Shocking news

Chapter 31 (Vicky's POV)

I woke up to the beeping sounds all around me. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids felt heavy.

But I didn't give up. I tried a bit harder and after a few tries I managed to open my eyes a little.

But the blinding light shocked me.

I needed a few blinks before my vision focused on my surroundings.

I looked around and realized I was in a hospital.

And there on the chair beside my bed was Andrew.

He looked exhausted even though he was sleeping.

He had huge dark circles under his eyes but that did nothing to hide his beauty.

He was still the most manly and beautiful person in my eyes.

After a few seconds a realization came back to me.

Wait. I was in a hospital. Why was I in the hospital?

I tried to think of the last thing I could remember.

Few pieces came back to me and they were not pleasant at all.

Forest, running, Rick chasing me, him catching me and cutting me with a knife.

The beeping sounds suddenly escalated and I realized it was my heart monitor.

And the realization of past events upset me so much that the monitor was going crazy.

Andrew suddenly jumped from his spot beside my bed and his speed caught me by surprise, making me scream.

He looked my way and when he saw I was awake he was by my side in a second.

"You're awake. Damn woman you gave me a heart attack. I didn't know if I would ever see those beautiful green eyes look at me again."

The moment he finished his sentence his lips were on mine.

I returned the kiss with the same passion as he gave it.

I was so glad he was the first thing I saw when I woke up.

But the kiss was over too fast because hospital staff came into my room sending Andrew out so they could check my vitals.

After a few minutes they left the room but soon a doctor came in.

"Hello miss. Nice to see you finally regained consciousness. You were out for a week. Now as your nurses said you have your memory intact is that correct?"

"Yes doctor. I remember everything till the second I lose my consciousness."

Doctor's cheeks reddened at my comment even though I didn't realize right away why that was.

"I am sorry. I'm doctor Langdon. And I will be your personal doctor till the day you are discharged home. Now to continue. You had a few broken ribs, which are heeling ok. Your arms and legs were cut pretty badly, but we managed to stitch together the worst ones and cover the others. You will be in quite some pain for a few more days but you just let us know and we will make sure to give you something that won't endanger your state at the moment. Everything else looks ok, judging by today's chart. Do you have any questions?"

All together there was a lot of information, but mostly I understood what the doctor said. There was only one thing that was nagging at me.

"You said in my state. What state? Is something wrong with me?"

His eyes widened at my question but still he answered me.

"I am sorry miss. I thought you knew. You are pregnant. Your baby luckily didn't suffer any damage in the attack you suffered. It's still early days though. You are only a few weeks pregnant, so you need to be carefull."

I was shocked.

Pregnant? But how?

Before coming to Scotland I didn't have sex in months at least, and we always used confoms with Andrew…But than I remembered. There was that one time.

Oh shit!

I was pregnant with Andrew!

But he couldn't know!

He would think I am the same as Shawna and that I want to trap him into a relationship.

"Doctor. Could I ask you for a favour? Please don't tell my partner. I would like to tell him once I am discharged home. Could you do that for me?"

"Sure, no worries. No one from our staff will say anything to him. You just make sure to get some much needed rest in the next few days."

I nodded at him and he excused himself.

And I was alone with my thoughts but in the next moment Andrew was back by my side.

"Is everything ok? You look lost in thoughts. Did something happen? Are you not healing well? What is it? "

I could see Andrew was starting to panic so I took his hand fast and forced a smile on my lips.

I couldn't let him see my distress.

There's no way I could tell him I'm pregnant without losing him.

And I can't lose him.

I would just have to fool him until I get discharged and can board a plane back home.

Then things can go back to normal.

In case we stay in contact I would just need to hide my stomach on calls.

But I still had time to think that through.

"Calm down darling. Everything is ok. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact someone can be so evil and crazy as Rick is. I will get over it. I just need some time to work through things."

"No worries love. I will be by your side every step of the way. I promise. And you don't have to worry about Rick. He is locked up at the police station until you get better and you can give a proper statement."

I just smiled at him, because the only thing I could think of but couldn't say was : no love you won't be. But I will still love you. Now even more than before.