
Chapter 28 (Vicky's POV)

I had no idea how long I am locked inside this weird house.

Rick came around 2 more times, always with his psycho behaviour.

Each time he came around cold chills run down my spine and I was more on edge each time he left.

I was able to almost free my wrists by this point, but I had to be carefull.

If Rick would find out I was trying to free myself I'd rather not experience his wrath.

Already I received a slap each time I turned my head from his kiss.

My cheeks were swollen and hurt like hell but as ling as I didn't free myself there was nothing I could do.

The only thing that asshole gave me was water and I was starting to get hungry.

So I was guessing I was locked inside for a bit more than a day. Even thought to be honest I don't remember night time.

It was possible also drugs made a huge impact on me because so far I didn't manage to stay awake for long periods of time.

It was a while since Rick left and I suspected he won't be back for a while as well.

So it was time for my mission "free myself" to continue.

I was almost done. I just needed a few more tugs and I would be free.

I thought about Amy and thinking about her filled me with new power.

I had to get free sooner rather than later so I can see and hug my little princess again.

I missed Andrew as well.

I didn't believe he would fall for Rick's plan but who knows what that bastard had all planned. Maybe he did believe and in that case I was alone in my mission.

Once more life thought me not to depend on anyone but myself.

One more fierce tug and I was finally free from my bounds.

I had to get out before Rick would decide to pay me another visit.

I stood on shaky legs and slowly made my way to the doors.

I was just hoping it wasn't locked.

To my reliefe it was just closed.

I didn't have time to observe my surroundings but still I managed to see no other place in the house was kept clean. It was dark, untidy and dusty. So I guess this location has been abandoned for a long time before Rick brought me here.

But that was nit relevant.

I had to escape.

When I emerged from the house I realized it was probably an early morning, because there was not much light, and I was in the middle of the forest.

I had no idea where to go, but I didn't really care. Sooner or later I would come across some civilization and I would look for help than.

I looked around and found a bit faded tire tracks, so I decided to go in the same direction as the tracks went but not really close to them just in case Rick decides to come back anytime soon.

I was walking for some time. My mind was full of things and I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't see head lights coming my way until it was too late.

Car in question stoped and out from it emerged Rick.

My heart fell at the sight of him.

Even though I was hidden I could tell he spotted me.

Why else would he stop a few feet away from me.

"You little b***h you. You thought you could escape from me? I guess I was not carefull enough. And now my little mouse wants to play hide and seek. Ok. I will give you, hmmm, let's see. 10 seconds? Than I'll come after you. Let's start. One…two…three…"

I didn't lose anymore precious time but started running.

I have no idea where I got my power from, but I got it and that's all that mattered.

But thinking how confident he was, my suspicion was that civilization was still far away.

I didn't care. All I cared was that I wasn't going back into his captivity.

I was a captive for years to my ex, I wasn't about to be a captive to an asshole.

I ran as fast as I could buz I could still hear Rick counting in the distance.

By the time he hit 10 I could hear he was shoutting but I still wanted a bigger distance between us.

"Come on Vicky, you can do it!" 

I was trying to run as fast as I could through the forest without tripping.

"You can run, but you can't hide little mice. There's still miles to the first house and no one is awake at this hour so you won't get any help."

Dread was creeping inside my heart at his words.

But I wasn't giving up.

Not so easily at least.

And I wasn't stopping either.

It was live or death sittuation.

You can say I was literally running for my life.

And defeat was not an option.