Weird point of view

Chapter 30 (Andrew's POV)

Knox had Rick safely handcuffed but I still didn't trust that bastard.

I was sure he would try something.

It was a well known fact in our town that both he and Shawna were a bit on the crazy side.

I just wished I had listened to those rumors before I got tangled with that she-devil.

But still I couldn't completely regret my decisions, because at the end of the day, I still had Amy. And she was my world.

But it became clear, she couldn't come close to her own mother and uncle ever again.

They both were bat shit crazy, even though Rick was worse.

To hurt someone as sweet as Vicky in such a horrible way was unforgiving in my book.

If you asked me he deserved to die a slow painful death.

But unfortunately my best friend was a cop so I had to follow the law.

We took him back to the station and I was biting my tongue all the way back so as not to give Rick the satisfaction of knowing he got to me.

But all bets were off once we reached the station.

Once he was in the interrogation room he looked towards the one sided glass, as if he knew I was standing there and he slowly told Knox everything.

"You know, I liked that little bitch. She would be good wife material. But later when she broke my nose I realized she is too feisty for that. I need an obedient wife. She shouldn't have so many opinions on everything. She needs to learn when to shut up. So I decided I can still have some fun with her, even if it turns out she can't be taught to be obedient. So yes I took her, but I could see it in her eyes, how she was taunting me. She wanted me just as badly you know. She was willing to give herself to me but you two idiots disrupted us."

I was literally pinching myself to see if I was only sleeping. Because his words sounded like my mind made them up.

How can anyone be so fucked up in the head to believe such words?

I could see even Knox had a hard time composing his policeman appearance.

"So what you're saying is that she was begging you to kidnap her? Help me out with just one thing. If she wanted you so badly, why did you cut her so many times? She sustained major injuries and lost a lot of blood. At this point it is still possible you could be charged for murder and not just attempted murder."

Rick's eyes widened in horror at Knox's words.

"You don't get it. She wanted me but she was trying to rile me up. I know she likes it hard. So I was just trying to give her what she wanted. Unfortunately things got a little out of hand, but I didn't hurt her intentionally. It was all just for her satisfaction. "

At this point I've heard enough. My blood was boiling and I charged inside the interrogation room with clear intentions to strangle that moron.

As soon as he was in my reach my hands were wrapped around his throat.

"You bastard! Her life is on the line and you are still wrapped in your deranged mind and you can't even see what you did to her! You deserve to die and believe me, if she dies, you will too."

"Let him go Andrew! He is not worth it! Go to the hospital and check up on Vicky! Now!"

Strong hands were pulling us apart and I let go of Rick reluctantly.

He was breathing hard but he still managed to laugh at my face.

"Does it hurt knowing your little bitch is just another slut that used you? I bet it does."

Thank God for Knox who was pushing me out of the interrogation room or I would be on Rick's seat soon. Because my mind was focused on murdering him at the moment.

Once we were out Knox locked the door behind us and pulled me out of the police station completely.

"You need to keep calm. You won't do any favor to yourself or to Vicky by being hot headed. Go check up on your girl and call Marge with an update as well. Once I'm done with this scumbag I'll find you in the hospital ok?"

I nodded reluctantly and gave my brother one last back slap before I was out of there.

I chose to get to the hospital by foot to clear my head.

Vicky needed me to be strong and keep a calm head on my shoulders.

And I was determined to do it.

I could succeed.

I could do anything.

For Vicky I could and I would.