Chapter 2

Alpha James made his way to the training grounds. Soon his Beta Juda and their friend Jack, a warrior, fell into step with him. As they bickered among themselves, he thought back to the way Trishanna bowed her head in fear when he approached her, and how she flinched at his remark of how she smelt. Not that it was entirely true, but Trash didn't need to know that. He smirked as he remembered that he was the one to give her that nickname.

They were still cubs when after being teased by him yet again, she pushed him into the muddy puddle. Of course, the other kids told their parents who in turn contacted his father, Alpha Drew. James was never sure why his father disliked the orphaned girl so much, but clearly, she deserved it. With rage, his father rushed to where they were, saw him crying in the mud, and without wanting to find out why the young girl was grabbed by her hair and severely beaten almost to the point of unconsciousness. Then without care, her battered body was carelessly tossed into the compost heap that the kitchen Omegas had at the back of the pack house.

James had followed to see what had happened, as was a bit surprised to hear his father instruct that no one is to take her out of there. She will only receive treatment if she was able to crawl out on her own. He remembered that she crawled out around midnight since he couldn't sleep and was peeping at her body from his bedroom window. Once she was out the old Omega helped her inside and tended to her wounds. He had wanted to apologize the next day as even he thought his father was too harsh, but the glare she gave him caused those words to be stuck in her throat. Yet it wasn't just the glare but the growl that accompanied it. It was so surprising since she was maybe eight or nine when it happened and your wolf doesn't appear until you're sixteen years.

He retreated from the small room she was given at the time. Later, she was made to apologize to him, and she did so with so much hatred in her voice, that from that moment, he decided that he would not be soft on her. His father was right to keep these filthy Omegas under strict rules and she will be no exception. This new treatment of her pleased his father and the more Alpha Drew praised him, the crueler he became especially towards her.

He was brought back to the Gamma blowing his whistle which meant training had begun with the usual ten laps around the grounds. Of course, since this was the Blackmoon Pack, other packs dared not to interact with them. Not after the last fight that took place in Alpha's Drew time. That fight was the reason they now have almost doubled their territory. The two smaller packs that originally bordered them lost the fight, and whatever survivors had relocated. With this, most of the time they rarely ever did the full ten laps, and certainly not at their top speed. The wolves had become somewhat complacent, and whenever the Alpha decided that it was enough training would come to an end.

This morning, however, Alpha James decided to work up an appetite. He could smell the freshly baked bread and judge by the number of rumbling stomachs around him, so could the others. Trash made the most amazing bread and cakes. Not that he would ever tell her that. He loved how she bowed her head now when addressing him because she knew that if she didn't, it would not go well for her. It took him a few years to get her to stop acting like she was high and mighty just because she was taller than most of the men in the pack. Even as a pup, she was tall. Now she stands at 5ft 10". Only the ranked wolves and the Alpha were taller than her, while a few of the warriors were her height. He knew that this was just another reason why they despised her as well.

During the sparring sessions, he took a break and sat with Juda and James. Next to him was another group who had already completed their task and were just waiting for further instructions when James, heard Trash's name in their conversation. Without being obvious, he listened in on their conversation. It seems as though a few weeks ago one of them saw Trash sneaking out of the house towards the lake. He decided to follow her and discovered that she went to take a bath. This is nothing new as she doesn't have a bathroom of her own, and even the other Omegas refuse to share their facilities with her.

As he continued to describe what he saw, James frowned at the explicit description of the now naked Trash. From his story, her legs were long and shapely, waist narrow, full bouncing breast with nipples large enough to fill a man's mouth. He was about to interrupt when his colleague began describing the exact thing he saw a month before. Just as James was about to jump into their conversation, the Gamma called him to discuss their rotation of patrols for the upcoming week. Sighing, he shook his head at their obvious exaggerated description of the Omega. He has watched her every day for years and there is no way that is what she looks like under her clothes. He will simply dismiss what he heard as it couldn't be true. Right?