•Ophelia •

Chapter Text

"Of Angels?" I question with our any disagreement. I feel that this name suits such a fine place.

"Yes, this place is beautiful, isn't it," the lady turns forwards to signal that our conversation should proceed while we walk.

We pass through another doorway, leaving the big entrance behind for the next person who decides to visit the church. Looking at all the walls, there is no inch left untouched by art. Every space is covered in unique characters, the meaning behind it, I have no clue of, but I appreciate the magnificent work none the less. The pretty lady who is acting like my tour guide, guides me down a straightforward hall that opens into a bigger space than the one we entered in. Our footsteps echo because of the mass of the building, the ceiling is so high up that it almost seems like we are outside instead of in a building. The place we make way in to has rows of pews, some with random people of all kind seated on them.

The people inside what I assume to be the sanctuary seem to be in deep prayer. I hear jumbled whispers of forgiveness, some cries of help, and many shakily pleads for yearnings. My guide stops at the beginning on an aisle of wooden pews.

"This is the sanctuary, many people come here to pray or to listen to the word of God. All is welcomed here, you are welcomed to come here when ever you wish to as well," her voice smiles at me.

"It's beautiful in here, I've never been in a cathedral before, it's so big," I exclaim, my voice slightly pitched an octave higher than usual because of how excited I am.

"Yes, it is indeed. Every where in this church is beautiful , truly. Would you like to see more?"

"Yes, please."

She walks past me gesturing with her head to make me follow, which I hastily do, not wanting to be left behind by myself. She walks in a steady pace, her heels making a 2:4 rhythm that blends in with the voices whispering behind, it is as if she is responding to their prayers. Her black dress shoes contrast greatly with the stoned floor. Even the floor has great detail in it, making me feel guilty for walking on it. The pretty lady does not seem to mind, she walks elegantly ahead of me. Her legs are longer than mine, them being cladded in white wool stockings, I can tell the are because of the way it's made. I follow the stockings upwards to the hem of her white dress. Her stainless dress stops above her ankles, around middle of her calfs. The bottom of her dress has ruffles, beyond that is just the smooth fabric of the dress that leads to her waist which has almost a corset like bodice. Her chest area is shielded by more ruffles that dip to a V, it almost falls off her shoulders which is covered in fabric as well. Her arms have a lose sleeve that tightens at a cuff that buttons at her wrists. She leaves no skin revealed except for her hands and face, even her neck is covered by her dress, it gives off a turtleneck look almost, her neck has a lace bow tied around it, making her look proper all together.

My face crashes into a solid object, surprising me because I was lost in thought. My nose stings a little from the force, I look up to see I had bumped into the lady's back.

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

She lets out a little laugh that rings throughout a hallway I did not know we entered,

"It's okay, you seemed to be lost in thought."

My cheeks start to sting as I try to hide an embarrassed smile. The woman before me just smiles at me before gesturing to her side, to a wall. Confused, but still infatuated by art that surrounds us, I look at it.

"Haha, no, not that," she gently grabs my hand like I am a lost child. She takes us a couple steps forward then points at the wall again. I feel my cheeks burn with heat, I had not seen the hall she had pointed to.

"I'll show you one of the libraries, this one is the one guests and such are allowed to visit."

Before us is a unbelievably carved staircase that curls up to a second floor, the stairway is so large because of how high the ceiling is, it gives me the illusion of a castle. Seeing my disbelief, the woman chuckles, then we begin our walk up the many steps.

This floor doesn't look to be all stone, it has a marble like texture, and obviously wood. Up here is just as beautiful as down below. Above us is another high ceiling, this time I voice my disbelief.

"This place is so huge!"

"Yes, indeed, it's easy to get lost in here, that's why guests and people who come to the church are only allowed to be in certain areas." I nod understanding. I feel grateful that she is my guide, wanting to know more about her, I ask her for her name.

"I am Ophelia, what is your name?"

"I'm Ollie."

"Ophelia and Ollie, what a pair of cute names," someone behind us says, making me quickly turn to see who interrupted our conversation.

"Ah, uncle, are you done with the meeting already?" Ophelia greets the man who seems to be her uncle.

"Yes, it was over rather fast, who is this, a new visitor?" The man turns to me, he is slightly taller than Ophelia and I, he is dressed in what I assume to be bishop attire.

"Yes, she wished to see the cathedral, she thinks it's beautiful."

"Indeed it is, well, Ollie, I am bishop Raphael. I look forward to seeing you in the future, always feel free to visit the cathedral whenever you like, no matter the time, we are always open."

"Okay, thank you." Raphael smiles at me kindly before talking to his niece. As Ophelia and Raphael hold a quick conversation of things I don't understand, I take notice in how similar they look. Raphael had kind features, his eyes being down turned while Ophelia's are up turned. What's similar about them is their nose, both having small button noses.

"Alright 'Phelia, I'll talk to you later, and you Ollie, see you around." The bishop pats Ophelia's head, ruffling up her grayish blonde hair before running is fingers through his own dark blond hair. Seeing my stare, he smiles and pats my head as well. I smile briefly before he walks off.

"Right, let us go to the library now, Ollie. I'm sorry for the delay."

"It's okay, I didn't mind."

We walk a little longer before reach a grand library, books are filled everywhere and it is absolutely stunning. My heart races at the thought of having to climb the sliding ladders to reach books that are too high for me to reach. Ophelia sits at a plump cushioned chair amused. She watches me walk around frantically in my excitement, not disturbing me at all.

Times passes before I decide to sit next to Ophelia who was watching me the entire time.

"Haha, did you tire yourself out?" She scoots over so I can sit next to her in the comfortable seat.

I nod, yawning. She smiles with her saturated magenta eyes half lidded. I yawn again before feeling her hand rest upon my head, directing it down towards her shoulder.

"Here, lay your head down, you can rest for a while."

I feel uncomfortable since I just met her today, but I don't wish to ruin the good mood she seems to be in. I opt to put myself first.

"Oh, that's okay," I assure her. She tilts her head, keeping that same half lidded smile, she doesn't press on, letting me do what I please.

"May I have your number, I enjoyed this time with you today, I would like to see you here again."

"Oh, sure, I would like to come again too, this place is amazing." She puts my number in before looking at me and snapping a picture of me.

"There, look." She shows me my contact in her phone, the picture of me came out silly, with my face blurred from trying to look up at Ophelia as she took the picture. I smile and decide to take a picture of her too.

I feel salty as I see her glow angelically on the screen of my phone. Ophelia is really pretty, I almost mistaken her as an angel when I first saw her.

"You are pretty, Ollie, like an angel." I turn my head to look at Ophelia, embarrassed and baffled to hear her words. I am no where as pretty as her, I voice my opinion.

"Nah, you're really pretty, you're the angel here," I laugh.

She stops smiling for a very quick second, I would have never caught it if it wasn't for the fact I was looking to see her reaction.

"No, you truly are pretty, Ollie, like an angel, you stand out in the cathedral nicely."

My cheeks hurt from the embarrassment I am feeling, I don't know what to say to her kind words, so I thank her. She hums to herself before checking the time on the big clock nearby.

"Ollie, would you like to go get dinner with me?"