Chapter 25

The men headed toward the prison after breakfast with the councilwoman and her daughter in tow. As they got near, the pack doctor, Dr. Stephen just exited after doing his morning rounds. James stopped him to get an update on Samuel and anyone else under the weather.

While this happened, Alpha Bradley took a few steps, so as to give them privacy, when the most mouth-watering scent hit his nose. It smelt like homemade bread, just like when his mother was alive, and it caused his wolf to come to the surface. Sniffing around, the scent led him closer to the prison. James soon joined him, totally unaware of what his guest was experiencing.

They were still some distance from the entrance when a vision of beauty stepped out into the morning sun. Bradley's eyes zoned in on the angel before him and took in her appearance. Even though she wore a large t-shirt that covered most of her assets, he could see that her body was definitely to his liking. She raised one hand to block out the sunlight streaming down, raising one side of the shirt's hem, showing that she was wearing shorts underneath, as well as more of her legs. He paused to admire her, clueless to what was going on around him.

James was mad. He figured that Trishanna would have at least cleaned herself up as the pack had important guests. He tsked under his breath. There was no way he could introduce her now. Linking the two guards, he ordered them to take her back to her room quickly. Maybe if he was lucky, he could arrange for her to look decent before introducing her as his soon-to-be Luna.

Trishanna stepped out of the prison and covered her eyes as they adjusted. She wasn't sure why, but it felt like something big was about to happen. Even though it felt good, she's been through so much bad, that she didn't get her hopes up.

Taking a few steps, she realized that two of the guards were heading toward her. She dropped the little basket she carried in fear of what was going to happen. Anytime she was escorted anywhere, things didn't go well. She instinctively took a step back.

Bradley saw the two guards stiffen, and soon began to move towards the little female, although she was as tall as them, she was still little compared to his six-foot, six inches frame. He stiffened as he saw how apprehensive she got at their approach and his wolf lowly growled. The guards heard, and they paused, looking at their Alpha, but James just shouted in the link for them to hurry up.

Just as one of them was about to grab her, there was a streak of fur, and he was knocked away. It happened so fast that no one could believe it. Alpha Bradley transformed so quickly that if you blinked you would have missed it. He lunged at one guard and stood in front of Trishanna, blocking the second guard from getting to her. A growl rumbled from the wolf's throat, a mixture of both man and wolf.

"Mine." Alpha Bradley growled. How dare another male dear to touch her. If his warriors were here to protect her, he would have ended them. Both he and his wolf were torn between finishing the men off and staying close to his mate to protect her. Taking a few steps back, he was now standing at her side, and in an unconscious manner, he rubbed his side on her legs, in hopes of calming himself down.

Trishanna was confused. One minute, two men are trying to grab her, the next second, one of them is flying back and a large pale wolf is standing before her. The wind shifted and it brought with it the wonderful scent she noticed before, only this time it was a thousand times stronger. The smell was so manly and comforting that she knew instinctively it would be alright.

When the wolf growled out "mine", she wasn't sure to what it was referring to, but when he rubbed against her, she felt tingles from the contact that moved through her entire being. Without a thought, her hand rested on the head of the large beast and the tingling feeling intensified. Her hands began the caress the wolf, rubbing behind its head and down its back. The feeling of pleasure that ran up her spine could not be measured.

Bradley's wolf was feeling the same pleasure. He closed his eyes and thought that this was certainly what heaven was like. A purr-like noise came from his chest and his mate giggled at the sound. He closed his eyes in order to enjoy it more, and his tail began to wag. Bradley tried to wrest control from his wolf, but the stubborn mutt refused to give up on the pleasure he felt.

Soon the female knelt on the ground and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sitting back on his haunches, he shifted until she was nestled to his front, her nose now buried in his neck. He felt her breathe in deeply and shuddered. He himself sniffed her neck and her aroma, so close and potent, made him want to mount her then and there.

Trishanna didn't know how or when she became nestled in this furry embrace, but what she did know was that she's never felt so safe as she did at that moment. If home was a feeling, this was it. Every breath she took filled her with a peace she never knew she was missing until now. Her canines began to ache as well as the place between her thighs. She began to lightly rub her face in the crook of the wolf's neck, and she knew when she found that special spot, because the beast's heart skipped a beat, before pounding even louder and faster.

The wolf licked her neck, that sensitive spot where her shoulder and neck joined, and felt shudders rack her body, as she tightened her arms around him. The haze of desire quickly spread, and he was about to sink his canines into that spot when a roar above the trees shattered the bubble, they were in.