bad feeling

Chapter 27 (Andrew's POV)


My voice rang across the room at the police station, while all the eyes were aimed my way.

"Andrew, don't shout and give us time! We can't do our job with you shouting at us."

I knew Knox had a point, but I didn't care. They were looking at supposedly bought ticket in Vicky's name.

But I didn't believe for one second she would leave in the middle of the night without goodbye or anything. 

Also all her things were still at my place.

And my gut was yelling at me that something was seriously wrong.

"If you want to check that ticket at least listen to me and check if she boarded that freaking plane god damn it!"

Knox sight exasperatedly at my words but still he took his phone and started dialling.

After a few seconds I could hear the line getting connected.

"Hello ma'am. Police officer Knox here. I would need you to check some information for me. A woman named Vicky Dobnik was supposed to board a plane this morning from Scotland to Slovenia. Could you check it for me?" 

He was nodding his head and few yes's and no's were said on his site.

I could feel my hands getting sweaty.

All these minutes were time I was starting to think Vicky didn't have.

"Are you sure? Yes yes. Ok. Thank you very much. You were really helpful."

As he hung up the phone and lifted his eyes to me I could see worry in his eyes and I was sure nothing good would come out of his mouth, at the same time I knew I was right. Vicky never left the country. And only a second later my fear was confirmed.

"Vicky didn't board the plane and also my co-worker just sent me a text that no camera spotted her at the airport. So now we have a new problem. Where could she be?"

"I was telling you that since the moment I found my house empty! I've told you something is wrong but no you had to lose time that Vicky maybe doesn't have! What if she is kidnapped? I've told you all her things are still at my place! Does that not make you even a bit suspicious??"

I was shouting once again but I didn't care. I wanted them to find her.

"I know Andrew, but I need to go by the protocol, because if I won't and someone did kidnap her, the one that's behind it could get away without punishment."

I tried taking some deep breaths so I could calm down.

I knew Knox was right, but I was worried.

My gut was still telling me something was seriously wrong.

"Did your guys find any signs of break in or tires or anything around my house?"

"Give me a second and I'll check with them."

He took his phone once more and made the call. After a few minutes he hung up and turned my way.

"There were no signs of break in, but you did say your door was unlocked in the morning and we both know you never forget to lock your doors in the evenings. On the other hand they did find some tire tracks in front of that house that has been empty for a few weeks now. So that does look suspicious, but sadly we don't have any cameras in that part."

I was thinking who could be a suspect because the more  evidence we found, the more possible the kidnap option was.

Then suddenly I remembered something.

"Wait. Didn't you say Rick was at my house yesterday when Shawna attacked Vicky?" 

Knox was quiet for a few seconds and then he slowly replayed, like he was thinking really hard.

"Yes, Marge said he was there as well. But when I arrived he was nowhere in sight. I thought he ran away, but now that I think better about it… I never had him for a coward. He always was a sneaky bastard. What are you thinking?"

I thought for a second, but I didn't have to think long.

"Didn't you yourself say she messed with a dangerous person when she broke his nose? What if he didn't leave my house? What if he was planning something like this from the moment she broke his nose? He could hide inside my house before you arrived and attacked once everyone was asleep. That would also explain the unlocked door in the morning and those tire tracks a few houses down the street don't you think?"

Knox was deep in thought for a few seconds before he answered.

"You have a few valid points there. But if you are right we shouldn't jump to conclusions. We need to tread water carefully in this case. But also we need to find answers fast. So let's do it like this. We call him in for questioning about yesterday. Acting like nothing is wrong. We will say Vicky came here this morning and gave a statement about Shawna's attack, and then fingers crossed, if he did kidnap her he would give himself away. You in?"

I just nodded my head. 

I couldn't help but feel he was behind it all.

I just hope I won't be too late and that bastards will manage to hurt her in any way already.