Chapter 57

Bradley's paws pounded on the forest floor, his presence sending animals scurrying for safety. He had one thing on his mind, getting rid of his biggest problem. Everything would be fine if Alpha James just disappeared. Huffing, he paused, sniffing before changing directions slightly. He could feel someone, probably Sam, pushing against his mind, trying to link him, but his wolf refused to be denied any longer. Blocking out all attempts, he pushed forward, determined to end James once and for all. 

Soon he crossed the border and prepared himself for war. He quickly ran past the few measly warriors that were stationed, their look of surprise making his wolf smile. He knew that they were weak. He headed straight for the pack house. When he got there, James was outside, waiting for him. It looked like someone warned him, but that made no difference to Bradley. He came to a stop, a growl ripping from his throat. "I've come for what is mine," James smirked, slowly undressing. He had been training earnestly since he knew that this fight was going to happen sooner or later. Some of Bloodmoon warriors came to defend, but James waved them off. This was a fight between the two of them.

James shifted into his wolf and they both circled each other before lunging. Bradley wasted no time and aimed for James' throat, wanting to be done, but James sensing his desperation, evaded the attack, and countered. The fight continued, not stopping even when Gooldmoon warriors arrived. The snarls and snapping of teeth could be heard as both packs watched with bated breath. They clawed at each other and soon drops of blood coated their fur and the ground.

Trishanna was taking a nap when she was awoken by a familiar feeling. Her heart raced and her skin tingled like whenever Bradley was close. She sat up and looked around. She was surprised to see two women in her room. How long have they been there? "What's going on?" she asked, as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. The two exchanged a glance before one of them spoke. "Nothing dear, Alpha Bradley just wanted to let you know that he's busy at the moment so he didn't want you feeling bored or lonely when you woke." Trishanna frowned, that was weird, James always made time for her. Maybe something urgent came up, but she could entertain herself. She surely didn't need to be babysat. 

A sound came from outside and she stood to peep through the curtains. Why were they closed anyway? The two women rushed to block her. Smiling the other one spoke, "Why don't we visit the library? Alpha got some new books brought in this week. He even found the author you liked." Something was up and whatever it was had to do with what was taking place outside. Was Bradley here? Did he find a way for her to leave? She wanted to check for herself, but the women looked like they would hog-tie her if she didn't comply. Sighing, she nodded, "Okay, let's check out those books."

As they made their way downstairs, a painful howl rent the air. Trishanna never heard it before but she could feel her heart break with the sound. She needed to get outside to see what was taking place. Maybe it would be easier to escape from one than from two? Pausing, she rubbed her belly, "Would it be okay if I had something to snack on while I read?" They exchanged glances again. "What would you like?" Trishanna cupped her chin, "I think the little one is craving some cookies and milk." A sigh escaped them. This was easy to get and Alpha James instructed them to keep her happy and inside. The younger of the two went off to the kitchen and Trishanna counted to five before she pushed the older woman and raced to the front door.

Pulling it open, she took the steps and headed to where she could now clearly hear the sounds of fighting taking place, all while the woman tried to pull her back inside to no avail. Rounding the corner, she noticed a crowd gathered. Trishanna pushed her way through until she could clearly see two wolves battling to the death. No one tried to stop them. As she stared, she recognized them from the last fight they had. She could see that James was wounded, but Bradley was even more injured, a deep bite wound close to his jugular. The extreme blood loss was making him slower and James was taking advantage of it.

Trishanna screamed, falling to her knees, fear and pain ripping through her. The sound made everyone freeze turning to her. She screamed again, another pain slicing through her. She held her stomach and knew that something was seriously wrong. She felt a warm, wet stickiness trickle down her inner thighs and knew without having to see that it was blood. Before she passed out, she saw Bradly and James shift back into their human forms, covered with blood running towards her. The fear in their eyes made her realize that maybe, just maybe, they're not that different at all. That was her last thought before the world went dark.