Chapter 6

The first thing James noticed was the pounding of drums. Was he kidnapped? Taken to a place far from home and left in darkness? Cracking open his eyes, the second thing was the blinding light that pierced straight into his brain, intensifying the sound. Quickly, he closed his eyes and tried to breathe. The familiar scent around him had him confused. How could the kidnappers make their location smell like his room? With that thought, he bolted up, only to regret his hastiness.

His head felt like it weighed the same as a baby elephant, who was happily practicing for a marching band inside his skull. The furry of his tongue and dryness of his throat did not help. Gingerly he reached for the bottled water at the side of his bed. A few gulps and he didn't feel as bad. He placed his bare feet on the floor and propped his head in his hands. James tried to recall what happened the day before. Soon bits and pieces came to mind.

He remembered feeling frustrated with his thoughts of Trishanna, so he went to find a human girl to distract him. When he got to the club, the bouncer, who was a werewolf, let him in. It didn't take long for the girls to flock toward him. There were a few werewolves like him, but he shooed them away, as their smell was even worse than those at home. He found three human girls that would do. Two of them looked nothing like the object of desire, but the other one, he just couldn't resist. After a couple of drinks, the girls go very handsy with him and with each other. Touching led to kissing, yet he couldn't get 'it' up. No matter what they did, his body wasn't responding the way he should.

Feeling less than, he ordered a bunch of drinks. He continued to touch and kiss them but kept their hands away from his private parts by saying that he wants to watch them. As they got drunker and their desires took hold, they focused less on him, which was the plan. As soon as he could, he made his escape by claiming that he was going to order more alcohol. He sat on an empty stool at the end of the bar. The bartender seeing this suggested that he head to the back to play some poker.

The thought of at least being away from the overwhelming stench of sweat and sex seemed ideal and James agreed. He was guided in and joined in the next games. Usually, alcohol doesn't affect werewolves since their body recuperates quickly, but there are things they can do or take if they want that 'high'. And boy, did James need it to keep the lustful thoughts at bay. Since the club is jointly owned by a werewolf, there was quite a selection of drinks just for them and James had them all. Twice.

A slight tapping on his bedroom door made him groan. Standing on shaky legs, he shuffled to the door and cracked it open. He could have shouted, or opened the mind link, but he knew it would only add to the monster headache he had. A young male Omega stepped back and bowed her head. "Excuse me Alpha, the Beta wanted to know if you were up."

"Tell,.... tell him I'm up and I'll see him at ten in my office." James was going to close the door when the omega spoke up.

"Ah, I'm sorry Alpha but right now it's after lunch."

"What?" His raised voice just added some symbols to the mix. "What do you mean? Was lunch served already?" Seeing the frightened young man step back in fear, James sighed. "I'm sorry. I just didn't realize the time. Tell the Beta that we will have our discussion tomorrow instead."

"Yes, Alpha." James watched as he scurried away before closing the door. Leaning on it, he understood why Juda was concerned. It's been months since he missed training. The last time was when his rut came. It also explains why his stomach wishes to be the backup singer for the band now forming in his body. Deciding that a hot shower will help him regain his rational thinking, he walked toward the bathroom stripping on the way.

Feeling refreshed, and the pounding reduced to a mild buzz, James felt that eating something will cure his ails. He entered the dining room and could see that the lunch period was indeed over. The tables were already cleaned and not a soul was in sight. Making his way to the kitchen, he decided on a sandwich or two. Hey, he might be the big, bad Alpha, but that doesn't mean he's helpless. Rummaging through the cupboard to find what's needed, he paused when footsteps behind him came to a halt. Before he could turn, the scent he is unable to purge from his mind fills his nostrils and his soul.

Slowly he turned, food in hand until she came into view. Trishanna looked so good standing there. Even though she had on her usual outfit, covered with the apron she wears when gardening, for some reason, James felt like he hadn't seen her in months. With heart pounding, he took her in her appearance. The look of shock on her face, mouth hanging open, made him smile. Trishanna saw it and that caused her mouth to snap shut in confusion. She noticed the items in his hands and wondered what he was up to.

James noticed that she was confused, so he shyly answered her unasked question. "Umm, I just woke up and realized that lunch was over, so I was going to make a sandwich for now." Trishanna turned from him and for a moment his heart felt like it was being rejected, but what she did was simply place the basket, James didn't even notice she was holding, onto the counter beside her.

Trishanna's grip tightened on the basket. She was feeling angry and annoyed. How could the Alpha just barge into the kitchen, acting as if nothing happened? He's the reason why she barely had any sleep. After cleaning up, she went to bed, only to be awoken by one of the ranked pregnant wolves. She had to make pasta, from scratch. After cleaning up again, she was finally able to lay down, only to be shaken awake, forty minutes later by the Beta, Juda.

If that wasn't bad enough, she still had to wait another thirty minutes, before she understood why she was called. A very drunk Alpha was brought home by one of the warriors. As Richard tried his best to carry him through the door, James mumbled something. Juda approached and both men half-walked, half-carried their Alpha. Trishanna, still not sure why she was needed, asked what was she to do. Just then the might Alpha puked all over the rug in the main hallway.

Richard laughed at the timing and told her she could start by cleaning that up. The guys made their way upstairs and she rolled the offending rug to carry it outside to wash. That event took over an hour. She also had to find a replacement rug. Then she was instructed to prepare something light for the Alpha to eat, in case he woke up.

Trishanna sighed. What would be the point in telling Alpha James anything? He is the Alpha and he had already demonstrated that his will is the law. "Alpha, please have a seat. I will prepare something you can eat." Trishanna said, with her back still turned as she wasn't sure all of her anger was no longer expressed on her face. She moved to the sink to wash her hands before drying them. Taking a deep breath, she went to the fridge and began taking out vegetables to make a broth that would be good for his stomach.