Chapter 8

Richard was curious. Just what did he interrupt in the kitchen? What's going on with his Alpha? It was the first time he responded like that to the Omega. The confused feeling hovered over him for days. He took a closer look but aside from James staring at her during meal times, and the fact that the kitchen was off limits for some time after lunch, there wasn't much change. Oh, wait. The biggest change was the fact that now everyone called Trishanna by her proper name. Richard shudders as he recalled when some pups who didn't know any better were scared out of their skin, just because they called her Trash. Poor things, James' aura at that time was very strong, filled with anger at their mistake. Their parents got an earful as well.

Huffing as he completed his afternoon sparring session, he grabbed some water and sat on the ground. Lost in thought, he came to when Trishanna's name was called. Looking around, he saw that she was making her way to the garden. Richard took a good look at her. She was fine to look at, despite her height. Because of that and the fact that she seems not to socialize, he was surprised that he never made a move on her before. His ego stung at that. How could he be called "Rowdy Ricky" and he never sampled her? Richard was not partial to who his lover was, male or female, once they were willing.

Observing the other wolves around, he can see that they noticed her body as well, yet none of the ever made a move. Richard guessed it was due to the fact that the other she-wolves basically threw themselves on anyone they could. Maybe they all have lost their hunting instincts. Tapping his finger on his raised knee, he asked no one in particular, "Hey, how long has Trishanna been here?"

"About fifteen years, I think"

"Huh," Richard remembered that she was about two when she came, although the doctor wasn't sure. If his calculation is correct, that means that she's about seventeen years old. That would be the perfect age. Most omegas officially go into heat around eighteen, even though they have sex before that. "That gives me an idea."

Trishanna woke up, sweat dripping down her face. Panting, she tried to recall what she saw. She was very young, still, a pup. A birthday cake was placed before her, candles lit. She could not see anyone around her since the place was dark, but she clearly heard voices singing 'happy birthday'. As she leaned in to blow out the candles, a strong gust of wind caused the tiny light to burst into a blazing inferno. The melodious song turned into wails of agony as everything around her was on fire. Clutching her chest, she tried to even out her breathing. She remembered that she used to have nightmares when she was younger.

Trishanna crawled out of bed and went to the little tattered suitcase hidden in the corner. Opening it, she pulled out an old scarf. Burying her nose in it, the familiar scent of her dear Rosie, her woman who took care of her, brought her some comfort. Inhaling deeply, she couldn't stop the tears from falling as she wondered for the thousandth time, what crime did she commit, for this to be the life she has. Heading back to bed, she nestled the scarf under her cheek, pretending that once again she was in Rosie's lap. Trishanna could almost feel the comforting stroke of the large rough palms on her hair. With that in mind, she fell asleep.

"Alright guys, let's get into teams of two for our sparring practice." Henry, the pack's assistant trainer, and top warrior blew his whistle. He was taking over for the Gamma who was away on official business. He paired Richard and the Alpha together, much to Richard's delight. It's been a while since they sparred, and he was confident that this time he can finally win against James since he's been distracted these days.

One thing Richard was good at is riling up his opponent. As they both began circling each other, Richard opened the mind link. "So, Alpha, I've noticed that you seem to have seen the light and wish to redeem your ways."

James scoffed "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just saying, I think you were a little hard on those pups a few days ago. They only know that omega by Trash."

James growled and lunged at him. Richard knew that his plan was working. "I mean, you all but tore their heads off for one little mistake."

Richard aimed a punch which was blocked. "They need to learn how to follow orders. It shows a level of disrespect if I didn't correct them then and there. Not to mention the parents were at fault as well."

Richard gave a few jabs with an uppercut. The first few were blocked, but he gleefully made contact with James' jaw. Richard watched as James ran his tongue over his busted lip. It will heal in a few minutes, so I was nothing to be concerned over.

The Alpha changed his fighting stance and beckoned Richard to attack. He did so, faking a right only to bring up his left foot and make contact with James' ribs. "I just think it's funny that you're so mad about the nickname YOU gave her."

Hearing that, James lost his cool, He began to growl and bones could be heard cracking and shifting as he quickly transformed into his wolf. Feeling pissed, he charged at Richard a bit too hasty. That's why he didn't notice the handful of sand before it was thrown in his eyes. Before he could shake it out, Richard had transformed as well and lunged at his throat. Biting down on his jugular, Richard managed to wrestle James to the ground. After struggling to get free, James admitted defeat, and Richard let him go.

Rising from the ground, both men changed back to their human forms. Henry looked at his Alpha questioningly, but James just shook his head, allowing him to return to his training. Henry went over the strengths and weaknesses displayed during the fight and soon another team was sparring.

James walked off feeling pissed at Richard, and Henry but mostly at himself. It was another crescent moon last night and although he knew he shouldn't have, he couldn't, no, didn't stop himself from following Trishanna down to the lake once more. Even though he had already seen it before, it still mesmerized him. He didn't know if his eyes were playing tricks on him, but it seemed as though her body was no longer as thin from being unable to eat properly.

Her hips were rounder, her stomach softer. Even her cheeks had a bit of plumpness to them. He should know the way he's been following her with his eyes every day. This time the thought of rubbing his member between her breasts, and coming all over her body fueled his imagination to the point where he didn't get much sleep last night. That's the only reason why he lost. It had nothing to do with Richard's comments during the fight.

Speak of the devil, Richard had followed James and draped his arm over his shoulder. "Hey Alpha James, don't be too hard on yourself. I know you just weren't in your best frame of mind today." James got annoyed and removed the offending appendage.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Oh, I meant what I said about that omega. You know, the one who works in the kitchen with the big boobs." James spun around to see Richard holding his hands in front of his chest and bouncing them up and down. For some reason, James grew more irritated. He convinced himself that it was because of the gloating tone in Richard's voice. It had nothing to do with Trishanna.

"Listen here," James leaned into Richard, "Yes, it's true that I gave her that name when I was a stupid pup, but now I'm an adult and despite how she came to be, Trishanna is now a member of our pack and I have a duty to protect her just as I would anyone else."

"Sure you do Alpha. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you would like to mount her like a picture on your wall." James was mortified a blush staining his cheeks. His horny mind was busy conjuring up images of taking Trishanna against the walls in his office. Richard saw this and smiled, his plans becoming clearer. "Don't worry Alpha, I don't blame you. She's a pretty girl and I'm sure she'll look even better if she gets an opportunity to spruce up a little."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I do." James pretended to think, "you know what, I'm sure she just needs a reason to get dolled up and I just so happen to be able to give her one. With your permission of course Alpha."

The thought of seeing Trishanna in the dress he sent through the Gamma's daughter made his mouth go dry. Maybe she never wore it because she didn't want it to get dirty, and there really wasn't a reason for it anyway. The desire to see her in it was so strong that he asked, "Tell me your plan, and if I like it, I will approve."

"Yes Alpha."