Chapter 30

Four of the visiting guests arrived at James's study. He was standing by the window, nursing a drink in his hand. Turning, he placed the glass on his desk and rounded it heading straight for the older woman. "Councilwoman Seers. I must apologize for the disgraceful sight you've seen since you arrived." Bowing, he took hold of the woman's hand. "I'm sure one as wise as you must have figured out what was happening with me."

Stepping back, he turned to Bradley, "Alpha Bradley, I apologize to you as well. I can assure you that this is not my normal behavior, but when one's heart has been affected by beauty, the mind ceases to function." Bradley, wondering just what James was up to simply nodded. "Please everyone, have a seat so we can have a discussion like civilized people."

James took his seat behind his desk. Bradley sat in one of the chairs opposite his while the Councilwoman sat in the other. Alexa sat on the sofa against the wall and Beta Sam simply leaned against the wall on the other side, keeping a close eye on his Alpha.

Clearing his throat, James knew that he needed to take control of the conversation if he was to be successful. "Councilwoman Seers, today, I would like to officially claim the omega in my pack named Trishanna as my mate and Luna." Hearing this Bradley's canines extended and his wolf growled, ready to come out. Cynthia, knowing just how much of a hothead Bradley could be simply patted his hand. "And I seek your blessing as a member of the Council and wish that you would officiate our mating ceremony.

Turning to Bradley, he smirked, "Oh, and you and your entourage are welcome to witness this joyous occasion for my pack as well Alpha Bradley." The sound of the chair's armrest cracking under the fore of Bradley's anger could be heard in the silence that followed. He was having a hard time controlling his wolf and himself. Even Sam shifted his position, just in case he needed to stop his Alpha from doing something foolish, although part of him wondered if it would be better to rid the world of a fool like James.

"Alpha James, may I ask if this omega has been a member of your pack for so long, why haven't you claimed her as soon as she came of age?" Cynthia asked. She knew there was something amiss. It was noticeable that this pack was one that did not believe in waiting for your fated mate but chose who was convenient, or profitable.

James had the audacity to look sheepish. "Well, she was an orphan, so her age was never certain, and without her wolf, it was hard to determine if she was old enough, but she has always caught my eye, even as pups." Seeing that the old woman was not bending, he decided to play his ace. "Well, actually, a few weeks ago, she went into heat, and I could tell right away. We've consummated our union, but I didn't want to mark her then because I thought she might not be ready for it and I wanted her full consent before we joined."

"What I heard is that she went into heat, and you forced yourself upon her. That you stole her innocence, while she was unable to agree to anything with a sound mind." Bradley yelled, banging his hand on the desk.

"I'm sure you got that from her friend." James shook his head. "I'm afraid that was his jealousy talking." Bradley was confused, "What do you mean jealousy?"

"Well, everyone here knows that they were close growing up. When he was recruited by my Gamma, he left the pack and they hardly saw each other. Can you imagine what it must have been for him to leave a girl and return to meet a woman, and a lovely one at that?" Standing, James walked to the window. "The night we made love, she was dressed so lovely in the dress I secretly sent for her."

James shook his head. "How else would you explain that one minute I had nothing more that an Alpha's duty towards his pack member and the next, I'm yelling at pups for calling her that terrible nickname, one I am ashamed to have given her as a foolish youth."

"That night when her scent hit me, I was never so out of control before. Even the thought of other females before that was repulsive. She was all I could think about. I may have been a bit too rough for her first time, but I swear, Councilwoman, that the day you came was the day I had all intention to apologize and ask for her hand." Returning to his desk James looked Bradley in the eyes. "I know you think you've found your mate in my Trishanna, but I'm afraid you're mistaken."

Bradley growled at his possessive claim on what he knew deep within was his. "Well, if she is yours, and you claim to feel the mate bond, then explain why she was content to be in the the arms of a male that she's never met before?" Bradley began pacing the small office. "I know what I felt when I held her, and I will be damned if I'm going to let someone like you take her from me."

"But Alpha Bradley, she is not 'yours'. She is a member of MY pack. I am the first to claim her and I for sure will be her only and her last." The two men squared off. "Yet she is still unmarked. How can you say she is yours?" I have just as much right to claim her as my mate and Luna." Bradley argued.

James had the gall to laugh. I'm sorry Alpha Bradley, but why would she choose a stranger over her Alpha and her pack, her home? YOu shout at me about taking her innocence, yet it is because of me that the other wolves kept their distance. True, my conflicting feelings towards her may have caused her some confusion, but I am here today to make things right."

Bradley was ready to argue with his fist first and words after, when Councilwoman Seers barked, "That's enough." Both men sat back down. For a tiny lady, she carried a huge. power neither one of them wanted to mess with. Turning to her granddaughter, she asked, "Alexa, sweetheart, can you please bring that lovely young lady to the study? Maybe she can get these pups to settle this matter once and for all."