past is knocking on your door

Chapter 38 (Vicky's POV)

Ok I just need to breathe.

Stress is not good for my Beanie.

I worked on calming myself down, but just a few minutes later Jessy was back with my medicine and something else.

I looked intently at her right hand in which she held a huge bucket of flowers.

"Where did you get those?"

"Oh you mean the flowers? They were in front of your door. To be precise they were hanging from a tiny thread from the ceiling in front of your doors. It says "Vicky" on the card so I brought them in. I can't believe you get a hater and an admirer in one day."

I knew she was joking but I had a bad feeling about those flowers.

They were yellow roses.

And the meaning behind those roses was jealousy.

And if my mother taught me anything, it was that I needed to read between the lines.

"Give me those roses. I want to read the card."

I took roses from her with shaky hands.

I opened the card and what awaited me inside drained all my blood from my face.

Dear Vicky.

You look pretty, when I watch you from afar,

But make no mistakes, you still are mine.

You need to take care of that devil seed you carry,

So we can continue where we left and get married.

If you won't obey my orders

To you the same will happen as it did to flowers.

With all my love 

Yours one and only x

No. No. No. No!

It can't be true!

He can't be back in my life!

Jessy was suddenly in front of my face.

"Vicky. Listen to me. You need to breathe. Do it for me babes. One in, one out. In through the nose, out through the mouth."

She repeated the mantra until I was at least a little relaxed.

"Now tell me what's going on."

I looked at her with wide eyes, fear still coursing through my body.

"It's Nik. He is back. He sent those flowers. The card said he is watching me and that I need to get rid of my Beanie, or I would hang like those flowers did."

My voice was void of all emotions, it felt like a robot was speaking, not me.

Jessy was on her feet in an instant and went rummaging through her bag for something.

"I'm calling the cops, we are giving a statement, and I will call my boss. This is an emergency and I'm not leaving your side, until your parents come back from their trip in a few days. Then you will go live with them, until we find evidence to charge that monster and get him behind bars. This time he won't get away."

"Stop Jessy. You don't need to stay with me. You need to continue your own life, not put it on hold for me."

She just looked at me and raised one eyebrow.

"Watch me darling. Because you are not getting rid of me. The first time he pushed us all away from you, made us believe you don't want to hang with us anymore. But not this time. He is going down like an avalanche down the hill."

I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

She was the spark I needed to feel better instantly.

"Thanks babe. You have no idea what your words mean to me. You are the best."

She came back to my side and gave me a tight hug.

"I've told you. I just got you back in my life. Now we will fight the devil together. Let's make that call so we can have a relaxing day inside afterwards, watching tv and enjoying some food. I am not cooking though. You know I am a disaster in the kitchen."

I knew but I didn't care. I could cook. I was just glad I was not alone at this moment.


A few hours passed before our relaxing day could start, but at least I managed to give a statement and the police officers were kind enough to promise to keep me updated.

It was getting dark outside so I managed to kick myself in the ass to start preparing dinner.

It was going to be something simple.

Hmm let's think.

Suddenly my taste buds watered just thinking about lasagne.

So it was settled.

It wasn't a fast dish but also it was nothing too complicated.

I looked at the clock and was surprised it was almost 9 in the evening already.

Jessy was in the shower so I began preparing dinner.

I was halfway done when Jessy emerged from the bathroom.

"Hey babe can I borrow some clothes from you? I forgot I have no clothes with me."

"Sure. You can take anything. Majority doesn't fit me anymore anyway. And we can go by your house tomorrow to get some clothes for you if you really insist on staying with me."

"I do insist. So yes we can go tomorrow. What smells so good by the way?"

I smiled to myself. I knew I was a pretty good cook but still it felt nice to hear it from time to time.

"Dinner. We are having lasagne today. Even though I think I made enough for a small army. Oh before I forget. You can take some underwear in my drawer as well. It's still new, I bought it before my trip to Scotland, and once I returned I forgot about it. Now my hips are getting bigger so no way will I be able to put size S on my ass."

She laughed at my comment.

"Babe you are still tiny and pregnancy suits you. You are a gorgeous pregnant woman, never doubt that. Give me a second to put on some clothes and I'll be back to set the table. Also I want to know what's going on with Andrew these days. I didn't see you use your phone even once today."

Panic again spiked at me but I stopped it.

"Get dressed and I'll tell you the other drama part of my day."

A quick intake was heard from Jessy before she practically ran to get dressed.

She was back in the kitchen in record time.

"Now spill it. Don't leave me hanging."

I took a deep breath before I dug into my "story".

"You remember what I've told you about Andrew's ex right?" I waited for her nod and then I continued.

"You see she was trying to trap him by getting pregnant. And after Rick kidnaped me I was told in the hospital that I was pregnant. I didn't want to be seen in the same way as her. So I didn't tell Andrew anything about my pregnancy, even in the goodbye letter. And up until today he had no clue. But I made a mistake today. When Nik almost ran me over I texted him and he called. While we were talking I forgot about everything and put my phone on the table and when I stretched my tummy was completely visible. Then I hung up on him real fast and turned off my phone."

When I finally found the courage to look at her she was staring at me with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"You are shitting me right? Who in their right mind would think you want to trap or use someone? I can't believe you hid your pregnancy for 4 whole months! Damn it Vicky. What were you thinking? And what about when Beanie will be born? What would you say?"

I could see she was trying to process it all.

"I didn't think that far ahead. I did plan on telling him. But it just felt like it was never the right time, you know."

"You know I will always support you babe. Nut you need to tell him. Now more than ever. Imagine all the questions that go on and on inside his head right now."

She was right. And a sudden wave of guilt hit me.

"You're right. I'll turn on my phone right after dinner and I will tell him everything."

Suddenly my doorbell rang and my stomach dropped in fear.

"You stay here and I'll go see who is at the door. If it's that asshole we will call the cops right away ok?"

I nodded my head and started wiggling my hands.

After a few seconds she came back with wide eyes, I was ready to grab my phone and call the cops when she whispered.

"There are two gorgeous hunks of man at your door. They are both tall, full of muscles and from what I could see full of tattoos. Also one has a beard."

It can't be right?

I ran to the door and looked through the peephole.

It only took me a second to get my door opened and ran right in the arms of my one and only love.

"Andrew! Knox! What are you guys doing here?"

Andrew pulled me even closer and whispered gently in my ear.

"It's so good to have you back in my arms, love. But you have some explaining to do."

Guess confession will come before dinner.

Well fuck my life.