Chapter 27

Samuel was feeling much better. As good as he could feel after spending a night in a jail cell nursing his injured body. He heard shuffling and soon his friend appeared. And she did not come empty-handed. Soon he was stuffing himself with the sandwiches she made and sipping on the hot cinnamon-flavored coffee he loves.

Not much was said, and he could see how much she was still blaming herself for where he was. Reaching through the bars, he tilted her bowed head and wiped the tears away. A small smile spread across her lips, and it was enough for him to know that things would be alright.

Trishanna gathered what was left and placed them in the basket before heading out. Turning at the end of the corridor, she blew him a kiss and disappeared around the corner. Leaning back on his bed, Sammy blew out a breath, glad that his lungs didn't hurt as much as they did yesterday. The herbs that the doctor got from Sabrina were really helpful in times like these.

He decided to stretch his muscles and began doing some light exercises in his cells when a loud growl rattled through the air. He knew that was his Alpha and he wondered what the problem could be. He remembered that his friend had just left, and he was terrified that Alpha James was taking his anger of being embarrassed in front of his guests out on her.

Panicking, he called for the guard, to no avail. Looking around, he tried to find something he could use to get out of his cell, but the bed was bolted to the walls as were the sink and toilet. Running his hand through his hair in frustration, he then tried ramming the bars with his shoulder, but all that did was cause his injuries to act up. He began bleeding from somewhere but was too focused on escaping.

"Think Sammy think." He yelled at himself. "You've been in worst jams than this." Calming himself, he closed his eyes and let his training take over. Going through what was at his disposal, his eyes snapped open, and he knew just what to do. Heading to the toilet, he ripped the cover of the tank and began to take out the parts. He got a thin enough piece of wire, and by bending it, used it to pick the locks.

"Come on baby, come on. Don't fail me now." He cooed to the lock and like a good lover, it opened for him. "Yes!" Dashing outside, he saw a huge gold wolf about to rip the life out of his so-called Alpha. Glancing around to see if anyone was trying to stop the fight, he noticed a pretty she-wolf standing next to his shaking friend. Their eyes met for a moment, and it seemed like time stood still. The sounds of the fight drew his attention and as he stepped toward them when a strong presence knocked him to the ground.

Councilwoman Seers had seen enough. Stepping in front of the girl and Alexa, she unleashed her power. Years of practice have honed her skills and now she could direct it any way she wants. She saw when everyone before her fell to the ground, and she was pleased. Walking towards the two males, he commanded "Shift."

Both Alphas could not resist and reverted to their human forms. Seeing this, she recalled her aura and allowed their men to assist them. Turning, she said over her shoulder, "You gentlemen, should get dressed and meet me in the Alpha's study in one hour, while I handle the mess you're trying to make."

Stalking off, she grabbed the young women, one by each hand, and led them back to the pack house. Both turned back to look at the men they left behind. Alexa at the bruised but handsome man who stepped out of the prison and straight into her heart, and Trishanna, at the tallest man she had ever seen, with the most beautiful eyes she just wanted to drown in. Both felt like they were leaving their heart behind.

Bradley and Samuel felt like something precious were being taken away as they watched the women leave. The Councilwoman's effects still lingered, which is why neither chased after the object of their desire and curiosity.

Shaking his head, Bradley stood, and Sam rushed to his side. He had found some shorts hidden in one of the trees, and although a bit small, he made it do. Leaning on his Beta's shoulder for support as his wounds began healing, they made their way back to his room so he could freshen up. Pulling Sam closer, he whispered, "Find out everything you can about that beautiful omega. Alpha James referred to her as Trishanna."

"Alpha, is she…?"

"Yes, Sam. That is my mate, your new Luna."

Meanwhile, James was scowling. Not only did he not win the fight, but he also almost lost his life as well. If it wasn't for the timely interference, he would have been dead. Grabbing the clothes given to him by one of his men, he stalked off without even a thank you. He went around the house and entered through the side door. Rushing up to his room, he slammed the door in frustration.

Taking off his clothes, he stalked to the shower and turned it as hot as he could take it. He knew that the old woman probably figured out what the fight was about and if he didn't come up with a plan, he could lose out on the Luna he picked for himself. Opening the link, he wondered if he could have Trishanna locked away, or maybe taken to one of the abandoned cabins. Checking in with his pack did not reveal good results.

It seemed like the old woman was just like Rosie and took Trishanna under her care. She had ordered for clothes and fresh towels to be brought to her room, and his precious omega was in there. He knew he could barge in and demand that she hands over his pack member, but that would just involve the entire council and with some of the underhand things he's done over the years, not to mention the crimes his father committed, that was one can of worms he preferred not to open.

Sighing, he shut off the shower and tried to come up with a plan. Maybe if he could convince her that Trishanna was his mate, she just had not come of age yet, she would agree to let her stay with him. If push came to shove, he would just say that he already claimed her some weeks ago but didn't mark her as it was her first heat, and out of consideration, he wanted to do so when she was mature enough.

Linking Richard for backup, he shared his plan with him. Richard agreed to verify and if anything, he could get Candice to agree as well. Feeling better, James dried off and got dressed. He was sure that all will go according to plan and with his mind feeling lighter, he headed to his study to receive his guest and openly declare his new Luna.