Chapter 20

It's been twelve days since James left the pack. Since he left her. His dreams have been plagued with her crying face every night since then and he greatly regretted the way he left things. He didn't mean what he said, but both he and his wolf were enraged at her disrespect. He left instructions that she was to be treated worse than before and the males could try to make a move, but they were not allowed to actually do anything to her. Anyone who disobeyed will be severely dealt with on his return, and there wasn't anyone in his pack crazy enough to do that.

He had to visit a few of the businesses he runs as well as attend some meetings. James was getting crossed-eyed from staring at all the paperwork before him. All he wanted to do was to get back home and bury himself between Trishanna's thighs. Even though he knew some apologizing may be needed. Maybe a large bouquet of flowers will do the trick. After all, women were easy to please. And if that doesn't work, he would just f*ck her into submission, that's what omegas need anyway. They just to be shown whose boss and that activates their natural need to submit. With a plan in place, James returned to his work with new vigor, thoughts of Trishanna, begging for his c*ck driving him on.

His Beta, Juda knock on his door and came in, bearing more of those cursed documents. James glared at those poor pieces of paper with such heat, it was surprising that they didn't erupt into flames. "Damn it, how much more of this do I have to do? It feels like you've cut down every tree within a thousand miles just to punish me with this never-ending task." Juda simply chuckled and just placed them on his desk.

Pausing at the door, Juda turned, "Alpha, just a reminder that the Alpha of the Goldmoon Pack is scheduled to visit in two days' time."

"What, two days? How the hell am I supposed to finish all this in two days?" Damn it, if that is true then it means that he will have to hold back on seeing Trishanna. "Ahh... get out so I can get it done."

"Yes, Alpha." Juda bowed slightly and left. closing the door with a chuckle. He deliberately left all the paperwork for last. He knew his Alpha pretty well and he knew that James was bothered with the way he left things with Trishanna. Juda did his own digging and he found out that Richard had orchestrated the whole thing, including giving her those drugs that bring about a female's heat. He was surprised to know that his Alpha had given him permission to do something to make Trishanna his, and because of this, Juda wasn't sure how to bring it up with James. Anyway, maybe once they get back home, things will work out.

Meanwhile, James sighed and with determination got back to work. He knew that if he left anything out, Juda would just bring it back with them and once he was back home, James didn't want anything extra to take his time. Especially since he will have his Luna intended to woo.

Thankfully James finished his work in the nick of time. Juda was very good at planning their route, so their last stop was just three hours away by car. James used this time to finish reading the proposal he needed to review and give his approval or denial by email. Once that was done, he turned to review the info on the visiting pack once more. Juda had received confirmation of their visit and was busy making preparations. They had indicated a slight change in numbers, but it was nothing that couldn't be accommodated.

Trishanna was busy making the late lunch for the visitors as well as the Alpha's return. Based on the information shared with the pack, both parties should arrive within the hour. She already had made lasagna, steamed vegetables, roasted pork, grilled chicken with a pineapple sauce, and a fresh salad with lemon menagerie pie for dessert. There were also a variety of scones and cookies in case there was a need for snacks while they talked in the office and the percolator was already set up. She even went and got some of the classic wines to go with the meal but also had fruit juice for those who may wish for it. Being the cook for many years and learning under Rosie's guidance, came in handy for things like this.

Trishanna heard that the Goldmoon's Alpha was single and for once, the females were too busy priming themselves to take any notice of her. It was also good that Sammy was still here and was happy to help her out in the kitchen. Thanks to him, preparations went quickly. Sammy hummed as he helped his friend. The first part of his plan was to get some time off, and with his impressive track record, it was easy to get it. All he had to do was to remind the Gamma of the promise he gave based on a mission a few months back that yielded great results. Gamma Steve had promised him anything, with reason, and since Sammy never took time off, he asked for three months' vacation. He hoped that within this time, he would get Trishanna out of the pack and set up somewhere safe.

They were informed that the Alpha would be arriving in a few minutes as he had already crossed into the pack's land. Hearing this, the rage that was building in Sammy flared, and with it, his desire to do bodily harm kicked in. Planting a kiss on Trishanna's brow, Sammy took off his apron and left the kitchen without a word, and headed into the forest. Trishanna called after him, but he didn't even pause. Sighing, she figured that he needed to cool his head a bit and that would probably be the best thing. At least everything was already set. She sniffed under her arms and decided that she should at least take a quick shower to freshen up, just in case she was called to serve. Trishanna really hoped that wasn't the case as the thought of seeing that bastard of an Alpha was enough to make her sick.

Taking a shower, she got dressed in a pale-yellow dress that was a size too big, but she cinched the waist using a brown belt. She wore her brown sandals, all of which were donated. Brushing her hair, she quickly did a French braid, tying the end with a small piece of yellow ribbon and letting it drape over her right shoulder. Please with her look, Trishanna made her way outside in time to see the Alpha's car pull up into the driveway.

James saw his pack members come out to greet him. Before he got out, the flash of something yellow caught his eye. Peering through the crowd, he found what it was. His breath caught in his throat at the beauty that was Trishanna. He froze at the disturbed look on her face, and he knew he couldn't face her, at least not right now, not empty-handed. He mind-linked someone to escort her back inside. Once that was done, he got out of the car only to be slammed against it by a force that was focused on his cheek. Before he could get his bearings, he felt another one on the other side quickly followed by a sharp blow to his stomach.