Chapter 1

"Hey Trash, get up." A bucket of cold water was thrown at the young woman huddled under her threadbare blanket for what little warmth she could find. "Breakfast won't make itself." The snickering man holding a bucket was just another warrior in the pack. With chattering teeth, Trishanna wiped her face with her wet clothing. Taking a sniff, she was at least grateful that the water was relatively clean this time. The little omega simply shook her head and wearily got up from the dirty mattress that was her bed. This was nothing new. One time they snuck into her 'room', which was nothing more than a cleared-out spot in the basement, dipped her finger in oil, and set it on fire. She still has the burn mark as omega's heal slowly.

Sighing, she got up and shuffled to the huge kitchen, tying her brown wavy hair into a messy bun. Glancing out the window, she realized that it wasn't even close to dawn. That meant she only got about three hours of sleep. The sound of footsteps behind her made her wary. Turning she bowed her head as she was repeatedly instructed to do when addressing any member of the pack and asked if there was any further instruction. Snickering, the warrior, Jack, declared, "Alpha wants french toast, bacon, eggs, sausages, and freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast." Trishanna nodded, squeezing her hands together. She knows that this is a lot. Maybe that's why they woke her up earlier. Jack walked away, speaking over his shoulder, "And don't forget the coffee. The guys will be waking up soon for training."

With that instruction, she began getting breakfast ready. It was a lot of work and no one was allowed to help. Even the other omegas were of a higher rank than her. It didn't make sense. All Trishanna knew is that she was found abandoned in the surrounding woods when she was about two or three years old. In fact, that was a guess as the pack doctor at that time simply guessed her age. She wasn't sure, what she could have done then, but after a few years, everyone began to treat her coldly, and it was a direct command from the previous Alpha. Alpha Drew was very strict, but something happened that made him cruel as well. He even changed the name of the pack to the Bloodmoon pack. And it seemed as though his son was just as cruel if not more.

Footsteps on the stairs brought Trishanna to her senses and not in a good way. She may not have advanced senses like the other werewolves, but she knows all too well whose footsteps those belong. Soon, her body stiffened, and her heart was filled with dread. She knew this is how prey felt when they have been cornered. Please, please, pleased she prayed, hoping that he would simply walk by, but there was no such luck today as well.

"Well, I thought I would be smelling the rich aroma of coffee this morning, but instead, all I can smell is Trash." Trishanna's ears burned with embarrassment. They have her so busy from morning to night that it's hard to find time to wash herself properly. It doesn't help that they also refuse to give her simple things like soap and shampoo. Once she tried using the remnants from a discarded bottle, only to be beaten and humiliated in front of the pack when she was twelve. "You had better not let a drop of your filthy sweat fall into any of the food or else there will be serious repercussions. Understood.?"

"Yes, Alpha James." Trishanna shrunk back from the malice in his eyes. James Black was not to be taken lightly. even when they were children, he was the one who picked on her the most. Thankfully, other members came down as training was to begin soon, so she began the task of distributing coffee under the watchful eyes of the Alpha. When they were finished, she cleared the table and continued the preparations for breakfast. Although she knew exactly what he wanted for breakfast, there were other dishes to prepare. Taking into consideration food allergies, pregnant wolves and their cravings, and likes and dislikes, there were different types of bacon, sausages, eggs, and, ways to prepare them. Not to mention that Alpha likes his French toast made with homemade bread so she made white and whole wheat. Much of this knowledge was learned through trial and error, with severe punishments doled out when mistakes were made.

With the kitchen now cleared, and the dough resting, Trishanna went to the back of the fridge and took out the little meal she had put aside from last night's dinner. It was just some mashed potato with gravy and fresh salad. She quickly ate, knowing that she may not have another chance until later in the day. After doing the dishes, she went to the half-bath that she was allowed to use to brush her teeth, wash her face, and changed the wet clothes she was still wearing. Feeling a bit better, she returned to the kitchen to continue, knowing that training usually lasts for three hours, so she still has two hours to have everything on the table. While the bread is baking. She cuts up the fruits and places them in separate bowls. This allows them to make their own fruit salad and this is the only suggestion that she has done that wasn't met with the usual ridicule.

Taking a chance, she rushed to the laundry room to put her only sheet and blanket to wash along with the few meager clothing she possessed. If the other omegas, who are in charge of laundry catch her, she will be beaten, reported, and beaten again. She must get their permission first. Because she does all the cooking, it means that those omegas won't wake until the warriors return from training, since they will have those clothes to launder as well. Soon the bread was finished, and her clothes as well. As much as she would have loved to use the dryer as well, it was too much of a risk, so she simply hung them over the various items in the basement. History has shown that it will dry just fine by tonight.

Glancing at the clock, Trishanna realized that she has less than an hour, so she quickly makes the eggs and sausages. Thankfully, the pack has a well-equipped kitchen, with four large stoves, so with expertise, she juggles various pots and pans. Knowing that the higher-ranked wolves just may want what the Alpha eats, she slices the bread and makes enough batter. If she is lucky, she may even be able to have a slice for herself. Good thing she had squeezed the oranges earlier and put it to chill. While the fresh toast is in the pans, she puts on more coffee.

All but one oven is one, and in there she stacks the french toast to stay warm as she begins setting up the main dining hall for buffet style. Only the Alpha is to be served directly. If there was a Luna, she would be served as well, but Alpha James hasn't found his mate as yet. Although Tishanna has witnessed many in this pack reject their mate for rank and status. Even the former Alpha and Luna were not real mates. It seems as though, there is no point in hoping for a mate to come and save her. These ideas were firmly squashed since it's mostly the males doing the rejecting. Many of the females aren't waiting either, sleep around and get mated to whoever suits their fancy or ideal. if this is what it's like, then she would rather be alone.