Chapter 60

James paused, shock making him speechless. Did he hear right? He glanced at the doctors. Even they were rooted to the spot. It was like no one could believe what they heard. Maybe he heard wrong, yet what if he didn't his wolf urged. Holding on to that small hope, he slowly turned. First, he looked at Bradley on the bed, jaw clenched, a nerve in his temple jumping. Then James' eyes drifted to Trishanna and the small smile still on her lips. His eyes moved lower to her outstretched hand. His chest constricted and he tried to breathe, blinking back the tears. It may have been a small gesture, but for James, it showed that she was giving him a chance.

He cautiously walked towards her, not daring to take his eyes off of the extended limb. When he arrived by her bedside, Trishanna was the one who took his hand in hers. Turning to him, she squeezed his fingers. "Look James, Doc said that the pup is fine. Our baby is so strong isn't he?" James returned gentle pressure, tears streaming down his face without a care who sees. He nodded, smiling, "Yes Trishanna, our pup is strong, just like its mother." Bradley's jaw relaxed. Although he didn't like James being anywhere near his mate, he could not deny the bond they shared due to the pup. He sighed, he guessed that they were going to have to figure out a way for them to all get along.

Trishanna awoke, this time not feeling the grogginess like before. She blinked and sighed. She rubbed her belly and felt a bit of movement. She smiled and leaned back. "Do you want me to raise the bed?", a familiar voice asked from her left. Whipping her head, she noticed Samuel sitting in the chair next to her, watching her. He was texting with Alexa, both keeping the other updated. "Sammy," she cried and was soon enveloped in his embrace. She shed happy tears to see him, which he wiped away. "Aww.... come on, don't cry. It was bad enough dealing with your mate, I don't want to deal with your baby daddy too", he teased with a smile. Trishanna chuckled. Oh, how she missed her best friend and big brother. Pulling back, it was her time to tease, "Well I see someone is officially taken. Who knew that Alexa would be the one to lock you down." Samuel blushed, gently pushing her. "Hey, let's both be glad that we found our mates."

Trishanna nodded, then frowned. "Speaking of, where is mine?" she asked. She was sure that there was nothing that would have made Bradley leave now that he was here. Samuel looked away and scratched the back of his head. "Well... my guess is that right now, he and James are being chewed out by the Council. I mean he did ignore the document James gave him, claiming his rights over you which was approved by the Council."

Trishanna sat up. "What?" she whispered, the Council's here?" Samuel shook his head. "No, they're meeting online. Only Councilwoman Seers is present with them. I think they are doing it via Skype. Based on what my mate is saying, it doesn't look good for Alpha Bradley." Trishanna threw the covers off her legs and wriggled to the edge of the bed. Swinging her legs over the side, she reached for her friend. "Quick Sammy, help me up."

Bradley felt like a little kid getting scolded and a glance at James made him think that he was feeling the same way. They were both seated in James' office, Councilwoman Seers seated with them. They were getting the tongue-lashing of their lives and his aunt could only share her sympathy through little glances, but she was part of the Council and there was little she could do for him. At the moment, one of the older wolves, Bradley forgot his name, but he wore a pair of whiskers well. Anyway, at the moment, 'Whiskers' was speaking. "Alpha James, you sought the council to claim the pregnant female, leading us to believe that she was simply spiting you for your so-called "drunken mistake that you wanted to make right", deliberately deceiving the Council into giving you permission to take her away from her true mate. This action is not looked upon fairly. And for your fraudulent behavior, all your rights to her and your title should be stripped."

Bradley was pleased with what he heard and tried his best not to show it. So that's how James got the Council's approval. He really was a bastard. "Now, to you Alpha Bradley." Whiskers turned to him, "Despite the manner in which the document was obtained from us, it was still a legally binding document, one which you decided you ignored. You broke the law and disregarded our rules. For this, you should also be stripped of your title as Alpha." His aunt flinched but didn't refute. Bradley swallowed. It really doesn't feel good when the shoe's on the other foot. He was going to say something, but the glare from Whiskers made his mouth snap shut.

"Furthermore," he continued, "You, Alpha Bradley, crossed the border between your pack and Bloodmoon's, ready for war. A fight to claim the female, neither one of you winning the match, leaving it at a draw. At least if one of you had won, or died, then the matter would have naturally resolved itself." Whiskers sighed, he was getting too old for this. Maybe he should retire next year. "Now, we as the Werewolf Council will have to resolve this matter. Alpha Bradley, you should know that your actions have nullified the request you have made."

Bradley stood in shock, "What? What do you mean it was nullified? You mean this bastard will get possession of MY MATE?" he yelled, unable to contain his anger and frustration. James jumped up as well, "Yes, I knew Trishanna was destined to be with me." His early celebration was cut short by the feel of Bradley's hand closing around his throat. Cynthia jumped up, trying to pull Bradley's hand away.

When Trishanna opened the door, it was a chaotic scene, James' eyes bulging out from lack of oxygen, the older woman trying to calm her nephew from making things worse, and the panel of the Council trying to delcare order from the little laptop screen. In her presence, everything came to a screeching halt.