Chapter 59

Samuel and Alexa were in her room. the last few days taking a toll on them. They couldn't believe that some old stupid law was the reason that Trishanna was no longer with them. It was hard on Alpha Bradley, but it was also extremely tough on Samuel. At the moment, he was laying on Alexa's bed, holding on to her for dear life. Her scent calmed him. It was common knowledge that they were mates, yet no one felt like celebrating when Goldmoon's Luna was forcibly taken away. Samuel remembered the harsh way James declined his plea to go with her and he tighten his hold on Alexa, feeling like a failure as a big brother. Alexa rubbed his back. Through their bond, she could feel how distressed he was.

A knock sounded, and the warrior on the other side didn't wait for permission before entering. Despite how sad Samuel was feeling, he was not going to let some random male enter his mate's room with even waiting for permission. He jumped up and lunged at the man, wanting to take out his frustration with himself on someone, anyone. The warrior dodged and spun, grabbing Samuel's hand and pinning it against his back. Pushing him against the wall the spoke in a low voice. "I'm glad to see that our Luna's friend is staying on top of his game, but right now Beta Sam asked for you." 

Samuel was released and he shook off his hand, encouraging circulation. "Why?" he simply asked. The man just shrugged, "All we know is that Alpha Bradley shifted and headed towards Bloodmoon, hopefully to get Luna Trishanna back. You know that might mean a fight to the death for one or both of them. Beta Sam thought that in a case like this the Luna would need someone to be there for her, son that's why we need you to stop wallowing and head to the garage." With his message delivered, the warrior turned to leave. He paused at the door, "unless you want to ride on my back when I shift?" Sam took two seconds to decide.

"Hell, yeah. Let's go get my Rosebud back."

Trishanna groggily woke up. She felt like she was fighting her way through layers of cotton. When she finally got her eyes to opened, it took a minute for her to notice that the ceiling was different from the one in her room. She slowly blinked, her senses coming back to her one by one. She noticed a soft beeping sound in the background. Slowly she raised her hand to her head, but a small pinch made her look towards her hands. That was when she noticed the clear tube attached. Following the line, her eyes saw the bag of drips. It slowly made her aware that she was in the medical wing of the pack house. By why was she there?

As her memories returned, her hands flew to her stomach. The baby bump was there, but she couldn't feel the pup move. She became frantic, the beeping of the machine speeding up. She sat up, ignoring the small headache and rubbed her belly. Was something wrong with the pup? She remembered bleeding. Is little one even alive?

The door opened and the doctor walked in, followed by Lorenzo. The fact that he was here made Trishanna imagine the worst scenario, elevating her heart rate even more. The men rushed to her. Tears filled her eyes and she clutched at the doctors, "Why can't I feel my pup? What's wrong?" 

Lorenzo hugged her to calm her down. He was sure that Bradley would be able to feel his mate's distress as he is now physically closer to her and James may have started to bond with the pup, so he may be able to feel her distress that way. They needed to calm her down and fast, before they had two frantic Alphas on their hands. Hugging her, he whispered while rubbing her back. "Hush, Luna. Everything is okay." He gently pushed her back, "We gave you a mild sedative, safe for you both, just to allow your body to rest. The pup is probably still sleeping due to this." He looked over to his colleague. If you like, we can do an ultrasound just to be sure.

Trishanna nodded, wiping away a tear. Raising her gown, they exposed her tummy, squirting the gel so they can move around the transducer. Soon they had her hooked up to the machine, the pup's steady heartbeat filling the room. Bradley and James, entered, both me shoulders dropping at the sight of Trishanna awake. She had a small smile on her lips as she looked at the screen. Turning her head, her smile widened as she saw Bradley. "Mate" she whispered, and Bradley wasted no time rushing to her side, holding her as best as he could, being careful of the wires and tubes connected to her. He planted a kiss on her head, feeling her relax in his embrace.

James stood awkwardly just inside the doorway. He wasn't sure what to do. Maybe taking her away from her mate, wasn't the best way. He felt like he was an outsider, but his wolf refused to leave until he was sure that both her and the pup were okay. The sound of his pup's heartbeat flooded the room, and he couldn't believe how his heart swelled with pride and joy. Bradley raised Trishanna and squeezed himself behind her. She leaned back on his chest, and Bradley was glad that he had cleaned up. He looked at the screen, a smile on his lips. He still wanted to be the father of the little one. Bradley could see how uncomfortable James was feeling, as he fidgeted inside the doorway. He understood how he must be feeling, but the still, 'a little bit jealous' side of him wished he would leave. 

Just when he thought he was about to get his wish, James turning to walk out the door, he was shocked when a voice called to him.

"James," was all Trishanna said, holding out her hand to him.