Chapter 46

Bradley stared out the window of the guest room he was in at the New Moon's Pack. He already visited the Greystone Pack a few days ago. So far it seemed as though these packs would make good allies in the case of trouble. It was a good thing that he didn't postpone his visits as he wanted to. Sam's eyes bugged when he suggested putting them off for at least another six months. Was that too unreasonable? I mean, all he wanted to do was ensure that his mate was safe, marked, and the pup was born. Oh, and could at least sit up for himself. Bradley thought, 'Wait until you get a mate Sam and then you'll see just how ridiculous you get'.

As though his thoughts summoned him, Sam came knocking at his door. He opened it and walked over to his Alpha that was pouting in the corner like some spoilt brat. Sam just sighed at the sight. Maybe he should snap a photo to show his Luna when they go back. he was sure Bradley would not like her to see this childish side of him. "Alpha, I just checked in with our pack and there are no issues. A few of the omegas said that the Luna has been down for a few days, but it may be due to the fact that her mate is not there." The news just made Bradley more determined to return.

Spinning, he addressed his Beta. "Tell me, Sam, what do I need to do so I can get back home faster?" Sam hid his smile. He wanted to go back home as well. "Well, you need to stop moping and pay attention. I swear these meetings would end a lot quicker if you weren't so distracted."

Bradley felt like he was getting scolded and ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "All right, all right. I get it. Just tell me what to do so we can get this over with. My wolf has been driving me nuts every night, telling me something is going on with my mate and I need to get back home." Bradley went to his closet to grab his tie and jacket. When he turned, there was his Beta just smirking away. "What's with you? Come on, spit it out."

"Me Alpha? There's nothing going on. I'm just waiting for you so we can get some breakfast and get the meetings underway." Bradley tied his tie with vigor, one eyebrow raised as he kept his eyes on Sam. When he couldn't take it anymore, Sam busted out laughing. "All right, I'm sorry Alpha, but you are so whipped. I can help it. If any of our men saw you right now, I don't think they could have kept a straight face either. I've never seen you like this."

Bradley huffed, "So what you're saying is that I've gotten weak? You know I can still take you, right? Didn't this morning's sparring session show you that?" Sam chuckled. "What I mean is that you've become more human, softer somehow." Bradley scowled, so Sam knew that he had to break it down. "Look, man, we all know just how hard you worked to fulfill your father's dream and get us our own land, but in order for you to do that, it was like you just... put your feelings on hold.

We appreciate it and all that you did, so it's kinda nice seeing you be more open. No matter the circumstances or reasons why you and Trishanna haven't mated as yet, just know that the pack supports you 100% and that we think she is the perfect Luna for you and the pack. We all love and support you both as our leaders." Bradley was touched to know what his members thought about him and his mate, and as he reflected throughout the meeting, he knew it was time to share just what was going on. He had forgotten that he was never alone, and he always kept his pack in the loop, so they can be prepared for any changes and can adjust accordingly. He wasn't even sure why he didn't think that he couldn't rely on them in this situation as well. Besides, if they know, his warriors will be better equipped just in case that bastard found out that Trishanna was carrying his pup and tried anything.

The last agenda was a tour of the medical facilities. Since New Moon was an older and larger pack, at least eight generations, their medical wing was almost like a human hospital with a full staff. In fact, other packs have come to them to have surgeries done when their wolf's healing wasn't able to, or if they were human or omegas. They even have internship programs and met doctors and nurses from different packs studying and expanding their knowledge. This was a big reason why many other packs are allies with New Moon.

Bradley and Sam soon left, knowing that they have someone on their side. He already emailed Lorenzo all the details about their medical training, and Bradley was sure that some of their staff will be making the trip to New Moon. Sighing, he leaned back and loosened his tie. His phone rang and he smiled seeing it was Trishanna calling him. He couldn't wait to return home and cautioned his howling, and should we say horny wolf, not to get carried away. The call ended, but he could tell that his mate was not her usual self.

Sighing he leaned back and deliberated on what was the best choice. As he reflected on his pack's acceptance of his role of leadership and have always had his back, he knew they would be disappointed if he kept his mate's unique situation a secret. Besides, it was better to prepare than to be caught unawares, and he would not be able to forgive himself if he left his pack unable to defend a threat they knew nothing about.

Opening his eyes, he saw Sam looking at him. Guess his Beta is the best place to start. Clearing his throat, he turned to Sam, "I have some things to tell you, and hope you listen and give me your advice, just as you've done before." Sam nodded. He knew whatever it was that Bradley was going to share would be serious. "It's about your Luna, my mate, and it also concerns that bastard, Alpha James."