Chapter 3

Trishanna wasn't sure what happened that day, but the Alpha has been constantly staring at her since then. It has been over a week, and he seems to appear almost everywhere that she goes. From making meals to cleaning the kitchen garden and even the outside shed that holds an assortment of tools, Alpha James can be found lurking around. This only adds to her feeling of discomfort, but what can she dare to say or do? So far, he hasn't done anything other than watching her every move. At one point, she wanted to scream that she was not trying to steal anything but thought better of it. The last time she tried to speak up for herself, with the discarded bottle of shampoo, her hair was almost ripped out with promises that her tongue will be next. It's been two weeks and it still continues. It has been so intense that even trying to get the few hours of sleep she's allowed seems impossible.

James had been observing the Omega since that day. He thought for sure that those wolves were blind. How could they have seen such a voluptuous body they described when all he's seen is her in baggy clothes that hardly show off anything? He knows that she wears the hand-me-downs of other omegas, but they are much shorter than her, so something should be visible. Feeling frustrated, he called into his office one of the omegas, Candice, who is responsible for doing the laundry. He was discomforted by the look of lust in her eyes. All the she-wolves have the hope that if they sleep with him and give birth to an heir, they will somehow be elevated. Even if they don't become the Luna, their living situation will improve. Birth rates are low in his pack, while the rejection of mates is higher than normal. Maybe he should look to see if there is any link between the two.

He was brought out of his musing when the little omega came behind him to rub his shoulders, brushing her small breast against his back. Usually, he would have pounced on this prey offering herself up so sweetly, but he wasn't in the mood. Grabbing her wandering hand, he pulled her to the side. "I called you here to find out something." Inclining his head, he watched as she got the message and stood in front of his desk. "Where does the omega Trash, get her clothes from?" Candice's eyes went wide. Why was the Alpha asking about her?

"I believe that she got her clothes from the old omega who used to care for her. Rosie I think was her name." She watched as he rubbed his fingers under his chin. "That old lady died a few years ago. Why are you asking about her clothes? Did she steal something?" Candice asked with glee. Nothing will cheer up her sense of being rejected by the Alpha like seeing that Trash get a good beating. Always thinking that she's better just because she's tall.

"No, it's nothing. I was just curious." Curious? Since when has the Alpha been curious about anything? Nodding her head, she slowly turned to leave. Maybe he will stop her before she exits the room, yet he made no attempt to do so. They've had quite a few intimate moments. Unfortunately, none of them lead to her being pregnant, but that was due to the fact that she only turned eighteen a few weeks ago. She hasn't had her heat cycle as yet, but her aunt knew a way around that. Maybe it was time to visit the old hag and see if she was useful this time around. After all, that's how she became the Delta's mate, trapping him into marking her.

Unbeknown to James, he wasn't even sure when his office door closed, nor the fact that Candice felt rejected as his mind went back to the old woman. Rosie was the child of an abandoned omega, who was unsure of the father. She was found lurking around their borders, and since she smelt more human than anything, she and her cub were given entry into the pack and a job in the kitchen. It was her skills in baking that kept her here all this time. A skill she clearly passed down to Trishanna as Rosie had no children of her own. She was also the one to always tended to the little girl's wounds and was the one who helped her the day she was thrown into the compost heap.

Rubbing under his chin again, James knew that it was Rosie's clothes she wore. After all, that old she-wolf was tall like the warriors, despite not being able to shift. She did have an enhanced sense of smell. Smiling at the memories of Rosie, James felt like it's been ages since he had any chocolate chip cookies and raisin bread. Linking a pack member, he asked that Trash be sent to his office. Leaning back in his chair, he pondered on how he could find out for himself if what the wolves said was true. Aside from ordering her to strip, which wouldn't be fun, he decided to question them as well as any others to see if there was a pattern to her dips in the lake.

A knock on the door, let him know that his victim was at his liar. Bidding her entry, he gave his request for the baked treats with threats attached if it wasn't done within a specified time. All the while, he looked her up and down, but the baggy clothing showed not a hint of the possible shape hidden beneath. Feeling frustrated, he rushed her out of his office. Why did he want to know so much? Just a few minutes before, there was an omega willing to spread her legs for him with just the flick of a finger, and if he remembered right, she was one of the better ones, so eager to please. So why didn't he have any interest?

Stretching, he decided that maybe a trip around the grounds will clear his mind from the obsessive thoughts he's had lately. Sending a quick link for his Beta to meet him in front, he made a last-minute diversion to his room to change his clothes and spritz on cologne. He was sure that there was some fresh blood, a.k.a, new she-wolves that he hadn't yet sampled. Maybe his obsession simply stems from the desire to have someone new. Brushing his sandy blond hair, He looked at his reflection.

He was a good-looking Alpha, 6ft 1", nicely defined shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs clad in his favorite denim jeans. With his clear blue eyes, and chiseled jaw he knew that he was a catch. The only thing he found that marred his perfect face was the fact that he had broken his nose when he was a pup before he got his wolf. In fact, if memory serves him correctly, that altercation involved Trash. No matter what he did, it seems that his thoughts always circle back to her. Clenching his jaw, he affirmed to himself as he went out to meet his Beta, that tonight, he will get her out of her system, and he's sure that there are enough pretty she-wolves to get it done.