•Eat well•

Exiting the massive church, Ophelia walks me to her car. Just by one glance, you can tell that Ophelia is wealthy. Her car is a shingling red that seems out of place with the cathedral and Saint Street altogether. Without hesitation, Ophelia opens the passenger door for me, leaving me no room to change my mind on her invitation. Originally, I was going to deny her kind gesture of dinner, but I realized the fridge in my new home bare, therefore I would not have ate dinner for the night.

"Please, come in. Do you have any place you want to eat at?" Ophelia enters the drivers seat, starting the fancy car.

"Oh, no, I just moved here, so I don't know any places to eat at." I twiddle my thumbs as she smile at me.

"Well, I know a nice place to eat," she suggests a restaurant I do not know the name of before driving off, exiting the warm Saint Street.

As soon as the car parted from Saint Street, the weather seemed to deep in, making me chilled. The cold air nipped at my finger tips, and kissed my lips chapped. It also made my nose cold and runny, causing me to sniffle embarrassingly so every few seconds.

"Are you cold? Would you like me to turn the heat on?" Ophelia asks without waiting for my response, she proceeds to turn the heat on even without my answer.

"Yes, thank you. I didn't realize it was getting cold out," I laugh awkwardly.

"Yes, I do not particularly enjoy the cold weather, I rather the heat. I always like to keep my car and room warm." Ophelia makes small talk as I listen in content.

I laugh finding our differences funny, "I love the cold, I'd rather it be cold than hot because you can always layer up, but there is only so much you can take off!"

She stops smiling and looks at me with a wide expression, her face falling gracefully with a puzzled look. I am confused if what I said was weird, but my siblings and I always use to say this when we talked about what weather we liked more.

"I never thought of it like that, still, I prefer the heat, even if there is only so much I can take off."

I smile widely.

The restaurant Ophelia chose is expensive looking, I can tell by the parking lot. There are numerous luxurious cars along side us as we park. Not only that, the building of the restaurant is big, no where near the size of the Cathedral, but it's still rather impressive. Suddenly, I feel anxious when I realize that I could never possibly afford this place. Not wanting to reveal that, but not wanting to wait till the last minute to say I don't have money, I tell Ophelia a lie.

"Ophelia….I left my money at home.."

Her eyes widen in a smile, seeming amused.

"That is okay, I have the intention of paying for it all." She closes her eyes into a full smile before leading me into the exquisite building.

Inside, all around us are well dressed people dining. Many are dressed to impress anyone who looks, I look like utter trash compared to them. I blush feeling out of place, knowing that I do not belong in such a restaurant. Before I can degrade myself anymore, I feel a gentle touch to my arm. Ophelia pulls me along to a table prepared with silverware, it's cloaked in a white tablecloth. Our seats face each other, allowing us to have the pleasure of conversing as we eat our meal. Feeling the fabric, I make a mental note to not make any mess at all, I would hate to ruin anything. A waiter walks up to our table of two, handing out menus before greeting us and promising he'll be back to serve us later.

"Get as much as you like, Ollie." I ignore that and make sure to choose the cheapest option available, finding it to be rude to dare and order anything else. Ophelia patiently waits till I'm done looking before asking me what I want to eat.

"No, not that, it does not taste good, try this one," she points to a different item on the menu, one with a heathy price. Only this time, I don't complain because she chose it knowing the price of it. Only fools will miss out on such a meal.

"While we wait, how about we play a little game?" Ophelia grind at me.