Chapter 21

To say that Sammy was livid to see his so-called Alpha was an understatement. Enraged didn't do justice to describe his feelings as he watched James stare at his friend with such a disgusting look of joy and lust that he couldn't hold back his fist any longer. Using his skills, he quickly made his way through the crowd, and with a slight leap, he used that momentum to deliver the first unsuspecting blow to the bastard's cheek, quickly followed by two more. It happened so fast that it took a moment for even the escorts to react. James' groan of shock broke them out of their stupor, and they sprang into action.

Sammy anticipated this and made quick work of them. Those fools greatly underestimated his strength just because he was an omega. He then turned back to his target. By this time, James was able to get most of his bearing back, and was, yet wasn't surprised to see it was the friend of Trishanna. He understood that Sammy must be aware of what she said happened, even though she had it all wrong, right? And thus, he was seeking revenge. In spite of the fact that he just attacked his Alpha, James felt a sense of pride to know that his Luna intended has such a good friend. Defending himself, James fought back, yet he held back his blows. No reason to make Trishanna dislike him even more, and he was certain that would happen if he hurt her friend.

The crowd gathered around the two scrapping men. Even in the midst of the fight, James didn't want Trishanna to see what was happening, so he took a moment to mind-link someone to keep Trishanna in the house until he gave the all-clear for her to come out. Trishanna was worried. She saw when Sammy landed the first blow, and she could not be worried about what would be the result of his decision to attack the Alpha. Even though she knew why he did it, it was not something she would have him do. She did not think that she was even worth Sammy risking his place in the pack.

She tried to go out, but the warrior blocked her path. all she could do was listen to the sounds of blows being traded. Yet, even in the midst of this and the shout of the crowd, there was another underlying sound, that seemed to get louder.

The delegation from the Goldmoon Pack was just five minutes behind schedule. The first car carried the Alpha, Bradley Gold, his Beta Sam Smith who was driving, and their two distinguished guests while the second carried four of their top warriors to act as bodyguards. After all, you never know if you will be meeting a friend or foe.

Alexa did not find her mate amongst his pack members, so they were hoping the Bloodmoon Pack may be the answer to her prayers. It was strange how they were running late since it was Councilwoman Seers' fault that she took longer to find her glasses, which were in her purse the whole time.

They drove through the entrance and up the long driveway through the trees. When they came to the clearing, in front of the Packhouse, a crowd was gathered. They stopped and they all exited the vehicle. Whatever was happening in the midst of the crowd was so intense that only a few people glanced their way. Beta Sam pushed his way through the crowd, the others following only to be met with two men fighting in the middle. They could tell that in the sense of power, one was greater than the other, but yet, he held out.

"I can't believe that omega who worked for the Gamma attacked the Alpha."

"Yeah, I hope Alpha James gives him a good beating for it. Hmph, always acting all cocky just because he works outside of the pack."

Bradley couldn't believe what was said. Was it really an Alpha and omega fighting? He paid closer attention to the omega and could see how he was a strategic fighter. He wasn't wasting time talking trash, and he had a good defensive system in place, even though he was able to dodge a lot of the attacks. This omega knew his body couldn't take too many hits, so he focused on avoiding and taking any opening he found, making very good use of them. Then Bradley looked at the Alpha he came to meet. Although stronger, and clearly holding back, he could see that this Alpha didn't train and practice as much as he should. There were mistakes and openings that not even pups in his pack's children training would make.

Councilwoman Seers had seen enough. With authority, she stepped into the makeshift ring, and raising her voice, she demanded that the fight cease. Both fighters stopped, fists raised and turned to look at the older woman, who radiated an enormous sense of power, before them. "It seemed that this pack is in dire need of some serious training. Not only is an omega attacking his Alpha, but they both are also a spectacle, and no one seemed interested in stopping the fight." Stepping forward, she addressed James. "Alpha James, were you not informed that you would have visitors today?"

Lowering his hands, he let go of Sammy's shirt which was ripped in serval places and brushed his hands against his legs. "Well, yes ma'am. I was..."

"You will address me as Councilwoman Seers. Thank you" James swallowed.

"Councilwoman Seers?" he repeated. If this was THE councilwoman, then he could be in a lot of trouble.

"Yes. I had some business to do in this region and decided to accompany the Alpha of the Goldmoon Pack. I did not expect to see an alpha having a squabble with one of his members in such an undignified manner." Turning to Bradley, she introduced him. "This is your guest, Alpha Bradley Stone, and his Beta."

James nodded his head. He was embarrassed to be seen by both a member of the council and another Alpha. Wiping his hands on his pants again, he linked his members and soon the crowd left taking Sammy with them. "Apologies to you both. This was an internal matter that could not be addressed before as I myself just returned from doing business outside of the Pack. If you still wish to stay, please let me escort you inside

Preparations have already been made for your visit and if you excuse me, I will join you after I have cleaned up a bit." Councilwoman Seers nodded and turned to her granddaughter only to find the girl looking in the distance with a sad look on her face. Grabbing Alexa's hand, the group followed James into the house.