Chapter 7

James watched as Trishanna began. He knew that she was a great cook, but he didn't realize how efficient she was. With a speed that came from years of experience, she had already prepared the meat for the broth and was working on the vegetables. A strand of her hair came loose from the bun she always wore and without thinking, he reached out to tuck it behind her ear. His sudden movement startled Trishanna. She thought for a moment that she was working too slow and he was going to strike her in anger. This caused the knife to slip and blood began to pour out of the cut to her left thumb.

"Ouch." Trishanna flinched. She grabbed her hand even as she shut her eyes expecting a blow. For sure the Alpha would be disgusted that her filthy blood was spilled in his presence. Wasn't he always saying how bad she smelt? James pulled back his hand. It bothered him that she seemed to be so afraid of him. Was he really that bad? His eyes dropped down in disappointment until he saw the blood. Grabbing a kitchen towel, he reached for her injured hand.

Trishanna resisted, but James was stronger and since she didn't want to be hurt more than she had to be, she relented. James tsked. The wound was small but deep. James dragged her to the sink to wash the blood off so he could get a better look. After drying it, he slowly peeled away the towel. The bleeding had stopped by now, but the wound was still there. She really is an omega he thought. A regular werewolf would have already healed. James wasn't sure why that small pink wound bothered him so, but without thinking, he lifted her hand to his lips and gently blew.

Trishanna was surprised at this gesture. Glancing up at him, she wondered why he looked so concerned over such a small cut. "Umm... Alpha James, it's okay. It's just a flesh wound. I can just put a band-aid on." James didn't seem to hear what Trishanna said. He was suddenly aware of how soft the skin on her hand was. Turning it over, his thumb rubbed over the callouses that dotted her palms, an indication of the hard work she does. James had a sudden urge to kiss the warm hand that he held. Almost trance-like, he began raising her hand to his lips when he was interrupted.

Richard, the warrior who brought home the drunk Alpha, entered the kitchen only to meet the strangest sight. The Alpha was about to kiss the hand of the kitchen omega, while she looked at him without protest. When they became aware of his presence, they quickly pulled apart. Surprisingly, it was the Alpha who turned away blushing, while Tishanna only seemed confused. "Don't mind me, I just came to get some refreshments. Hey, Trash, can you....." Richard was cut off by the warning growl from the Alpha.

"Her name is Trishanna. You got that. Don't let me hear you call her that disgusting nickname again." James shouted through the link at Richard. "In fact, you better make sure that everyone else knows that."

"Yes Alpha" Richard responded in kind. Glancing at Tra... Trishanna, he wondered exactly what did he interrupt. Considering that it was James himself who gave her that name when they were pups, it was strange. Recalling his purpose for being there, he turned back to Trishanna. "Can I have some refreshments for me and the five guys I'm patrolling with?" She nodded and began packing water, juices, and some snacks for them.

When Richard left, Trishanna turned to James. "I'm sorry Alpha about my carelessness. If you like, I can have another omega come in and finish preparing your meal." He waved away her apology. Biting her lips, she nervously went on, "Then if you don't mind, I will clear the area and get back to work." She took the bloody vegetables and threw them in the trash, Next the cutting board and knife were placed in the skin and soaked in hot water. She sanitized the counter and then put on a glove, before grabbing fresh ingredients.

James simply sat on one of the stools at the island and just watched. He wondered what was happening to him. When it comes to Trishanna, it's like he's now a different person. He even shouted at his subordinate for using the name he gave her. Yet for some reason, it irked him a great deal. Just what was going on with him?

Glancing up even now and then, Trishanna wondered the same thing. The Alpha has been acting differently for a while now, but although everybody was aware of it, no one could find out the reason. At times like this, she wished that the others would talk to her. She had no friends, only people who were not as mean as the others. What she knows came from overhearing the other wolves talk among themselves.

She worked in silence, and soon the broth was finished. She dished out a bowl, with some of the bread rolls from breakfast. As she was loading the tray, he stopped her. "Where are you going with that?" James asked. Did someone else want broth? but how could she serve another when he is right in front of her?

"No Alpha, this is yours. I was taking it to your office."

"Why? I'm right here."

"I... I thought you would feel more comfortable eating in there."

"Honestly, I'm fine right here. Why make you go through all that trouble? I've already bothered you enough to make this for me. Bring it here." Trishanna shrugged and placed the tray on the island where he was seated. Inhaling deep, James could already taste the herbs she added. The broth looked delicious and his stomach rumbled in appreciation. Grabbing a spoon, he blew on it a little before beginning to eat. It was better than it looked and the rolls did a great job absorbing the liquid. The meat was tender while the veggies still had a bit of crunch to them. He finished the bowl while Trishanna was cleaning up.

While asking for seconds, he heard a faint rumble. James looked out the window, but the sky was clear. Trishanna placed his second bowl before him. At the same time, the rumbling was louder. Turning, he noticed Trishanna's cheeks turn pink with embarrassment. The sound came from her stomach. James was distracted for a moment by how pretty she looked with a blushing face. The sound returned and so did his attention to the present.

Trishanna quickly turned, her face going from embarrassed to mortified. She was she that he would make some sarcastic comment and was bracing herself for it, yet what she heard, made her pause in shock. "You should grab yourself a bowl to eat. If you don't mind having me for company, why don't you come and grab a seat."

"Are you sure you don't mind me sitting with you Alpha James?"

"Well, I am technically in your domain, so if you don't have a problem with it, neither do I. Although, I would suggest you do it quickly, before anyone else comes in and make demands." Nodding at his suggestion, Trishanna got her meal and sat opposite James. She only had a cup of coffee for breakfast and had skipped lunch, so she will not miss an opportunity to eat a decent hot meal, even if it was in the presence of the one person who has made her life more difficult than it should be.

James frowned at the small portion Trishnna took, and it only got deeper as he noticed how carefully she ate. It was like watching someone whose stomach is accustomed to being hungry. He could recognize it from the training he endured. After being starved for some days, when food was presented, your stomach had shrunk so it was hard to eat quickly and in large amounts. Was she not being fed? That doesn't make sense. He saw how much food is available and she is in charge of the kitchen. He also knew that one thing that training made him sure of was that no one should go hungry. He made that a rule when he became the Alpha.

Maybe she just doesn't have time to eat. If other wolves burst in, just as Richard did, while she is busy enough, it would not surprise him if that was the main reason. Sending a quick link to all pack members, he instructed that from now on, the kitchen and its staff will be unavailable for forty minutes after lunch was cleared. Trishanna simply was happy to have a meal. She knew that she was behind schedule for the dinner prep, but she simply made up her mind to enjoy the here and now. She will bear whatever consequences will arise out of it.

James finished before her. He rose and placed his empty dishes in the sink. When he saw Trishanna raising from her seat, he walked over and gently pushed her back down. "It's okay. You can do her chores after you've finished eating. And if you want to have seconds don't hold back." James headed to the back door to make some rounds. Pausing, he added "Don't force yourself today. Make something that's easy for dinner and take care of your hand. We don't want it to get infected, but if anything happens, go see the doctor."

"Yes, Alpha." Trishanna bowed her head, "and thanks." James continued out of the door, a smile on his face at her whispered gratitude. He can't change how he treated her, but maybe he can make amends starting now.