Chapter 45

It was the tenth day of Trishanna having those strange dreams with James and it left her feeling drained every morning. She didn't know how or why it kept happening but she hoped it wouldn't continue throughout her pregnancy. It didn't help that Bradley was already scheduled to visit two other packs so he was not around. She offered to go with him, but males especially Alphas are possessive as hell. There was no way he was going to take his pregnant mate into packs that he hasn't approved would be friendly or safe for them.

This morning, Trishanna was having breakfast when Samuel and Alexa came to join her. Trishanna couldn't help smiling as she watched her friend become whipped. She could just imagine Sammy laying himself over a puddle so his mate could cross without getting her little feet dirty. She couldn't hide the giggles her imagination brought out causing Sammy to surface from his love-filled haze and notice her for a change. "What's so funny Rosebud?"

Wiping the tear from her eyes, Trishanna just shrugged. "Just thinking that with you around chivalry is certainly not dead." Alexa beamed and nodded in agreement. You could almost touch the hearts and stars that come out of her eyes whenever she looks at Samuel. Trishanna was happy for her friend, really, but seeing them being all cutesy and cuddly made her miss her mate, which brings her back to the strange dreams she's been having.

Sighing, those thoughts soon lessened her appetite. Now she was simply pushing her food around her plate. At least it seemed as though she didn't suffer from morning sickness. Samuel glanced at her and knew that something was wrong. Kissing his mate on her cheek, he asked that he spend some time with his friend. Alexa nodded, sensing that the Luna was upset about something, and left to look for her grandmother. Maybe she'd check her emails and see if there were any jobs for her to do.

"Hey Trish, let's walk before my training session". Trishanna agreed and soon they were walking along one of the many pathways. This particular one led to a flower garden and they both sat on the bench just taking in the summer breeze. A few butterflies frolicked around, enjoying what little time they had. "Remember when Rosie told us that story about the golden butterfly and you spend every chance you got looking for it?" Trishanna laughed at the happy memory.

"How could I forget? You even made me a makeshift butterfly net out of an old pillowcase. Boy, I was disappointed that summer. I thought for sure that if I caught it without hurting its wings, it would grant me a wish and you, me, and Rosie would be whisked away to somewhere better." Trishanna sighed. "Anywhere would have been better." Samuel squeezed her hand. "But Rosebud, look at where we are now. We've both found our mates. Heck, you're even a Luna. Who would have thought that this is how it would turn out."

Trishanna smiled as she counted all the good things that have happened to her since they left. "You're right Sammy. A lot of good things have happened, and honestly, it would be perfect if it wasn't for this baby." Samuel turned and placed his hands on her shoulders shaking her. "What's running through your mind? God, I hope it isn't what I'm afraid it is?" Trishanna frowned, wondering what he was talking about until it dawned on her.

"What? NO. No way. I'm not mad about the baby. Even if it wasn't his, I probably would have been knocked up with Bradley's by now anyway." Samuel exhaled, relieved that she wasn't upset about the fact that she was having that bastard's pup. "Whew. I'm glad about that, but tell me what's wrong? And don't try to lie about it. I can see it on your face." Trishanna wriggled under his piercing gaze. She could never lie to him when he was like this. "Fine, I'll tell you. I'm just missing Bradley." Samuel narrowed his eyes, a sign she knew all too well, and it wasn't a good thing.

"Trishanna Rosebud Thornwood," Yikes, was it ever a good sign when someone called your full name, even when it was made up? "You seem to forget that I know you better than you know yourself and I am not buying that horseradish you're trying to sell me." Trishanna sighed defeated. Experience has shown her that resistance is futile. "Fine, the truth is that I am missing Bradley more than I ever thought I would and it's because of these weird dreams I've been having since he left," Trishanna told him what has been taking place when she falls asleep.

Samuel was worried for his friend. It was like that bastard was put on this earth just to keep them from enjoying their life. "Okay, how about we head to the library and do some research? We can even ask Dr. Lorenzo for whatever books he has and see if we can't find the cause for all this nonsense." Trishanna agreed, and soon they were heading back to the packhouse. Samuel had to leave for his training session an hour later, so he asked Alexa to help Trishanna. It was a good thing that they were already friends, as it was a private matter to address.

After a few minutes, Trishanna couldn't help herself and blurted out, "So when are you guys going to do the mating ceremony? I noticed that you're not marked as yet." Alexa blushed so hard that she looked like a tomato caught on fire. "We're thinking about it. It's not like we don't want to, but I have to let my parents and grandmother know before we do it, and he's been very supportive of this."

"Hmm... doesn't sound like the hotheaded Sammy I know, but girl, good to know that he's willing to wait." Trishanna smirked, so does it mean that you two haven't gotten all hot and heavy in any more empty rooms?" Alexa blushed even more if it was possible. "How did you know about that?" She was fuming mad with embarrassment and it looked like Sammy's days were numbered. "Relax Alexa, he didn't go into details. As happy as I am for him, it doesn't mean I want to hear about my 'brother's' sex life. Besides, you're the first girl he talks about non-stop. It's so cute. Trust me. As someone who's known him for most of his life, he's totally whipped." Both girls laughed at this and soon returned to what they were doing.