, we are planning for group study if you are interested?"

"Why not " came the enjoyable answer "And hear me close Jiya, Shruti, Tarun, Diya, and jay I know you are there, "

"Who did you know?" Shruti asked to which he changed the topic saying "will start from tomorrow from 4pm to decide the time and inform me I will take care of all subjects except Maths, and Tarun if you have asked I will be ready at once " and he hanged up the phone

"I really tried he said no believe me " Tarun cried as Ananya looked at him sarcastically.

"ok let's decide the time," I said trying to resolve,

"what about 4 to 9 " Shruti advised

"no, I will be not allowed such high time" Jiya argued

"hey, 9 is not much time" Tarun mumming her "Yeah and we will be studying at my home, and if you all wish can have dinner at my home every day," I added

All agreed on that fact except Jiya, Tarun who was irritated stood up and said "let's try Shyam's advised" and he kissed Jiya on the cheek unexpectedly, Jiya was shaken but she was mummed.

We moved to our respected homes, paying less for Dosa and more for chaos. We all were happy but I think Ananya and Shyma were the most...

Next day at school.

It was again our games class, I think last time we lost because of Shyam, So we want to take revenge, This all was running through my mind

"What will you do with Revenge?" Shyam questioned me calling me

And I was wondering how he could do that read my mind, Today Ananya was also ready to play but the boy revolted that they will play Basketball. At last, the boys won they played basketball and sat away watching them under the shed, Jay was the player who had the most goals in that, Tarun threw every ball without measuring and it was baskets, Yug was not able to get the ball, Shyam did the job to pass every ball to Jay, Farhan he was the guy who shoots from near or far did not a single basket, None of the girls were concern about the score, leave about cheering, After that class due to unacceptance of there suggestion, girls were angry. We were not going to be silent as girls' mind work, we planned to make mam remember about the submission, while all girls have completed their work and boys have left it whole.

"Sir, are you gonna take a notebook for checking " asked Naitri to the physics teacher, "because sir, exams are coming and ....."

"yes, I have told to keep the book complete, then also I am urged to give a day so Tomorrow" sir Replied. All the boys gave a comtempt look at us, it was a great scene especially Om, eyebrows raised and curved, wrinkles show across the forehead, eyelids opened, white of the eye showing anger, Jaw drops open, and teeth are parted.

"Hey, why did you do that?" he asked Naitri

"I have been told, even though you all should start completing from right now or else...." Naitri answered

Om promised revenge for that and turned to Jiya to borrow a book, which she refused.

"Oh, so there has been non-cooperation moment started " Shyam threw the question in the air, standing from his place, stretch his hands, and announced, "What if I tell that this suffering creature cause lack of common sense, will themselves complete our work!"

Boys joined him blindly, shouting about their victory, all confident enough didn't pay any attention

Shyam didn't do a thing but the moment of Tarun was increasing our tension, In the last class when we returned to class from labs we saw a page on every desk, it was only on the seats where girls sat, It was recorded on the screen of phone activity they used, mostly it covered the lines which was a top secret of every girl, I saw mine It showed something link 'I love you emoji and another such talk' to a guy named Arfan whom I didn't know, Although my parents would not react much on that, at last, I saw that I texted "Hey, I will bunk Tuition as usual and will meet with my friends" what my parents most hated was a lie.

When I dried my sweat from my face and saw everyone else's faces where also turned grey like a brick

"We will complain about this to Principal" one declared

"What happened what's there on that page we didn't get any, can you share ?" asked Om in a cunning voice,

"Is someone blackmailing? who could it be? Terrorist?" Tarun added salt to the wound "oh, sorry Terrorists would also place you back if they kidnapped," and we can see our loss clearly on the laughing face of the boys highlighting each other.

"Hey, we have CCTV " I exclaimed

"I think some childer of this class broke the camera a few days ago....," Yug informed "You know friends I have heard a saying that karma returns to everyone" he continued to boys.

At last, we have to take the Boys' notebook and complete work on the agreement that they will hand us the drive.

When School was over our group was just standing talking about the new movie,

"You know I saw a movie in which the hero had a drive that villain wants but at last, you came to know that drive was already with villain placed by hero and villain was not aware of that, he/she must have regret on his deeds," Said Shyam who was standing quite away from us one leg supporting the wall and shirt pulled out hair fallen on his clear edged face. No one could what he was talking about, Then suddenly irritated from the silence Ananaya grabbed Shruti from her back pulled her back, and searched in her bag, and she found drive. Shyam smiled shaking his head side to side walked towards his home, His home was near t school but Ananya's was closer. We all were regretting upon the reminder to sir for book checking.

when my range rover came I sat inside, can seeing Yug was amused by the car, I went home, had a break in which I ate a meal seeing T.V, It was just 5 min later when I saw the clock it show 3:50 pm, For a second I was disturbed but then I recalled that we were going to study .....