Chapter 58

Bradley could feel himself starting to lose momentum from the blood loss. It appeared James worked on his fighting skills since their last battle. Despite himself, he was a little pleased that James cared enough about his pup to ensure that he improved himself in case Trishanna was attacked. As she flittered through her mind, he could have sworn that he could smell her, but of course he should. She was in the vicinity, yet when he first arrived, the smell was not as strong. This distracted him, giving James an opportunity to land a good bite on his shoulder. Bradley shook him off, jumping back and shaking his head to clear the black dots that appeared.

He and James lunged at each other, both knowing that they needed to make the final blow. Trishanna's scent came again, costing Bradley a moment of distraction, a moment that James was eager to take advantage of. James swept Bradley off his feet, and pounced on him, teeth bared, aiming for his neck when a woman's high-pitched scream ripped through the air. Both wolves paused, recognizing its source but not wanting to believe. Turning, they saw Trishanna slumped to her knees, body trembling, holding her belly. Another scream tore from her lips and the scent of blood coated their tongue. 

Shifting, James and Bradley rushed to her, pushing everyone out of the way. Bradley arrived, scooping her up. He was glad to be holding her, but his fear that something was wrong overshadowed it. Turning to James, he saw the same fear and concern mirrored on his face. "Where is the infirmary? Doctor?" Bradley asked, his voice shaking even as he pulled her closer, wanting to rush her back to Lorenzo but he knew that there was no time for that. James pointed, and they both rushed to his medical wing, James linking the doctor on the way.

They made it in a few seconds, time being of the essence. Trishanna was unconscious and her pale face made Bradley's heart twist in his chest. James was no better as a sick feeling overcame him and a sour taste coated the back of his throat. The doctor arrived, indicating where to lay her. Bradley's wolf didn't want to let her go, but James laid a hand on his shoulder, "Please, let my doctor tend to her. She's bleeding and we need to stop it." Bradley nodded and released his mate. The doctor fussed over her, looking at her pupils and checking her breathing. Calling for his assistant, he shooed both men out of the room. Bradley leaned back against a wall. He could feel himself starting to heal. A shy woman held out a pair of shorts to him, and he put it on. James did the same.

Clearing his throat, James spoke. "I know you can't stand me, but we need to put things aside for now. If you like, you can send for your doctor to take a look at her, if that would ease your mind. I think having another opinion on her condition will ease us both." Bradley nodded and limped outside. He motioned for Sam and asked him to call Lorenzo over. Sam lifted one side of his lips, "He's already here. Thought he would be needed, but not for this." Bradley sighed, feeling like his world was shaking, maybe cause his legs were. He turned to go back in. Pausing, he half turned, "I think you should let Samuel know and ask him to come over as well. I think having him here will also help Trishanna." Sam just pinched his lips and gave a quick nod. Now wasn't the time to tell him that Sammy was already on his way.

Bradley made his way back to Trishanna's room finding James in the same place he left him. He leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, arms on his knees, fingers raking through his hair. Some gave him a bottle of water and he sipped it, not trusting his stomach to behave. James sat on a chair a few meters away. Both men had a clear view of Trishanna's door without crowding in front of it. Someone passed with an ultrasound machine. When the door was opened, they could see the doctor moving around, but it didn't look like she regained consciousness. 

Lorenzo appeared a few minutes later, rushing over to his Alpha and checking his wounds. Most were almost healed, the nastiest one being on his neck. Thankfully the bleeding had stopped. Bradley waved his off, growling for him to focus on Trishanna. Lorenzo looked to James, and at his nod of approval, he knocked and entered the room.

It was an hour before both men exited the room, heads bowed deep in conversation. Bradley and James jumped up, rushing to them. "Alphas please calm down. The young lady is stable and resting now. We gave her a slight sedative so she could rest. We were also able to stop the bleeding and the ultrasound showed no major harm to the little one." James and Bradley both sighed in relief, feeling like they could finally breathe again. Lorenzo spoke, "I think that you both should get cleaned up, you look like death warmed over and when the patient wakes, I'm sure she wouldn't like to see you looking like that."

James nodded and turned, waving for Bradley to follow him. Whether he liked it or not, his enemy was now his guest. Bradley paused; his brows furrowed. "Um doctors, do you know what or why my mate got like this?" He saw the way James' fist clenched when he said 'my mate' but he didn't care. Right now, all that mattered was Trishanna and the pup being well. Lorenzo looked at his older colleague, "Gentlemen, Trishanna was exposed to too much negative stimulant that caused her heart rate and blood pressure to go up very quickly. To put it simply seeing her mate and the father of her child fight to the death made her very stressed.

"Now, I'm not a relationship expert, nor am I trying to be, but I think that you both need to find another way to sort out the situation or come to a mutual point, at least until the pup is born." He turned to Lorenzo, "Doctor, if you will join me in my office so we can continue our discussion on our patient's care" and walked down the corridor, Lorenzo trailing behind him. James and Bradley looked at each other. What the doctor said was a hard pill to swallow, but what other choice did they have?