The First week

I got ready with my books and pen-pencil, highlighter, and sticky notes, Shyam as his disease, came first of all, there was a knock on my door, and I opened it, with pleasure to see our teacher. He was wearing Colored Chinos With Cool White T-Shirts looks good, along with brown canvas shoes, he was looking simple rather than acting to be cool as Tarun who came late with Jiya and Jay, Tarun was wearing Shorts With Shirts and jay was Denim Jacket With Shorts for the Beach, Ananya came with Shruti, Shyam stood when she entered between the walls. Ananya was wearing Magenta Solid Flared Red Dress, I heard Shyam whisper "ooh, gosh she looks so pretty! ", Shruti was wearing a Quirky Easter Dress. "Looks like girls have some sort of competition, Correct?" Tarun Clamored.

"let's start " jay advised

"what's there too quick" Shyam oppugned. He made us recompense in my room which was quite significant to accommodate our group, I arranged a whiteboard for Shyam. I sat on Shruti's side who was sitting next to a window on the bed Jiya was on the other end of the bed, and Ananya was ahead of all with the guys who were sitting on office chair.

Shyam started "Ok, umm woff.. "

"sir do you need some water? " mischief asked Jay

He started saying no to Jay "so, let's clear the basic things my question is why do you want to". Yeah, he does ask that "yes, one needs a reason to do anything so what's yours? let's make it more conversative and open, what actually for you want to study? "

Shyam claimed

" for what moment do you want to study look, let me tell you a secret Everything is easy it's just we who make it difficult," he said smilingly "think of a subject as a living person." "The fact is in life you see what you have a hunger for!"

"so what's your reason?" he asked throwing his sight across the room

"I want to because I want to let others see that I am something." Tarun steps ahead taking initiative

"I want to because In order to get a good college,....." jay proclaimed

"No, not like that something as if it lost you can't survive ..., for example, I have dreamt that I was solving the equation on board, so focus that I was my both hands, and it seems I was lost in it for its beauty and difficulty."

" I have you make you see the thing what actually they are " he affirmed scratching his head,

he wrote Chace things on the board "ok will learn Dimensional formula today... nothing more...., Agree?"

"It's the very same concept only that who we will complete syllabus then?" Shruti asked

Shyam smiled "have patience, I need only your trust. do I have that?"

'yes' came the answer. He verbally describes to us 20 formulas and not letting us note that showing us switch things, surprisingly we learned that 20, and after a few more, he asked us randomly we answered all correctly.

It was going quite smooth, the clock shows 4:30.

"Now let me know what is current, jay?" he asked coincidentally

"I don't know," he answered.

"Look what we can call Shruti " Shyam questioned

"cutie" he replied

"oh, you know the formula, I=q/t" he informed, "so here t =t1 and Q1 and other will be zero! "

"ooh " exclaimed Shruti

He gave us some more sums to solve and sat in a corner slightly peeping for Ananya, he don't have any guts to look over her at the time of the study, he taught us some new kinds of addition and subtraction which he state as calculus, he just gave us confidence that we can do it by our self and left other things on me. He would come and personally teach us as child feeding if we have any doubts even if silly, further, he taught us the addition of differentiation and integration, we could grasp it earlier than ever and it was fun to study we would give us the reason to smile and if any entertainment left then Tarun would crack joke.

"And by this, we ended 1st chapter of Phy!" he exclaimed breathing in peace.

"Ohh it's just 6:00 and we have done a chapter, can't believe it!" Jiya shouted in joy

"ok 20 min break let yourself be free," Shyam said

We all came to the living room, there were three green couches on each side Shruti and Ananya sat grab one and sat on each side Jiya and I were on another, and the remaining boys were on the third.

"would you like to have some orange juice?" I asked

"yes, why not " Tarun answered on behalf of others

"So our 1/5 part of PHY is done, now we may proceed with chem.." Jiya said

"No talk about study, it's free time!" Jay argued

"Hey, you know about Pinal, she had a lip kiss with her boyfriend!" shruti started

"ooh, she has a boyfriend, and how ? and why?" Jay said

"I think girl's eyes are been damaged or something, look how their choice has fallen!" Tarun said giving a slight stroke to his hair.

Shyam was still looking still at the floor,

Ananya entered the talk "You know recently we have found A new planet which is suitable for life?" she did that purposefully. but couldn't get any attention from anyone.

"And do your new game has...." talk grew up, Shyam who was holding a book got up and went...

A moment later Ramu kaka came with a glass of orange juice we all took ours as he moved one by one, at last two were left, We saw Shyam and Ananya were not there, I can see their faces of them and understood the plan we went silently with webbed feet towards the room, Shyam was on the chair lost in a book, with some papers at the last page which were not fitted in properly, I handed him his glass and searched for Ananya she was not there, "where is she? " I asked. Shyam didn't respond and ignored it as if it was not for him, He gave his glass to Tarun and advised him to drink, Tarun without any hesitation did so...., Ananya came from behind "peekaboo..." She said

I can see the behavioral change in Shyam and Ananya, I offered her the glass, and she took and asked if all have drank it, she took a sip but then Jiya "spoke except Shyam we all have" she stopped, think for a while, kept the glass on the table front with lid covered saying that she will have it later, as we stelled again to our place, we saw some sums were written on the board with caption type:- easy, most familiarly we could solve all the sum by ourself without any help from other. Shyam gave us his notebook for cross-checking the answer which I think he did when he came there."These were from the J.P Ganguly" He said, J.P Ganguly's most dangerous book for physics, and we solved it as a joke.. it was quite appreciatable...

Shyam started again,

"Ok it's high time, now let's play with chemicals," Tarun was indeed very curious about chem which I think was the reason he grasp things easily.

Shyam draw some lines resembling a pentagon and asked the number of lines, we answered then he draw zig-zag lines and we counted, next he appointed numbers to the crosssections and break lines from there, wrote some chemical names below." this is how we from bond diagram" He announced and gave us some other example. I could understand it but not as a whole. However he knew that from my facial expression or by my mind, tested us by giving sum to solve, everyone could expect, he saw that and came to me sat by my side grab my hand and showed me how to solve, I was pretty much shock cause he never ever tried to be like that, so friendly and free, but looked he was backing himself from doing all that by shaking his head like moving out from roller-coster and tapping is head gently reminding not to go such...

It was 8:30 we completed Nenoclmaster, we all shouted in joy When he said "and with that, we ended the chapter" Annaya also joined in voice, and Shyam looked happy. We created An environment.

"Ok, now it is over for today" he informed.

"Ohh this is the only chapter that we were going to do today! " Jay exclaimed Taunting Shyam

"yeah, It's like a miracle by the great magician Shyam " Tarun raised a toast

Shyam didn't give that importance as if Shyam was someone he don't know, we sat on the couch waiting for dinner. we ran down quickly to sit at the place we want, obviously, we waited for dinner but along that we waited for Shyam and Ananya. When I went to turn off the lights of my room I saw Shyam get up from the chair grab the glass which was placed on the wooden table, and offered it to Ananya saying "6 hours, its long time plench your thirst.." he seems to ignore her like acting as a moral duty which he did for the sake of doing, but actually was very concerned, he acted like that to show that he doesn't care, Ananya neglect it by short sued by her hand, she was still sat on the bed, didn't look at him. Shyam came on his legs, Ananya moved and turned towards the wall back crossing her arms, there were tears on both eyes, Shyam supported himself and breathed broken, His face so still like someone had broke integrity and have regret on it. Ananya said "I was not the only one who was hungry and thirsty for 6 hours", she turned around after wipping her tears, grab the glass and took a sip, and offered it to him, when Shyam neglected she grab her by the nape and make him drink a sip, Her face changed to joy and love for him, Shyam wipe the juice form his light mustache, he smiled most happily; like won the gold medal in olympics, for a while and then sadness covered his face, his eyes were calm and content and he moved out, I have to hide for a while and then after he went, I saw Ananya was Soo much Happy that she looked preety then ever, her smile was not at its position, her eyes were opning and closing and hands were moving in the air like cliking keys in air and legs shaking as if some electric shock is passing through her body as if you have eaten something very sour as if the person on the safe raft had seen the land as if soilder reporting war is over as if you scored full marks in the exam as if you climed the mt. Everest, as if one has given Nectar to someone special and is happy in that....and is happy in that...

I moved by this scene As if I saw something that was beyond my imagination, and as Shyam says"You are nothing more than your imagination"

When I arrived all were squirted at the dining table.

Tarun, Jay, and Shyam were on one side, and Shruti, Jiya, and Ananya were on the other, I intentionally sat by Shyam's side, for which Shyam surprise me for a second. Today's dinner have

Suddenly My parents came to join us at dinner, Shyam stood up for them, My father looked at him and smiled, he sat by the end of the table with my mother on the girl's side,

"Welcome, hope you all have a good time here!" my father Raised the talk

I introduce everyone to my mother "Look there is Tarun, jay and Shruti, and Jiya, and here is Shyam and Ananya"

"Oh, so you are Shyam " my mother exclaimed

"How lucky we are having dinner with upcoming stars," my father said

"Yes..." I acted smart

"I said star not..." my father not getting the correct word

"wight dwarf," Shyam said holding the bowl of panner.

"yeah, need to burn like the sun to shine like him " Father continued "so how are you thinking of yourself after 20 years ?"

"Not thought yet" Shruti answered

"Me as Doctor," said Jiya to which Tarun and jay laughed making fun of her

"Not sure, but sure will do that please me the most" My parents were a little impressed by that

"An engineer " " A chemical scientist," Jay and Tarun said

"And you Shyam " my mother questioned

he smiled and answered "A human.."

My parents questioning faces changed into resemblance. They knew what he was saying, we confused continued to eat...

I felt incomplete when all one after one left Shyam was last to go. I suggested "now, go you live quite far. "

"Let others also leave " he urged

I understood his double meaning when all left he nodded his head for saying bye.

House became empty and silent, I could still hear their jokes and talks which were echoing in my room.

13 DAY LEFT(Tuesday)

There were lines of satisfaction on the face of Shruti, we were at least trying..., due to group study we all magically attract each other. Jiya offered her lunch to the boys, she was carrying Dhokla, and Tarun offered his khakhra to us. I was finding Shyam but he was not there, When I inquired, found that he had finished his lunch and gone to the library. the first period after recess was Maths, willingly Sruti and Jiya tried to find Shyam but seemed he bunked, we were quite surprised cause his behavior was not such, Farhan informed us "He is like an artist, a thief is an artist till he caught, is in the library "

"but why?" I asked

"don't know, and now please don't disturb me " he claimed irritatedly

"Btw why are you interested in him?" Farhan questioned after a while

"Ohh so got free time from staring at Noor? " Shruti tricked him,

"what are you talking I can't understand..." He exclaimed as he covered his face from shyness. He secretly has a crush on her.

Zoya, quite short brownish hair triangle face with white spect that hides her beauty and her brown eyes.

"Hey, you like her, right ?, Not a bad choice...., ooh blushing...., in form ...." Jiya and Shruti kept teasing him all the class.

English class after that was very hard to survive, Mam also scolds Yug cause he has slept the whole class and warned him that this kind of nature would not be tolerated, she will surely complain about that to our Class Teacher, Anil. He was a screw-up, keep nagging Om every single time and unfortunately, Om was the only one who was always caught by him.

Then was the class for which we were waiting, Physics class Shyam was still not in class, we acted as if we knew everything, but it was broken soon when sir got to know we were flying high beyond the line. He had no mercy in pulling us back to the ground, taking us in remand, here we mean all our fellow group members except Ananya.

The last class was Music, we enjoyed that cause our Music teacher Mr. Dave was very friendly, he would teach us different instruments if we are interested, almost all in our could play Harmonium well, Just it was a spark of Thirst and talent from our side that makes him taught us like Henil played Guitar and Aditya the drum set and Sunil who was expert in keyboard, But away from all we have a player named Shyam, He plays Flute quite sweet such that we could submerge in his tunes and lost. He was there playing flute melodies, Ananya looked contented, his face was clear like flutes note with quarters of cold breeze from the window would blow her hair, but she didn't care.

"Looked as if he is playing for someone special!" Naitri exclaimed.

The final bell declared the school, I was very excited for the second day of group study. Jay and Farhan were moving out discussing something, Shruti poured all the water from her bottle on the head attacking from behind in mischief, they both were looking for revenge but couldn't do any...

around 15 minutes were left for the official time to start studying and Shyam has already arrived, was sitting on the couch with A green book in his hand, he rubbed the book on his plain black t-shirt, arranging his hair to a diamond shape. After a few breaths, Jiya arrived with Shruti. I laughed at the greenery Jiya cause she covered herself with olive green fit flare dress, later Taru and Jay arrived together in the same vehicle as Jiya and Shruti, While walking Tarun was rubbing his legs

"What happened," Jiya asked grumpily

"Nothing just a little burn!" Tarun responded, "From today's new rule Never Let JAY drive..."

"Who asked you to wear those orange shorts, that are not matching with the green shirt... " Shruti postulated.

"Ok, fashion Queen, and don't you call green old on this !" Tarun mentioned.

Jiya looked quite shocked, but by side of her, Shyam was holding his pencil pretending as a cigarette, stating "Fajan Rule...Fajan Rule, how will two people commit to the same thing? "

We settled in the room yesterday's position, we grab our places..., Then there was the entry of Ananya, breathless gasping and wheezing, hair opened and frizzed due to rush, she gently shook her Blue t-shirt and frock stood at the door as if asking for entry, Shyam took a gulp, she entered and sat at her position.

"we will start from chemistry " he announced and started to tell us stories about JJ Thomson and atom and all that, after he revised the summary in points to make sure we remember, After 1 or 2 hours when he stopped, he asked us to open the textbook and see, to my surprise I could pronounce that complete chapter verbally, It was great but even great was when I asked, "Hey, Shyam Can you answer one thing, How can we who are Dumb and lazy and careless and Average did this impossible thing?"

He gave a polite smile "Remember the Physics class? what happened there? that's the reason... "

"Who do you know that?" Shruti asked

"sources!" Shyam uttered making a cunning face.

"but it was wrong, how could a Guru do that...?" Jiya claimed

Shyam snored a little and answered "They are teachers, not Guru and Students are the ones who don't have respect ....." after a micro-break "This was said by one powerful man..."

gradually I stood and walked out

"What?" Shyam asked,

"break?" I questioned


It was 5:30 and we have completed 80% of chemistry. Shyam suggested taking a break. But after that 30 minutes, we will start maths...

Today all were present in the living room but today there were disputes over the place, finally, Tarun sat between Shruti and Jiya and Jay between Me and Ananya, Shyam was alone on a single couch he wasn't reading any book then. Mom came and sat with Shyam, and had a few usual talks, Shyam was like opened, spilling up that knowledge. I could see a felicitous guy, his front hair half fallen, eyes enlarged with contentment, and mouth slightly opened with a clean jawline and a small mole on the right side below the lips.

We dropped the idea of Maths and continued Chem

It didn't last long we completed it soon, quite before time for Dinner.

"Today mom has prepared food so can't guarantee that it would be fine " I announced

"Then, it's not food" Shyam spoke "Its the God's offering" Ananya completes the sentence, and I could see a mild smile on my mom's face.

"Where were you today, I heard you bunked, is that true?" Shruti asked Shyam, but more than Ananya looked concerned

Shyam thought for a while and then answered "I saw pouring my energy somewhere else,"

"Oh no, he will never tell the way we want to hear, " Jiya said

"He is a chameleon, he acts differently in school and Acts differently here " Jay claimed, till then my father also joined us.

"I think one should measure the behavior around so that only appropriates get the benefits," Answered Shyam

I could Shyam was winning my parent's hearts. "so can you answer why the lion is called the king" father questioned

"I can answer that " Tarun claimed, Shyam gave a chance to him first to answer, "Because of Attitude, he is not the strongest, nor the tallest, nor the fastest and etc, but because of his attitude .... " Tarun answered

We all thought it was correct except Shyam and my father who were mildly laughing "He is king because of his power, exploited are one who doesn't have power and lion never got and will never get exploited"

"But in the battle of tiger and lion research shows tiger won majority times," Tarun said

"here power means mindset nor muscular strength, all other animals have accepted that he is the king, if any is not then the lion makes sure that he will... "

"Fabulous " Father shouted

I thought such would be the scene, but Shyam never answered, he kept mum. When Tarun asked to answer he mildly closed and created a smart smile, saw directly in Tarun's eyes. Tarun said "said he has the answer but is not yelling "

Shyam said in a dark voice " that's the reason, lion does nothing still is the king and all accept that..."

we all were amused by the way he answered,

"Dinner is ready.." Ramu Kaka called

we all grab our seats, when

Shyam bowed to it, joining his both hands, it was impressive for my parents, but not pleasing to me,

All of the cartoons sat in the garden for a while discussing their imperfect and insufficient life, Shyam was on the other bench, Tarun jay and Shruti seized the bench, so I, Jiya, and Ananya were on the grass though it feel soft and cold, due to shower at evening, Ananya collocated the courage and sat with Shyam on another bench,

"What are you doing?" She asked for the first time I saw they were talking directly, she didn't look at him nor Shyam looked at her

"Just finding my broken part between the stars..." he responded. We were quiet and eager to listen to their talks. Shyam took a breath and questioned "mom or dad?"

"Mom!" Ananya responded in a low discreet voice.

"Everything will be fine, I believe you, when you get home everything would be fine!" Shyam resembled. taping her head.

"Thanks..." She continued in a whining voice, "but how will reach home?"

"by your vehicle" Jiya counter-jumping in middle...

"Actually I don't know how to drive," Ananya replied

Shyam with shock, worried, and amused "What? you are just crazy...."

All touted to their home lastly Ananya and Shyam were left, so undoubtfully he has to drop him.

"What happened to your mom?" I asked Ananya while she sat on the back side of Shyam placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing !, just a bit of scold!" she answered "OK see you tomorrow "

In bed, 'Fajan rule' on board, I said so this is what it means after studying chemistry.


Yug had a good heart but today;'s reality is such that face is most important for the first encounter. I think that was the reason he had to find anyone or saying that no one found him would likely be assertive.

He tried to do good to one whom he found interesting and this time I was one of them. He is good but the main problem with him is he expects much, even times he goes over the acceptable lines for craziness stating I don't care about others. When you saw great why you will go for good. Shyam was great, Yug was good but none of both meant that. Especially Shyam even though I don't know the reason for such behavior between Ananya and Shyam invariant they were lovers once, What happened is still a mystery to me.

the friendship between the girls and boys grew, We decided to accompany the boys at lunch, Shyam bowed to the food and started to eat his Khichdi, Shruti offered her noodles and Ananya her Chakri. Yeah, I was in the group of Gujaratis, who were smarter than me, more beautiful than me, and wholehearted fully than me, also the most focussed creatures. Shyam finished his lunch while I was thinking such...,

"Where ?" I asked

"Where the way took me !" He replied without looking back

"Stop answering like that" I roared

"Then how should I..." He questioned tilting his head slant.

"I mean not like that" I backed

"tell me how ?" He continued to question

"she wants to say not like a philosopher, cause no one can understand you," Jay said

"No one wants to be a philosopher but due to happening he/she becomes " Shyam claimed

"So, what's your story?" Tarun oiling the fire

"Not today" Shyam responded

"He probably is acting smart !" Shruti added

Shyam walked furiously " Not in this I will neglect everything, not this, even if I told no one will understand. " he raged

"Try us" Jay hitting the stone

"Can you tell me how sweet the sugar is ?" Shyam questioned.

"much sweeter" Jay answered

"but exactly how much?"

"I can't tell"

"That's the point one needs to experience in order to understand..., and none of you have ever seemed that !" He said that and moved out

"He is so rude!"Shruti shouted

"No, he is not " Ananya talking his side arguing with them.

Today we completed the PHY and started Maths, mostly it was like Ananya's day. Shyam taught but only some portion was left, I was worrying if we completed the subjects we will do it later!

Ananya taught us Maths, she was a very excerpt teacher, knew where we would make mistakes, and also provides shortcuts, mostly she remained around Shyam who was dumbest in Maths, Yeah he was a master in PHY but in Maths, it was hard to accept but Shyam was such turning hard to easy and easy to hard, Ananya sat with her grab his pen and did all the sums again in his book making him understand all the steps, Jay and Tarun were quite jealous, and why not? Ananya was the most pretty, intelligent, and all-rounder girl. I assume that they came because of her but then it was a mystery. Ananya would do a type of sum on board, give 5 similar sums, and sit by Shyam's side teaching him personally then ask him to do it again, spending too of time after him. They both together look soo perfect like one, not two different entities, We completed 3 chapters till night taking some short breaks with permission granted by Ananya, in which he gave some extra mixed sum to Shyam to practice, moreover Shyam also did that like an obedient child without any objections.

As we all decided we would go for Dinner out, we went to harry Pizza, I was the one who was going to pay but no one ever cared to give me the least importance,

We got a corner table Shyam was at his place (In the corner), Ananya was by side of him, and Shruti by her on the other side were Jay, Jiya, and Tarun and I was on the earth of breadth. We gave chance Tarun to decide on the menu as he was the foodie

"which pizza ?" I asked

"Chicago Style Pizza, Sicilian Pizza, Antipasto pizza, and cheese pizza, all large size" "do you think we would be able to clean up all?" Jay asked

"If remains will take away as we are at her home!" Shruti claimed

"Ohh, why?" asked Tarun

"All we girls have decided on night stay till exam" I explained

"But it's from Saturday, 2 days .... " Ananya entered the chirp.

" I will take it along to school for tomorrow's lunch " I announced

"Fine, good! you better do.." Tarun said

Shyam was looking out from the glass, not showing any interest.

"You are too odd," Shruti said to Shyam

"I am..." Shyam claimed

"Any special reason?" she inquired

"Look, I have mastered my emotions or in that way..." He replied

"So, what you don't find integral or enjoying to talking and laughing with friends? " she asked

"No, seriously I want to, but It seems I'm not made for that, moreover the reason for me to be light is been snatched by nature for some unknown reasons," He said quite smilingly

"So, what was that? can we know, I seem one from us the reason for that " Shruti reported pointing towards Ananya. She also knew and did not stops her as if she also wants to know the reason.

"Yeah, today Shyam's story!" I exclaimed

"No not today, some other day " he requested, and "I apologize for what happened in school" to shruti

"O, that's Ok. but it was hurting, have to pay for that !" Shruti exclaimed

Shyam smiled, Fizzlin hot and cheese pizza was presented in front by boys who went to take the order as per the self-service rule.

We could eat 3 and one remained untouched, I paid for it and all ran to their homes


I didn't go to school the following day, directly we woke up at 11, and ate brunch. Till 3 watch the web series, completing the episodes, it was when All came to the fourth day, we started late in the urge to complete the episode, hanged Shyam the books of my father to keep him, mum.

He was in a bad mood cause he didn't read the book nor show any expression, but it was a normal thing to him, When Ananya asked about today's plan after 9, he didn't respond just an ugly face certainly changing to grief and eyes with tears rolling down cheeks. he mildly coughed and closed his eyes but the tears didn't stop

"What happened, " Annay asked worriedly, rubbing her hand to his shoulder,

"I'm Sorry I'm sorry, can take anymore " he repeatedly said that joining his hands. All surroundings leaving the show,

"What happened, Who did it to him?" Tarun asked

"Nothing he just started crying, Don't know why ?"

That day he was sent for rest in loneliness which he asked for sobbingly, We couldn't study, so we decided to go for English. Yeah, you are right we couldn't our minds in one place, the thought of the Shyam was disturbing us, and his voice was hurting in our ears. Ananya was lifeless she was sitting on the chair placing her hands over her nose covering her mouth and nose, her eyes were repeating the scenes again and again. She was totally disturbed by that, she asked for a washroom, she followed me and when we arrived she asked me to kindly leave, Curious me stayed there, I could hear her cry and silent screams of her, before she came out I managed to leave.

"I am going ... Home" Annaya announced with a cracked and broken voice,

"How will you go... " Asked Shruti politely understanding the current situation.

"I don't know... Just going home," she replied without turning back and heading to home.

"We should go after her to see if she reached home safely or not " I advised, all agreed on that and we silently started following her creating some distance so that she would have remained unknown about our following.

She walked really slow, with her head down and hands holding her backpack. Still, we don't know where the heck Shyam went, we didn't concern to report it to any of the parents as our group had a belief 'not to disturb parents in any case and if happens in future, we are capable and will handle so we can't break our integrity. it starts to rain we got relief under a tea stall, we saw Ananya was still walking in the rain

she noticed nothing, the drops of rain were unaffected to her. I recalled the quote from charlie Chaplin "I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying." She walked straight to her home, we took a breath of peace but the question of Shyam strikes us the next second. Tarun used a trick, he called Shyam's home

"Hello, " he said

"yes, Tarun !" Came the reply from his father on the other side of the call.

"Uncle, do you find a book of Shyam in the living book? " he asked

"Nope, but I can transfer you to him he might know !" His father answered

"No need uncle got it, actually it was my book which Accidently went with him as we concluded our session earlier."

"what you had group study, but Shyam was telling that all have decided to take a day to remember and recall the things all learned."

"Yes, uncle you are right, we have some doubts so I came here to resolve, nothing more, ok thank you "

Tarun ended the call which was speaker, we all sat at the park, talking about the situation what happened, and why happened, we have no idea.

1 hour later we consented to our homes...

It was a blurry and scary day, I have never thought of that, The dinner was not passing through my esophagus, the tears were still in my memory, I was feeling low, he was like lost, tired, defeated, unarmed and unable.

Friday (9 days for the exam)

The school was horrific, Shyam who talked very little, now shallowed the tough. he didn't even look at us, his breaths very still sobbing. His hair was matted, the uniform was clean but carried the dirt of his luck, his eyes were clear but red, thumb revolve around the tip of his finger.

When they all arrived at my home, Shyam had not arrived till the time. we have assumed the seriousness of that.

"What happened to him did anyone, " asked Shruti asked

"Nope, how could he look so scary, I am not going to... " Tarun claimed

Ananya was still quiet. A while later he

stepped into my house, we were glad to see him, we walked to the room sincerely, he announced to complete an integral part of PHY and chem and advised to complete the remaining subject like English, Computer, etc on our own. Today there were no jokes, no talks, no stories, he taught straightly by 8 we had completed almost everything, just polishing of chem and PHY were left which he intended to complete the following day, we also ask for a short break of 15 minutes..., He went home after that without waiting for dinner, deflecting by saying that he has to somewhere when I asked, Today all the girls will be staying at my home, as decided earlier but there was not any environment of joy around which I suppose,

Ananya was thoughtless she nor talked with us nor played board games, she pretended to sleep soon after he dinner but the turns on the bed were reciting everything. When my mother asked us to sleep, violently turned the lights off she threatened us the last time to sleep, Ananya got up from her bed and told us "I want some fresh air..." and she walked to the garden at midnight who would dare such, but the girl was Ananya so she did. I don't know when she came I saw her woke in the living room in the morning. It was quite early, so to know the matter I called Venki, I informed him all after hearing many abusing sentences for calling him so early, but he didn't advise me anything and hung up the call.

"Why did Shyam go without having dinner ? " my mother asked

"He was telling that he has to attain a function so.." I replied, Mom was not present at night she had gone to another state for some business purpose and came this morning,

"What happened to my all fairy's smile?" she asked

"Nothing because just woke up earlier today.." Shruti answered grabbing an idli

Saturday(8 days for the exam)

At school again Shyam was not present, "I need to find where the hell he goes" I said to myself, we were all super concerned cause Shyamcried which he did when he was a kid, but till today his tears have importance, it means an alert siren. I think he knew we would try to make him a force to tell the matter.

At the group study, he didn't come only his text message came to Tarun, which says "Hey, there I am not meant for all your goodness to me, if possible forgive me. "

we turned pale though he mostly completed the work, still, we need someone who can fill us with self-confidence, Ananya got angry at that, she called him directly Wonder that she had his number,

"Hey, come right here, right now! or else...." She roared

"I think you are finding Shyam" came the voice from another side. "Shyam.... here is your call"

"Hello?" he vowed

"Hey, before I say anything else come here right now!" Ananya Screamed.

We all were thunderstruck, he came straight away to the living room where all were waiting for him.

"What's the matter?" He asked

Ananya hugged him tight and spoke in the blubbering voice" I'm sorry, Forgive me please..., I don't know, please forgive me... " She was literally crying tears rolled like water through an umbrella.

Shyam also hugged her and whispered, "It's ok, please don't cry you will kill me..." in a sniveling voice. he hold her by the shoulders and wiped her tears with his fore, middle finger, and thumb. he was smiling, it looked like it was the bend of regret and happiness in tears, affiliation smile on Ananya's face.

looks like it lights the star, and the environment changes, like someone, is playing flute in the background, like insects gave the beats, like two galaxies have submerged.

But the star flickered the strongest and extinguished, like a flute have lost its blow, like insects died, like submersion caused destruction, after a while when Shyam moved his head side by side stating it as negative.

"No, not again!" He said

"What? why? what happened " counter questioned Ananya

"I can't take it anymore " He stated

"What? you know ....." Ananya screamed

"If these group studies continued, I will be in great grief cause my mind wants you, he can't think anything greater than you as if it doesn't exist, my mind revolted, if I will be around he will do anything for you like earlier and will result in your discomfort as you stated last time. " he pleaded "Look what have you created, see..., the most beautiful scene a creature is going crazy only for someone's one smile"

"I don't want you to be slightest of sad and unhappy, so I am trying to create distance, but unable. so.. please forgive me, I have no capacity to make you smile, though I supplicated for your good every single day. " he continued

"Sorry, is that something that will make things correct?" she pleaded

"No, I have no courage to make my heart in such trauma, even if I will I could earlier"

"yeah but promise me in every pain I have the first priority to experience " he continued.

"I can't " she slapped him and both hugged each other with tears seeming as if two oceans were greeting.

we left them in private and went to the garden, we thought that we were actually not capable nor integrity to watch that.

when I went to take a bottle I saw both were sitting on the couch, Shyam was holding Ananya's hand and She kept her head on Shyam's shoulder, their eyes were closed. though I have visited many countries but it was the most beautiful scenario I have ever seemed in my entire life.

when the sky grew darker, they both came out, we sat there in the garden without worrying about exams, as I thought our fear of exams was gone like a sparrow on sensing the danger, and how could we, still we were shocked on the care and love. both of them were holding the hand of each other and smiling

"the saddest people have the most beautiful smile " Shruti whispered as she noticed them, "hence proved "

"what happened," Jiya asked after we all requested her to ask.

Ananya replied in cheerfully and in a powerful voice


We are friends,

but not like others which ends,

only some will get,

others will confuse and forget,

but one can say it's friendship with love.

for all we are and will be for each like air and water for dove.
